Thursday, 30 August 2012

Survival of the Fittest?

Poor Darwin, little did his know…
For how long? For how long will the fittest survive?
Does it matter? Shall we live long enough to contract the dozens of diseases which seem to be the predominantly the domain of the old?
BBC News reports that “In 2010, 1.3 million of over 65s had cancer. The figure is predicted to reach 4.1m within 30 years.” Add to it Alzheimer’s, dementia, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, angina pectoris, hypertension, strokes, various other heart diseases, and start thinking. Isn’t nature trying to tell us something?
Think about it. It seems that Nature (capital N, if you will) is telling us that we are doing something wrong.
It used to be that some claimed to be World War II survivors. Then came survivals of massive earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and some other major natural disasters. Now we take a few pills and we call ourselves “cancer survivors”, “liver transplant survivors”, I heard of “car-accident survivors”. Soon we shall hear of “headache or stomach-ache survivors”. Then the name will apply to Asian flue and Syphilis.
Give me a break!
However, with the exception of fairy stories propagated by the Vatican, no one ever was declared a “life survivor”. Not one. There may be a reason for it. If the illustrious scientists extend our death throes for a few extra years, will that really make us happy? Is that what we want from what most call “life”? Our body matures, stops developing by the age somewhere between 18 and 25. After that? Well, after that for a little while we maintain our equilibrium then, first slowly, then faster and faster we advance towards death. It’s a long, often painful, process.
No matter how many trillions of dollars of our money the scientists spend trying to extend the dying process of our bodies—we shall die.
It’s not a question of if only of—when.

Isn’t it time for people to begin thinking of a “different type” of survival? Something that does not involve our slowly dilapidating, gradually incapacitating bodies; our waning memories, our shrinking sight, hearing, muscle tone…
When will people accept that they are immortal? Not their bodies, which are subject to the laws of the physical universe that the scientists are not even beginning to understand, but their real Selves. 

If you'd like to know what might lie in our future try one of my novels from the Winston's Trilogy. It is called Winston's Kingdom


Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Atlas Shrugged as do the Republicans

Let me make one thing quite clear. At heart, I am a republican—but not in a million years would I vote for any of the versions of republicanism that pollute the American expression of the concept today.
The young man aspiring to becoming a VP of the USA is said to be an admirer of Ayn Rand. As a matter of fact, so was Alan Greenspan, the ex-Chairman of the Federal Reserve (the only organization in the US which seems to operate outside the laws of the land) and he hasn’t done the economy much good either. Or so I am told.
So let them take the example from Atlas Shrugged, a novel I would have enjoyed more if it were exactly half its length. Nevertheless, Ayn created a reality she called “Galt’s Gulch”, where the “brains of the world” (i.e. of the USA), built a town protected from the ungodly eyes of the masses by a “ray screen” of invisibility. There they, the (principally business or financial) brains, patted each other on the back, telling themselves how magnificent they were, how marvelous it was to be protected and apart from the working classes. A little like a “Gated Conclave” of the rich in Florida.

I have a suggestion.
Let the rich, the 0.001% of Americans, use their untold billions (trillions?) of private money they’d accumulated to buy an island, somewhere, anywhere, and follow Any Rand’s solution. Let them create a “Mitt Gulch” or a “Ryan Gulch” and protect it with whatever means they want. I promise not to come near it. Let them stew in their own fat.
There would be but one condition. Only the rich would be allowed on the shores of the Mitt/Ryan Gulch. No one whose hands were ever soiled by an honest day’s work would be allowed to join the “chosen few”. Oh my—this sounds almost biblical, which is just as well. The present day republicans love to misrepresent the Bible.  (“Don’t love your enemies, kill them instead. You make more money that way.”) Let them enjoy their hidden Atlantis. And good riddance.

I give them about a month.
Then they would beg for the “workers” to come and be exploited by them. For minimum wage, of course. They would prove, once and for all, that Daniel Defoe was right:  that “No man is an island unto himself”. No matter how rich. 

PS. You might want to try my version of Atlas Shrugged, the Headless World, which at least offers a lasting solution. You might enjoy it. 

