Saturday 29 May 2021


This is a veritable lovefest.  Fifteen Short Stories, some, perhaps, not so short, but all about... you've guessed it!   
    All stories—be they strange, visionary, comforting or enigmatic—are about love. Love of our home, our friends, the Universe, or even of a tropical plant; love of your daughter, or just each other… Of love before we were born, and lonesome love of that which is gone forever. Love of an idea. Or even just love of writing. If you love Love, you’ll love these stories. Love makes us all one. 
    How do I love thee? Let me count the ways... 
    Ah, yes, Elizabeth's question was quite rhetorical. She knew. (1)
     Enough? Some of these stories inspired later novels. Some came to me on waking, or even earlier, when still in a loving if chimerical embrace of Orpheus or perhaps Eurydice. Or it might have been Erato strumming her lyre... she also had something to do with them. Yet of one thing you can be certain, love was by far the greatest inspiration. 

Love is a very enigmatic energy. While the centrifugal energy, fueled by diversity generated by our biological computers, is responsible of the eternal expansion of the Universe, love, the centripetal energy keeps us together. 
    It makes us One.
   And it is by far the most powerful force in the Phenomenal Universe. No matter how many, probably countless, lifeforms throughout the countless planets circling the countless suns through the infinity of space, continue contributing to the expansion of our illusive reality, love still makes us ONE. It draws us into a singularity of Becoming that radiates from the originality of Being.
    E pluribus unum, remember?
    Most people must have forgotten what the expression means. And yet, is, or at least was, the most important factor in temporal success of the most powerful country on Earth. Alas...
    Sic transit gloria mundi...
    Yet love remains. Like all energies, love can metamorphose into countless expression, but it can never be destroyed.
(1) Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Sonnet 43
Paperback or ebook


Friday 28 May 2021


 For some reason, people prefer to suffer, to blame others, fate, government or even God, than to create their own reality. And this in spite of the statement of wise men of thousands of years ago, that we are gods, hence we can create such realities as we want.
    Some years ago I decided to change my reality to such as would please me. It worked. Rather than wait to die to go to heaven (not that I could be sure of avoiding the other less pleasant alternative), I decided to play safe and go to heaven immediately. 
    You may laugh, but it wasn't really my idea.
    A man whom many recognize as God, or at the very least as the Son of God, made a statement that got me going. He said, that "Kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:21) That sounded to me very much like heaven. This mysterious saying set me on a prolonged search. By that I mean not just reading, but I began a daily contemplation in an effort to find the answer.
    Also, quite a few of my books attest to my search.
And then I had it. I concluded that reality is a state of consciousness. Furthermore, that consciousness, like everything else (at least according to Einstein) is an energy. After all, "ALL is energy", he'd said. And if all is all, then heaven must also be a state of consciousness. 
     My search began from scratch.
    And then, quite unexpectedly, it bore fruit. As I mentioned above, I decided to create my own heaven. Right here and now. Perhaps not exactly a "Catholic" heaven of resting forever in a state of dolce far niente, yet, since St.Paul attested to at least three heavens, I decided to make mine based on the concept of Devachan. The theosophical heaven. 
    And you know something, it worked! 
    Worked for me, but what about the rest of you guys and galls? You, from what I'd seen, to approach the taste of heaven, you await a win on a lottery, or some other unexplainable event to take place, while you wait to drop dead and be lifted by angels to heaven. Lifted, as all my friends expect heaven to be up. Up above the clouds?

The other way is outlined in my book below. It not only shares with you how to Create Your Own Reality, but how to make such reality as so far you could only dream of. And dreaming was very much part of it. You had to imagine what you want before you could get it. In other words, you had to visualize it. And to quote Einstein again:

"Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. 
Match the frequency of the reality you want 
and you cannot help but get that reality. 
It can be no other way. 
This is not philosophy. 
This is physics."
    I didn't know this when I wrote the book but I shall forever be grateful to Einstein for having confirmed my suspicions, and also, for confirming the countless examples of the giants of the past, of people who have done that. They visualized what they wanted, or at the very least hoped for, and, lo and behold, it happened. 
    You, too, can do it.
    Trust me.
    I've been in heaven for quite a while now. 
   There is room here for everyone. Won't you join me?

Wednesday 26 May 2021


I know people, who still think that St. Paul is the towering, if not incipient figure in Christianity. TV evangelists and other preachers appear to refer to him, to quote him, to rely on his letters spreading the word, to almost total exclusion of the teaching of the Master whom, he, St. Paul, has never met, yet whom he seemingly claimed to have been the principal promulgator. Alas, there is a sad consequence to this predilection.
    Paul, St. Paul, if you like (after all, in Rome, he earned this title), appears to have forgotten the basic premise of Christianity. The Kingdom, his unknown Master claimed, is not of this world…
    Not so, Paul seems to have said. 
    "I shall build a glorious kingdom in His name right here, on Earth, in this reality..." he might have said. Sadly, we now know that this reality is not real. That it is an illusion. That it is transient and populated by countless people who seem not aware of the Master's teaching.

Nevertheless, in spite of Paul's many misapprehensions, his heart was in the right place. In Rome, under the influence of St. Peter, Paul learned about the folly on his ways. It was too late to edit his writing, but, well, we all make mistakes. After all, years ago, Peter denied knowledge of his Master thrice. Paul, on the way to Damascus found partial enlightenment.

    Yet in Rome, they both found salvation. 

    My book, Peter & Paul, explains it all. Like Paul, I met neither Peter nor Paul. But years of listening to my inner voice opened my eyes to what must have happened. You might disagree, but no one can deny that both, Peter and Paul, in the last moments of their lives, found the truth. Alas, it was too late to correct Paul's errors. Yet they both found immortality — the Kingdom not of this world. It is never too late. 
    Never too late.  
    After all, we are all immortal, remember?
    Perhaps we, too, might follow in their footsteps.


If you choose to read the book, please, do not forget a review. 
Your thoughts are important to me.




Monday 24 May 2021


One man is given a slim chance to save humanity. Putting his life on the line, he ventures into the vastness of space, where he gains access to a reality which reaches beyond his wildest imagination. If he returns to Earth he'd bring back a Gift beyond human understanding. 
    The story is relatively simple.  
    A 243-year young astronaut and a beautiful lieutenant traverse the Void of Cosmos at 85% of the velocity of light. Extraordinary! And then they meet people advanced 150,000 years beyond the human race. You will laugh and you will cry, but most of all, you will be amazed. Perhaps, flabbergasted! It will stretch your imagination to outer limits, and beyond.
    If they manage to return to Earth, they'll be instrumental in the next gigantic step in human evolution! As surprising as it is unexpected. Staggering! Incredible! This book has everything:  love, suspense, mystery, surprise, danger, enigmatic aliens, explanation of ancient myths, and much, much more… 
Why so incredible?  Why surprising? Well, all apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic stories I ever read were invariably based on total, or near total destruction of earthly civilization. Earthquakes, inundations, wars, pandemics, and other cataclysms preceded the survival of the few. It seemed the only way...
    There was a reason for such scenarios.  
   The other writers, visionaries, or prophets(?) did not have the advantage of the knowledge and technology of a civilization advanced by 150,000 beyond ours. And here... not one person lost his of her life!  How? How was it possible?
    Ha, ha!!!
    Read the book and find out! 


There is a lesson here, somewhere. We live in an illusory reality that is based on an intrinsic duality. There is black and white, there is good and evil, there is punishment and reward. Yet all concepts dealing with duality are transient, or as Einstein called them, an illusion. The reality is ONE, although admittedly it consists of the Potential and the Manifested Universe. 
    Yet it is still just one Universe. 
    The potential and the manifested Creative Energy are One. 
    One, inseparable, omnipresent. 
    The Universe is a State of Consciousness, and there is nothing else. Whatever else we experience with our primitive senses is illusory. Our scientists tell us the the whole world is energy, and not matter. 
    Yet this illusory reality is our magnificent, indescribable, if illusory playground, in which we, the Individualizations of the Omnipresent Energy of Creative Consciousness are intended to have fun. Creative fun. Fun enhancing the Phenomenal Universe. Fun adding to Its diversity. Fun in discovering out incredible potential.
    We are immortal, remember?
A few blurbs from 5-star reviews:
Awakened Sci-Fi!
Thrilling and Enlightening!
Raising the bar of Science Fiction!
Captivating and Exciting Science Fiction!
Science Fiction with a philosophical message!