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Nightmares a Foretaste of Tomorrow

Each time a man or a woman draws a gun on TV—in entertainment—they diminish our concept of the value of biological life. They diminish the value of the greatest gift the omnipresent consciousness evolved for us. They diminish our concept of becoming to meaningless entertainment.
The universal law holds that ignorance of law is no excuse for breaking it. Hence nightmares.
Nothing is eternal except consciousness. It is intangible and thus it cannot be destroyed. Nevertheless, people who diminish the incredible gifts that the benevolent universe has showered on us are likely to be subject of aeons of nightmares. Real or imagined killers, for whatever reason, will face ongoing nightmares of their own making. This fact should be enough to stop killing.
Because we still don’t understand the concept of true reality. The fact that an actor pretends to kill a human body is of little consequence. It’s what it does to our minds, to our state of consciousness that matters. Pretending to kill is as deadly to the purpose of biological life as physical death itself. What matters is not what happens to our bodies, but to our minds. And those seem to enjoy death.
And death, mental death, plunges us into stasis.

But… let’s face it, not many believe such contentions; and this in spite of thousands who have already experienced the foretaste of nightmares in their sleepless nights.
We like to pretend to kill people, on TV or in the movies. It’s such fun, isn’t it? After all, as Arnold Schwarzenegger once explained, “it’s just pretending”.
Well, in heaven that’s all there is. ‘Pretending’ is the only game in town: the only reality. Whatever is in our consciousness becomes our reality. And that includes wholesale murder, no matter how entertaining.
The problem is, again, that we cannot kill our consciousness. If we enjoy murder, crime, stealing, rape, perversions, and so on, and so forth, all these experiences become anchored in our subconscious. And later, after we leave our body, there is only one reality. The reality that we have created while enjoying all those juicy, bloody tidbits on TV. Sooner or later we shall learn that whatever we store in your subconscious becomes very real in our future. As Yeshûa said, “the father judges no man.” We do a great job of it ourselves. We are the sole judges of our actions. We alone bear the consequences.

And we are immortal. Future will last a very long time. And whatever we see on TV, is recorded, forever, in your subconscious. Be it heaven or… hell.
Our salvation does not lie in the words of any preacher but in our own, personal, convenient, remote control. We can either use it or pay the piper. No matter who blows pipes—angels or devils.
It’s our choice.

Friday, 24 August 2012

The Brain—a 100 billion-neuron puzzle?

I had the pleasure of listening to a Charlie Rose program, which displayed the opinions of learned doctors, including a Nobel laureate, analyzing the workings of the brain. Charlie is good. He managed to put together a team of people who in smiling unison chose to present an abundance of ‘what’, but not a single ‘why’.
Just imagine. A group of distinguished specialists in the field of neurology, with a good dose of Ph.D.’s, all sharing with us their years of study, years of research delving into the mystery of our brain.
The human brain. The same structure as the brains of other mammals, a bit larger (of course, elephants leave us far, far behind), more convoluted perhaps? We have larger bodies than most primates; hence we need a larger, more complex operating system. Squashed in our skulls are 80 to 120 billion neurons. The learned doctors didn’t really know. Perhaps a few more billions of dollars for research and they will buy an abacus to find out. 
It is a very complex structure, they said. Very complex. The most important part, the cerebral cortex, takes care of executive functions such as self-control (this doesn’t work so well for me), planning, reasoning, and abstract thought (these don’t seem to work for most other people). The scientists even know which parts are connected to which specific roles, such as languages, or seeing, and listening, and even remembering, though they weren’t quite sure about that last one.
“It’s sort of flexible. Malleable? Adaptive?” they marveled.
Marvelous, they all agreed. So did I. The most marvelous, complex biological computer. It’s all there. It does everything… we don’t know how, yet, but, well, let’s face it, we only got down to it, in earnest, about thirty years ago, when we could peek inside. When we could observe what’s there. When we could scan the neurons.
“Give us more money and you’ll see what else we can do. It’s expensive, you know,” they agreed in unison. “Very expensive.” 