Most of us appear to have made a great mistake. We assumed that since Adam and Eve got kicked out of Eden, so we must also suffer. Not so. Not only Yeshûa assured us that "Kingdom of God (i.e. Heaven) is within you," (Luke17:20-21), namely within you and me. Of course, Heaven, as any other reality, is a state of Consciousness. And, we now know, that we and no one else, create our reality.
    And there is more...
    While "Adam and Eve's" egos led them to reject guidance from the Source Energy (the Tree of Life), they had chosen the Tree of "Knowledge of Good and Evil". The whole Bible is a compendium of knowledge protected by elaborate symbolism. We now know that that our predecessors have reached the evolutionary stage wherein the consciousness generated by their biological computer (their brain) created an ego that led them to believe that they can be the sole judges of "good and evil". Or, as Einstein put it,  to know of "Thoughts of God". Considering that dear Albert was still struggling to learn what they might be, that must have been an extraordinary show of pride. 
    (The reason for our Ego discussed in other blogs.)
   Unfortunately, to this day, people who claim authority to judge others, to rule over them, to decide for them what is right and what is wrong, suffer from the very same malady which threw Adam and Eve out of Paradise. 
    Inordinate pride. 
   Today, at long last, we reached the Age of Aquarius, during which this malignancy will be reversed. After millions of years people will learn that the "inner voice within them" knows better than those who wield power over them.
    Over us.
    Yes. We are the overwhelming majority.
    And this applies to mental, emotional, political, economical and any other power that we, the vast majority, have lost over the years of devolution since we left Paradise.
To draw our Energy from Tree of Life means no more, yet certainly no less, than to rely on the Source of all life, which is the Omnipresent Creative Energy of Consciousness. The Energy that created the Phenomenal Universe, that created us, that controls the trillions of microorganisms within us, let alone the billions upon billions of atoms that, while being essentially empty space, constitute our "physical" bodies. 
    The Tree of Life symbolizes this Omnipresent Consciousness that is the Source of all life, all beauty; and even the reality of illusion to which we contribute with our artificial intelligence. 
    Yes, we think we have eater of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, yet, one look at the state of the world today denies this supposition. Today, thanks to "Adam and Eve," we are in a mess. 
But not all is lost. There are countless life forms on Earth that conform, to the letter, to the Tree of Life. Flora and fauna did not move a fraction away from the Energy that continues to pulsate in their veins. And this includes our Cats & Dogs (surely, not a Pig?). They are here to teach us about the most powerful Energy in and out of the Phenomenal Universe. The Energy that makes us all One. The energy we call LOVE. Hence, to return to Paradise all we need do is to join our Cats & Dogs. They'll show us the way. 
Ebooks or Paperbacks
 (And there's some poetry there, too.)
Enjoy, they are still in Paradise...
You can join them






Friday 21 May 2021


Those who might benefit from it, perhaps teachers, professors of institutions of higher learning, perhaps politicians and members of religious fraternities, they'll all affirm that their efforts are responsible for the magnificent evolution of man. Evolution that began millions of years ago and continuous unremittingly to this day.
     Not so.
    There is ample evidence as even a few thousand years ago some individuals of the human species were vastly more advanced than we are today. Not just more advanced than the populous at large, but even, if not particularly, than the so called upper classes. 
    The upper crust. 
    That is not to say that we, the human race, have not made enormous advances in technology. In fact, if we continue on the present path, there is a good chance that, reasonably soon, we shall invent,  and construct technological devices, that will make us, their inventors, practically redundant. 
    Some years ago, a well known futurist Ray Kurzweil published a book "Singularity is Near." Broadly, he purports that soon the artificial intelligence invented by man will transcend the intelligence of man himself. 
    Whether he's right or wrong is of little consequence. Whether the "Singularity" is near or well into the future, the fact remains that technological gadgets man invents vastly exceed the evolution of the inherent talents, let alone powers, that are simmering, long forgotten, within man's biological structure.
    The expression "Ye are gods" has been relegated to the aggregation of past superstitions.  

    Indeed, be it ten, hundred or a millennium from now, there is no doubt that man will strive to achieve such technological advancement as to make himself redundant. Machines will think, work, and produce for us all the necessities to maintain our bodies in good health. 

There is a problem with this evolutionary byway. We are more than our bodies. Thousands of years ago there had been individuals, albeit few and far between, who have demonstrated that powers welling within man are beyond anything that we can invent. While the brightest among our scientists are on the right track, having realized that "all is energy", that the physical  universe is an illusion, hence, that our true Self in not our seemingly physical body, the vast majority continue on a gradually devolving track, drifting further and father away from our destiny. 
    Yet, we have ample examples of our true nature. 
   The distant past has demonstrated that we can manipulate the rate of vibrations of the omnipresent energy, metamorphosing it into any illusion of perceptible reality that we choose. 
    Yes, we still call such deeds... miracles.
    Metaphysical miracles?
    And yet, the powers to perform such feats of metamorphosis are dormant within every single one of us. After all, according to latest science, such seemingly miraculous acts do not change physical objects, or cure physical bodies, or move for thousands of miles while remaining in two places at the same time...
    What they do, or can do, is to metamorphose the energy that creates an illusion of our perceptions. That's all they need do. That was all the ancient prophets did, while performing countless feats that their contemporaries, as well as our present retarded humanity recognizes as miracles.
    Somewhere along the way we forgot that we are gods.

All six tiny booklets are available as e-books or as paperbacks.
They are not illusory. They are real.
You can read them!

or directly on Amazon
also on D2D and elsewhere...  


Evolution is a fickle lady. Giuseppe Verdi would have loved her: La donna e mobile, he'd said. She cometh and goeth, often in circles. With luck, circles become cycles. Unfortunately cycles have zeniths and nadirs. On and on and on...
    Little has changed since.
    What the ladies in the past didn't do, at least to my knowledge, was to cover themselves with layers of paint beyond all recognition; pierce their ears, noses, eyebrows and who know what other parts of their anatomy, and generally pretend that they were out of season Christmas trees. But even if they did, their external demeanor did not compare with the power they wielded the world over. 
    Their "within" was more important that their "without".
    Don't get me wrong, I like women to look their best. I like it when a subtle make up adds accent to the charm and beauty which nature bestowed upon the weaker sex. Weaker? Tell that to some ladies I know! But, surely, not beyond all recognition, let alone to detract from their individuality. 
    But, apparently, this is just me.
   Little has changed since Francesco Maria Piave had written those immortal words for Verdi, although they were even older.  They were based on the 1832 play Le roi s'amuse by Victor Hugo.
    Ladies were fickle even then!
    Perhaps we, men, like them that way?
  Once we had a Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, Indira Gandhi, Queen Victoria, Maria Theresa of Austria, Catherine the Great, even the recent Margaret Thatcher, hell... there were dozens of them. Dozens! They wielded power men could only dream about. And yet they were among the few. Yet, even then, they cared how they looked. 
    On the other hand, frankly, the same applies to men.
Yet men do not have that problem. All they needed to do was to stop shaving and, lo and behold, they looked like monkeys. A mere few 5 to 8 million years ago the species diverged into two separate lineages. One of these lineages ultimately evolved into gorillas and chimps, and the other evolved into early human ancestors called hominids.
   And now, with a single act of giving up shaving, men reverted to the look of their predecessors. Only one thing is missing: the intelligence hovering in gorillas' eye. Or chimpanzees'. Or any other monkey. Show me a single man who can survive in the environment in which the simians flourish, thrive and prosper, and I'll withdraw this statement. Millions of years undone with a stroke of a blade. 
    Or... the absence of it. 
What both men and women, or at least many of us, have forgotten is that our external appearance does not define who are. Our power, our incredible potential, indeed, what may be described as divine potential, lies within us, not without. 
    And, luckily for us, the Age of Aquarius is here to revert the present trend. We shall discover that regardless of how we look, what we ARE is more important. In fact, it is ALL that matters. 



Thursday 20 May 2021

CONCLUSIONS—Pragmatic Reality

This might be the first Age, on Earth, during which most of us, perhaps the majority, will slowly but truly step out of the kindergarten. Perhaps not far, but a few steps in the right direction. The Age of Aquarius is intended to make such an progress available to the majority of us, while previously it was, apparently, only available to the Chosen Few. 
    Great prophets, scientists, perhaps healers, composers, artists... come to mind. 
    That is not to say that the vast majority of people will chose to accept the innumerable gifts from the Omnipresent Creative Energy of Consciousness, but the opportunities will be there. The science of today is already preparing man for such a meteoric jump. Let us just mention five items:
          All is indestructible energy,
          Energy differs only by the rate of vibration,
          Rate of vibration can be metamorphosed into different expressions,
          All is illusion,
          And the ancient assurance: Ye are gods.
I place most of my friends at an disadvantage. Knowing that I am energy (Consciousness) and that energy is indestructible, I chose to move to Heaven right here and now. After all, who knows what might happen after we leave our Earthly attire.
    Next, I follow St.Paul's example who, apparently met someone in third heaven, and accepting that there are countless of such realities for our enjoyment, and since we are assured that Heaven is a state of consciousness, I saw no reason why I shouldn't move there right now. 
     After all, if the Phenomenal Universe is eternal, then the Creative Source must be likewise. And the Source is as mentioned above.
    In order not to offend my religious friends I prefer to refer to it as Devachan, which HP Blavatzky (the famous theosophist) assured us, means the "Dwelling of the Gods." (Remember Olympus?) I'd suggest that since the indestructible Creative Consciousness is Omnipresent, we, you and I, and just about everything else is inseparable from the Original Source. 
    The rest you can read in my book, or books, and let me know what your think. I welcome reviews and exchange of thoughts. After all we are all unique, and creative diversity is the name of the game.
     Welcome to my reality.