I listened spellbound. For an hour.
Let me explain.
In all this time not one, not a single one of the learned scientists—not even the Nobel Laureate—even suggested, even implied, never mind asked—who is the operator of this magnificent computer? Who operates the cerebral cortex? Who gives it instructions what to think, what to work on, and when?
I prefer not to ask. After all, we have ten times as many viruses in our body as we have cells. Who can tell who gives the brain instructions? They sounded like a group of technicians discussing how the engine of the $10 million Formula One racing car had won the race—not once mentioning the driver.
Still, someone or something must give instructions. 
Judging by Charlie’s program, it couldn’t have been any of his illustrious guests. They only looked at the results, never bothered about the cause. Otherwise, surely, wouldn’t someone have asked?  
Surely, they all must have suffered from some DELUSIONS

Wednesday, 22 August 2012


Nothing, absolutely nothing, can exist in ‘heaven’ unless it was formed on ‘earth’. Or on any other physical, ‘material’ planets that proliferate the material universes. This is what, unfortunately, Peter had failed to explain to Paul. 
Heaven, like Hell, is nothing more than a state of consciousness. To give it substance, we must create it. It must be created from that which originates in the source of infinite potential, and then split into an illusion of duality. It is the duality that ultimately gives the intangible source a tangible reality, at least in our consciousness, a reality that can be experienced again and again. This is why the master of reality, Yeshûa, is reputed to have said: “I would that you were cold or hot”.
He was advocating duality.
He was referring to the necessity of the material world in which we, the sole-creators of heaven, must live fully, must immerse ourselves in the life of the material universe completely, and live lives filled with new experiences, yet always knowing the none of it is real. What we are really doing is enriching our consciousness. Finally, while immersing ourselves in ‘materiality’, we must never forget that this is not our true home, that here we are merely passers by.

Light is white, yet aren’t all colours contained within it? Dualistic reality is what prisms to do light. The same is true of everything that emerges from the source (you can think of it as the unconscious). Only when split into its infinite diversity can we fully appreciate its richness.
There is another problem. While we are all individualizations of the Omnipresent Consciousness, let us never forget that at a higher level of perception the concept of ‘you’ and ‘I’ tends to diminish, if not actually disappear. This is a little hard to understand, but by making the material reality a ‘better’ place, we enhance the inner reality for everyone. Some say that is the only reason why we were born: to make this a better place. Now we know why.
Nevertheless, each time we enhance the material reality, we enhance our own ‘private’ home (our subconscious) that some call heaven. It is our individualized way of looking at reality that makes the heaven ‘private’. Not the consciousness itself. The riches are available to all, but not all can perceive them.
Does this make things any clearer?
And of one thing we can be quite sure. People who spend endless hours ‘praying’, or, I am sorry to say, who keep running to their churches, are wasting their lives. That is not why they were born.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Within and Without

There is a single most fundamental difference between the 'religious' and "beyond religious" relationship to reality. Those who conform to religions, always externalize the divine. They invariably place their ‘god’ up there, somewhere in the clouds.
This is probably the saddest part of religions. They also assure everyone of the necessity of suffering (Buddha didn’t help in this), of heaven being some nondescript location in the esoteric cosmos, of the existence of eternal hell, or heaven for that matter, and last but not least, assuring everyone that they are all incurable sinners for which their most merciful loving God will punish them with eternal damnation.
I wouldn’t believe in such a horrid god if you paid me, nor would I want to settle for an “ever-after” in a heaven where for all eternity I’d be bored to tears, if only I had eyes to excrete them.
Contrary to all this religious propaganda (sorry padres and madresses), none of the above has anything at all to do with the teaching of the man they call their saviour.  When accused of blasphemy of calling himself the “son of god”, Yeshûa replied simply that all who do the will of god are, by psalmist’s definition, children of god. And, he hastened to assure them, the “scriptures cannot be broken”. I never heard a single priest asserting this truth.
The saviour part comes from Yeshûa’s name, which in Hebrew simply means: “Jah is salvation”. Or, to put it in our lingo, the god within is the only god that can save you. And the god within, it has been established, is I AM.
We have all been bamboozled for 2000 years. Please, please, let us wake up. We are all children of the “most high”, who is not up there, somewhere, but tries hard to be recognized within you and me, within our hearts. The “most high” refers to an elevated state of consciousness, not to the moon or distant planets. Please read the original, not the twisted half-truth perpetrated by career-oriented clergy. And since you and I, are individualized states of consciousness, the “most high” is our ultimate potential.