Wednesday 19 May 2021


Time is an attribute only of the  Phenomenal reality. Here we not only have to deal with day and night, with the cyclic seasons, but even with our phenomenal reincarnations that visit the mega-cycles of the Zodiac. And now we enter a new Age, an Age that will help us to discover the innate talents that are dormant with us. My trilogy endeavors to take us through the dramatic change when one Age ends and another begins.

WALL—Love, Sex, and Immortality. What more would one want? At core, this is a love story between two characters; between human experience and what lies beyond our perceived barriers. There is a heady mix of myth, religion, physics, history, espionage, adventure, romance and philosophy woven throughout a compelling story.
    And then all hell breaks loose!
 PLUTO EFFECT erases the past to make room for new concepts in our Consciousness. The ramifications are grave. The world order is on the brink of total collapse. Those who know about ancient prophecies will escape with their lives. Those who do not, will have to face the consequences.
    This is the most apocalyptic period in human history. 
    Shouldn’t you protect yourself?
Finally, we enter OLYMPUS — Of Gods and Men. This is where only gods dare to tread. Yet, under the aegis of Ambrosia and her family, the chosen few survive apocalyptic global upheavals, caused by reversal of polarity of magnetic poles. As governments and social structures collapse, Ambrosia reaches out for the power  dormant within her.  
    They are stunning!


My books are often complex. They tackle subject that reach out beyond the Phenomenal Realty which Albert Einstein called an illusion. Yet, an illusion that most of us recognize as real. The marriage of those two philosophies requires the reader to accept concepts that are not immediately apparent. However, the science of physics is gradually catching  us with the secret knowledge of the past. Perhaps Grady Harp can cast some light on my problem:

 “…With the progression of the trilogy we better understand Stan’s worldview – which is another way of saying that he has successfully beckoned us into his mysterious, mesmerizing world. That is a sign of a brilliant author, and Stan I.S. Law stands tall in that position.” 
Grady Harp, 
Everything has its cause and effect. I was compelled to write this trilogy by studying the wondrous Few that adorn our history. The Few among the Many there were called, and had chosen to listen to their inner voice. I discovered that we all have the capacity to discover the innate powers within us, that would enable us to join the Few. There are Avatars dwelling deep within our Consciousness, waiting to be reawakened.
    Who know what brilliant gifts are dwelling within you?
    Only you can tell.
    You might even tell us in a review?
A few blurbs from 5-STAR reviews
for individual novels
Amazing! - Exciting! - Illuminating! - Wonderful Reading! 
Perfection!!! - Unbelievable! - Wonderful!!!! - Unforgettable! 
A beautiful continuation! - Book One Brought Me Here! 
Lovely, deep and exciting book! 
A fascinating philosophical novel! - Only the best from Author Stan I.S. Law!
Get ready to think and then be blown away! Third book still has it! - 
A brilliant end to the trilogy! - Captivating and thought-provoking! - 
A Fantastic Conclusion To A Great Trilogy!

See if you agree...