My mother spent 100 years in her body being a “good Catholic”. She was also a good person, doing good for others. No priest ever told her that the material world was set on automatic, nor that the will within her was the most powerful force in the universe; nor that to leave her body she had to identify with that power within, and that, in fact, this power is divine. No one told her any of that. And I, at the time, didn’t know it either.
She spent the last three years of her ‘life’ flat on her back, periodically in her own excrement. She deserved better.
I once wrote a book about it. It is called The Gate, subtitled “Things my Mother told me”. You’ll find sadness but also humour in it; and an inexplicable smile. Her smile. Yes, she could smile even then.
If you want to avoid her fate, I suggest you read it. It might help. 

Saturday, 18 August 2012

The Mystery of the Subconscious

Our physical body is a direct consequence of knowledge (memories) stored in our subconscious. To put it simply, if we think ‘sick’ long enough, put enough emotion into those thoughts, and encode that thought into our subconscious, we shall get sick. Alternatively, we can tie ourselves emotionally to an idea, good or bad, and watch the consequences develop. We make up what we are.
The good news is that we have the power to realign our memories to correct most, if not all at once, negative inputs with which we may have been born. Your body is made up of between 50 and 100 trillion cells. In addition, we are hosts to 10 times as many viruses and other microorganisms. If you can control the comings and goings of that crowd, you are a better man/woman than I. Hence, the subconscious.
Nevertheless, there are ample examples of how we differ from the physical body we have created. A person who lost a leg, or an arm, or for that matter a loved one, such loss is manifested only in the physical reality. In his or her dreams their body is whole, the loved on is very much alive, and often carries traits much improved from those they displayed while in physical form. Parenthetically, a phantom limb is another good example of this. Basically, in our subconscious we remain whole.[1]
Unless we decide otherwise.
Unless we imbed in our subconscious such infirmities, or losses, so deep that, those deficiencies are experienced in the reality that our subconscious displays. At least for a while.
The ancients Hebrews called the subconscious ‘soul’. At least, that is how the various religions translated the Old Testament word nephesh. As so often with scribes, a lot was lost in the translation. Nephesh is ‘animal soul’, meaning neither more nor less than the subconscious, which we, humans, share with most animals. Certainly with e.g. all mammals, certainly dolphins, and all other fauna which displays conscious ability to remember. After all, as I’d stated many times before, our subconscious is little more than memory storage. Dreams, in turn, are the foretaste of our true, much more permanent reality, the religionists refer to as heaven.
The real you, or I, or anyone, is the immortal, indestructible, unchanging individualization of the Omnipresent Consciousness. It is, as we all know, the I AM. It is the true Self, which enjoys the incredible riches that our subconscious has accumulated over the infinity of time.
Aren’t we lucky?

[1] Please, forgive my bluntness, but neurologists’ attempts at the explanation of these phenomena sound more like mumbo-jumbo than most of what various theologians came up with in their peregrinations.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

The Folly of Good and Evil

There are no such things as good and evil in their own right. These are traits assigned to the imagined states of consciousness, which reside in duality. Traits of the world that is not real; to the material world, which some of us will remember, is predominantly empty space.

Even those who follow primitive religions hold that ‘god’ is omnipresent. How could there be evil? If god is good, then good, too, must be omnipresent. And most people following different religions insist that god is good. Or, some just believe in Omnipresent Universal Benevolence.
Thus evil exists only in our minds, in our imaginations, but it has no tangible reality. Talks about devil or Satan are there to scare the insubordinates of various religions into subservience. But, if god is within us, how can we obey any other authority?
And anyway, an expert in the field, Yeshûa, once said: “The father (god) judges no man”. Ooops! ALL the ‘Christian’ churches, religions, sects missed that one! That’s a mighty big OOOPS!
Will they have to start again? From scratch?
Good only counts if it’s good for us, individually. And usually, it is only good for us if we do ‘good’ for others. A vicious circle?
There is a way out.
 The day we no longer recognize the difference between ‘us’ and ‘them’, we will have arrived. Whatever we do for ‘them’, we do, in fact, for ourselves. Hence “loving your enemy” is a very, very simple manner to achieve this end.

Slowly, yet inexorably, we all advance toward awakening. We are gradually learning who we really are. Once there, once we see the “truth which sets us free”, imagined ‘evil’ looses its raison d’être.
That’s a promise. 

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Olympic Games

A blog, I am told, is a dairy kept 'online'. Ergo Olympics. I like Olympic Games. They bring out the best in people. In about 10,000 people. Perhaps a few more. Then there are the organizers and the volunteers. They all inspire the youths. The rest are the hungers-on, the leaches, feeding off the successes, sometimes even failures, of others. They are the crowds. The masses looking for vicarious pleasure derived from the efforts of others.
They are the faceless. The dead.
I know. Once or twice I was among them.

Yet the moments of victory are still sweet to an outsider. They prove that, given sufficient effort one can conquer the world’s best, one can conquer ones own reticent willingness to sacrifice all to be the best that one can be. Even for a moment. Even once in a lifetime.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that it takes just one’s body, one’s physique to achieve a gold medal. Before you can force your muscles to obey your vision you must see yourself victorious. You must believe that you can do it. That you can be the best. Your faith must be unshakable. Perhaps greater than a grain of mustard seed.
That is how the medals are won. In your heart. You prepare your body as best you can and then you have faith that you can do it. But, not all are like that.

Volleyball used to be one of my favourite sports. No more. Now, a bunch of very tall women spend most of their time patting each other on the back, or buttocks, giving each other high-fives, often high-tens—not at the end of the match but after every point.
I left my TV to wait for a different sport.
An hour later I turned. The match was still on. Must have been—the behaviour of athletes was identical… only this time they were men. Tall, bearded men—patting each other on the back, on buttocks, giving each other high-fives, often high-tens, after every single point.
Girls will be girls, I thought.
On anther channel I found screaming banshees on the tennis court.

And then there were the masses. Having nothing to do, they roared. Why not, they paid for the privilege of seeing the best. And finally there was the closing ceremony. The indescribable noise made by male and female members of dubious species was the final stroke. Some 80,000 of them? Another billion or so, glued to their TV, with volume turned up. The enormous stadium displayed hundreds of performers devoid of any talent, but well suited to the mob, which wanted to be entertained at a manner they were used to. At a level that did not require listening, at which the noise they continuously generated themselves would preclude any semblance of art or music. Mozart is dead—God save the Spice Girls.
They were right. They missed nothing.
There was neither art not music. Just a vulgar, ear-splitting regurgitation of aural and visual noise. The ‘green’ Olympics were covered by a thick layer of smoke generated by the endless forays of fireworks. Children like that. Bedlam. For a moment I thought myself in Pandemonium, in the capital of Hell.
I clicked off my TV.
For a while I enjoyed the bliss of silence. Then, silently, I thanked the 10,000 athletes, the 10,000 supermen and superwomen, for their efforts.
Then I picked up my book.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

The Final Frontier

To paraphrase Cpt. James T. Kirk, sooner or later we must all: “boldly go where few men have gone before.” Actually, we’ve all been there—we just don’t remember. And the Final Frontier is not space. It is Consciousness—endless, infinite, timeless, enchanting state of consciousness. Vaster than space, older than time, more beautiful than cosmos itself.
Consciousness: the realm of the gods.
It is also our ultimate playground. We, all sentient creatures, are created to explore its infinite scope. Within its boundless realm we, individualizations of the Omnipresent Consciousness, can claim our rightful place, to rule over the contribution we’ve made by adding self-awareness to its endless attributes.  Within its scope, we are gods.

In my Essay Beyond Religion I, I outlined three phases through which man goes in order to go “where few men have gone before”. The phases are called the Kindergarten, the School, and finally the University. It is only in phase three that man becomes fully aware to his potential. You might say, he comes alive, or as Buddha would say, he comes awakened. Contrary to popular belief, phase three is not the end but the beginning of life. Real life. Life of the awakened consciousness that resides within us.
When reaching this phase, we embark on our own, individual journey that has been promises us in the Age of Aquarius. We shall henceforth water our own Garden of Allah. For members of other faiths, Allah simply means The God. Perhaps the prophet was referring to the same consciousness which Yeshûa called Jah, pronounced Yah, the poetic form of Yahweh, the Existing One. The I AM THAT I AM. The Self within.

You can find the Essay in Beyond Religion I, available on both Amazon (Kindle), and Smashwords (for practically all the other e-reading instruments). You can decide yourself which phase you have reached. 

Friday, 10 August 2012

Heaven or Hell

I’d already written two essays on the subject of creativity (it deserves a book), but I’ll try to stay under 500 words.
The starting point is that everything already exists in its potential form. It is neither good nor bad, it is equally available to all who seek it. You might call it an inexhaustible building material of reality. In human terms, we’d call this Source the Unconscious, or the Universal Consciousness. In order to ‘create’ something new, all we need do is to bring it out into the subjective reality, then proceed to give it form in order to share it with others—in order to make it objective. But it is our memory storage that will determine whether we shall create heaven or hell from our creative endeavours.
On occasion our bodies have been compared to biological computers. We can compare our conscious and subconscious memories to computer terminology of ROM and RAM. We are, however, much more advanced computers then those we are attempting to construct in our image.
RAM, Random Access Memory, is where our programs which we use all the time are stored. This could be compared to our conscious awareness, where we keep all the useful information for instant recall. We continuously add and alter our memories here, and save them automatically for possible future use. The difference is, however, that everything which our senses (read sensors) perceive is stored at our subliminal level, just in case we might need it. As such, our consciousness can be compared to the Hard Disk.

ROM, Read Only Memory, is where we can add, but cannot alter what is stored there. It can be compared to our subconscious. The data is permanently committed to memory and as such it is what we take with us on vacating our bodies (some call it dying). Once committed to the subconscious, the data cannot be removed, erased, or edited. It is there and we are stuck with it. That is why both heaven and hell have been compared to permanent states of consciousness. Expressions such as “for ever and ever” come to mind, although a single ‘ever’ would probably last just as long.

It bears mentioning that once we vacate our physical enclosures (bodies), the ROM, or the subconscious become available to us as consciousness. All the memories we have stored in all our reincarnations are then available to us as though they all happened just yesterday. Hence, it is of vital importance that we store only such memories as we wish to enjoy for… ever. Once committed to the subconscious they cannot be erased. Under such circumstances the best we can do is to assure that we store an overwhelming preponderance of memories that we wish to spend eternity with. Then we can truly say that we are in heaven.
The alternative has been best put some 2000 years ago:  …whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap”. Or as Newton would say, “To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction”. Oh, and that reminds me, the same applies to actions by women.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012


Let’s face it. If the universe were not saturated with benevolence, then surely, by now, after billions of years, it would have fallen apart. Stars would explode on a regular basis (not just very few and very far between), we, the earth, would have spun out into the eternal coldness of the interstellar void. The roses would no longer be beautiful, nor would be wild flowers where no one can see them, nor would a butterfly carry such gorgeous designs on its wings or a fish, in the depth of the ocean, on its flanks.
Beauty, benevolence, order, harmony, and particularly love, which continue to keep us together, would have disappeared from the earth long ago. Yet they all seem as intrinsic to the nature of the universe even as mother’s love is for her newborn child. And not just a human mother’s. Love seems built into the genetic system of all the biological life forms that makes our relationship to those needing our care automatic.
Perhaps this is what makes us mirrors of the universe; mirrors of the omnipresent benevolence. Let’s face it—if the universal benevolence manages to maintain the universe in good working order, how much more so it knows how to protect us, who seem to have evolved to reflect its traits? No wonder the great avatars of the past advised us to relax, not to worry about tomorrow; to leave everything to unfold itself as it should.
After all, our true nature is not physical at all.
Our consciousness is immortal, indestructible, assured of eternal becoming. To be in harmony with the universe, we must avoid destroying or abusing that which has been given to us freely; and, if we can, to leave this place of our becoming a better place. In the light of the bounty and protection which we receive daily, is that really too much to ask?
Even the air we breathe is free…

How do we reconcile this attitude with building our own heaven (see my earlier blogs)? That’s easy. All we need do is to do our best, and never, never, worry about the outcome. The future is beyond us. We think we control it but we don’t. We must leave the future to the omnipresent benevolence of the universe. A single hurricane, or tornado, or fire, or a meteor, or a deluge, or a dozen other events can destroy all our plans. And if we don’t trust the benevolence of the universe, it just might. Our thoughts are part of the creative process.
Let’s just do the best we can—today. Leave the worrying to the omnipresent benevolence. It is better equipped to handle them.
And now I repeat, is that really too much to ask?

Monday, 6 August 2012

Origins of Material Reality

 Let us pretend that the compendium of knowledge people call the ‘Bible’, which really means ‘the books’, is not a mambo-jumbo compiled for the benefit of people who want to create religions, but rather the sum-total of what the ancient people put together to define reality as they saw it.
Part of their knowledge came from observation, part from inspired ‘thinking’, or ‘listening’, rather as Albert Einstein did when he claimed to have visualized the universal forces as “muscular shapes”.
The first few verses attributed to Moses, in the book referred to as Genesis, is a good example how this happened. I’ll attempt to give the original meaning, before it was distorted by others bent on controlling other people’s minds.
“In the beginning god created heaven and earth”.
The word ‘god’, in Hebrew “objects of worship”, is plural. So much for monotheism. In my view (please come up with your own), Moses having no idea how to express his visions was referring to the creation of duality, or the potential for the subconscious and the conscious reality presumably ensuing from the unconscious—from the indefinable “objects of worship”. There was nothing there, (void and without form), but an infinite ocean of the mind—in search of self-awareness?
“And god said let there be light.”
This is where the scientists took off on their own angle. According to Moses, energy preceded matter. No big bang, no special definition of any matter, but energy. Light.
An infinite ocean of a diversity of wavelengths.
Or… you can stick to big bang! One can but wonder what would scientists come up with if they took the biblical premise into their theoretical considerations. Alas, they dismiss the Bible as mambo-jumbo.
For those who read some of my books know that the visible light, which human eye can perceive, is but an infinitesimal part of the totality of light that, even now, permeates the universe. Omnipresent vibrations of massless waves… it begins to sound like the ‘string’ theory.
If we continue to analyze the Bible in a similar way, we shall find that it contains more scientific knowledge than present-day scientists would care to admit.
Parenthetically, I must add that in biblical symbolism, ‘light’ often represents knowledge (as in my novel Alexander, of the Alexander Trilogy). Thus, if you prefer, you can accept the omnipresence of knowledge (consciousness?). Your choice. I doubt this would make the scientists any happier.

This is not a dissertation in defense of the Bible, but an attempt to open the gates to a fount of knowledge lying there, dormant, protected from ‘unholy’ (meaning still dead or un-awakened) eyes, by a veil of symbolism. The same can be said of Esoteric Buddhism by H.P. Blavatsky, who tried to do raise the veil of other sources of knowledge ignored by ‘scientists’ with equal passion.
If we are to free ourselves from the pathological need of priesthood to impose their interpretation of various scriptures on the gullible, mentally lazy people, then we must make an effort. Freedom, as we have learned in recent political events in Iraq, Afghanistan, and all countries undergoing the so-called “Arab Spring”, cannot be imposed but must be earned. The same can be said of mental freedom. My Dictionary of Biblical Symbolism can help in this endeavour. But only if one makes an effort. Otherwise the wisdom of the ancients will remain lost. If anyone does choose to venture upon the road of discovery, they will soon learn that they have taken the first step towards the new era, namely the Age of Aquarius. The beginning of building your own state of consciousness. Your own heaven. As glorious as only you can make it.
Good luck. 

Saturday, 4 August 2012

The Dangers of Ego

So what of our ego, of our personality?
That’s easy. We’re proud of what makes us different, what sets us apart from each other. That’s fine, as long we enrich the reality in which we have our becoming. As long as we make the world a better place. As I wrote some time ago, the world is set on automatic. Within the physical laws of the universe we enjoy free will to do almost anything we want. Only we must make sure we known what the laws of the universe are. The last time I looked the theoretical physicists were still trying to define them.
I don’t blame them. They say the universe has been around (and round and round) for some 14.6 billion years. Give them another 100 years, and they will double that number. Then triple, and so forth. They can only determine the age by what they can see, and, let’s face it, they don’t see much. Not yet. Copernicus and Galileo only began ‘seeing’ a few hundred years ago.
As for defining the ‘final’ size of the universe, I doubt they ever will. As for universal laws, well, the universe is so indescribably huge that there is no reason why there shouldn’t be variations of laws in certain parts of it. And secondly, the universe is in a continuous state of flux. Everything in dualistic (material) reality is subject to unremitting, ongoing change. I don’t mean that the universe is merely expanding, but new galaxies are constantly formed, old ones die, a multitude of Biggish Bangs takes place simultaneously all over the place (they call them supernovae), and the light (photons) proving me right will probably reach us a few million years from now.
In the cosmic vastness of space, no two microseconds are alike. Remember how far light can travel in a single second? You’ve got it—186,000 miles in a single second. Second. Not minute, not hour, but second. And so does every photon in the universe.
So what can our ego do? What can we, who define ourselves as personalities, as men or women proud of what makes us different from each other do?
I repeat, we can do anything we want. After all, isn’t that what we are doing? We are competing with rabbits in a race to overpopulate our planet (and winning). We out-eat pigs, competing for unparalleled universal obesity. We kill, and steal, and do all sorts of unsavory things, against the advise of countless teachers who, over generations, got a glimpse of truth. Yet, they have been ignored. Still are. And our efforts create realities that we shall, one day, call heaven—personal, made to measure, heaven.
Good luck!
And please, let us not expect any help from ‘above’, or wherever we place the omnipresent consciousness, which some of us probably don’t admit exists.
As I said. Physical universe is set on automatic.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

The Straight and Narrow (Part Three, conclusion)

[Please note, to enjoy Part Three, you should read Part One and Two of this blog first].

When we succeed, we not only gain access to the totality of our memories stored in our subconscious, but also we do so in full command of our awareness. We retain not only control of our senses, but such are enhanced beyond any expectations we may have had. We can smell a rose a mile away, touch the clouds… if we so choose.
Furthermore, as our subconscious stores our memories all the way back from our primordial stages when our awareness was limited to that of an amoeba, and through all the evolutionary stages in-between up to our present incarnation… within our ‘heaven’ we can fly, visit the depth of the deepest ocean, and perform all tasks, which only some members of today’s, or yesterday’s, animal kingdom can or could perform. Even distant stars are but a blink away. A ‘fantasy’ based on the above theme is illustrated in my novel NOW—Being & Becoming.
It bears mentioning that within the reality of the subconscious, we enter the realm in which we are beyond limitations of time and space.

So why do we need beta waves that define our physical reality? We must temporarily detach ourselves from heaven to gather new experiences, which will enrich the heaven we’ve created, and continue to create, until we decide that “we need go out no more”. However, I doubt anyone would choose to do so. Surely, those who achieved relative perfection would join us here, on earth, to help us along the way. They did in the past. The Buddhists call them Bodhisattvas.
According to the expert in the field who went under the name of Yeshûa, only the omnipresent consciousness (he referred to as ‘father’) is perfect, and ‘he’ always remains in potential form (“my father is in spirit”). It seems that once an actual definable form is achieved, such is limited by the characteristics of whatever it became. Let us never forget that there are as many heavens as there are conscious beings aware of them. Any creature, any “individualized unit of consciousness”, possessing the subconscious, is building its heaven.
Every creature. Even before it becomes aware of what it is doing. Long before.

The amazing thing is that we can all learn to gain access to this exalted state through this narrow gate. It takes time and practice. And, of course, we have to define our priorities in ‘earthly’ life. If we concentrate solely on material reality, sooner or later we shall have to leave it, and all its trappings, behind. All we take with us is our state of consciousness.
Yet… only a few find it.
What’s even more amazing is that most, the vast majority of us, seem to deny the narrow gate even exists. Never mind the Bible; never mind science; never mind proof of thousands who found it.
 It’s too much effort to learn?
Yet, every single one of us can find it. If we try. If we keep seeking. And… we don’t need any religion to find it. Neither Buddha nor Yeshûa ever went to church, yet, they both found it. We didn’t believe them either. 
Not much has changed in the last few thousand years.