Or you can read them in individual volumes




Monday 17 May 2021


Regardless how we behave, how selfish, greedy or unpleasant we are towards our fellow men, a irrepressible potential of an Avatar dwells within every man and every women. It is not a physical trait. It is an attribute of the Energy of the Individualized Creative Consciousness. We normally refer to this Potential  as our high Self. 
    Anne was a most unlikely candidate to manifest the qualities of an Avatar. Quite the opposite, one might say, if there is such a thing. Actually, there is. We all are. We all manifest an unfulfilled Potential. 
     Hence, the Avatar Trilogy. 
    AVATAR SYNDROME is a mystery... Anne Howell, a troubled, taciturn girl, grows into a world-renowned violinist; from misunderstood recluse, to messiah of a higher truth and beauty. Pain and pleasure, science, talent, and mysticism, combine into a symphony of fame, glory, and enchantment.
    HEADLESS WORLD—The Vatican Incident, pits the traditions and beauty of the Vatican against the cold mechanical might of the American War Machine. The whole world is the playing field. Anne, her husband, Peter; Sir Ian, the affable maestro, Gabriel, the mystical butler; and their new friend, Gio, the powerful Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church unravel the most sinister bid for power the world has ever seen.
    AWAKENING—Event Horizon
 deals with the next gigantic step in Human Evolution. Anne Howell and her group of friends experience the most cataclysmic events in human history. Join them in a most incredible experience that changed their reality. They learn the secret of the Event Horizon, where the centripetal and centrifugal forces remain in perfect balance.  
It seems that we are not all born equal — we carry traits earned by our previous lives. But we are born, or reborn if you will, always with equal, virtually unlimited Potential. The Consciousness of our High Self knows no restrictions imagined or inherited by our Ego. 
    I repeat this sentiment published in the book "The Miracle of Metaphysical Healing", by Evelyn Monahan in 1975, which to this day did not receive its deserved recognition. Had it done so, the present pandemic would not exist. Evelyn Monahan, after 9 years of absolute blindness, healed herself by the power of her own will. What is important to repeat and accept is that the medical profession, employing the knowledge acquired by their conscious minds, did nothing to help her. She accomplished her healing exclusively by the power of her higher Self. The Self that resides within all of us, waiting to be recognized.  Waiting for us to become Avatars.
    Yet, it seems that only Few of us are aware of the latent power within us. Fewer still live by the dictates of our high Self. And even fewer remember the words of the ancient prophet who declared that:
"Ye are gods". That's us. You and me. Good luck.

A few blurbs from 5-STAR reviews :

“Brilliant!” “Excellent!” “Amazing Book!” 
“The Amnesia Machine…” 
“As deadly as it is cathartic. Amazing!”
 “Another stunning book by Stan Law!” 
“An outstanding sequel to The Avatar Syndrome!”
 “Awesome ‘What If’ Timely and Totally Believable!”

Or you can read them as individual novels:

You'll also find my books on D2D or on my website:





We are all assigned unique tasks to perform, but some may take two generations to bear final fruit. The world is a more mysterious reality than we can imagine.
ALEC Baldwin is a dreamer and an adventurer. He’s coming of age. He conquers the unconquerable, visits the unreachable, and sails the seven seas, where
finds his first love. Finally meets his own Self, Sandra, among the stars. Join him for the ride of your life!
    Alec grows up to be Dr. ALEXANDER. He marries his childhood sweetheart, who helps him to become a brilliant physicist. He is determined to unlock the secrets of the Universe. All is well until his journey to the mysterious Machu Picchu. There, at the top of the world of the ancient Incas, Sandra returns to claim her proper place in his life.
     SACHA, Baldwins' son, cuts his own history. He’s obsessed with finding purpose in his life. Finally his mysterious mission is revealed to him. It is as unpredictable as was the life of his father.
Every few thousand years a child is born whose destiny is to reawaken the spirit of man.
 Sacha’s life oscillates between normal, paranormal, and super-normal combining magic, mysticism, and wisdom leading to mysterious self-discovery. 
     Suspense mounts as Sacha discovers his destiny. Then, all Hell breaks loose. Religions of the world unite against him, yet those who oppose him pay the ultimate price. 
    And now, a "gentle selling pitch" from one of my reviewers:
   "Once again, Stan Law, the bestselling author of the first two books of the Alexander Trilogy, takes us on a trip out of this world. The ending of the Trilogy is as earth-shattering as we’ve learned to expect from this author."

Amazing! Astounding! High Stakes! Stan I.S. Law does it again! 
Moving and Memorable Conclusion! A Perfect Way To Wrap Up A Trilogy! 
Fantastic ending to Alexander Trilogy Series!  
Phenomenal Book That Gets You Thinking, Must Read!!
Or you can read them as individual novels

Sunday 16 May 2021


 If it weren't for the Energy of the Omnipresent Creative Consciousness, we would often be stumped to determine if the so-called trials and tribulations meted to us by the exigencies of our lives are blessings or curses. People, (and this includes your truly) enjoy writing about the theoretical contingencies of our philosophical conclusions, but for most people the practical consequences in everyday life might be more convincing. My only recourse was fiction. My Winston Trilogy serves to illustrate the point. 
   Such was the case of Dr. Peter Thornton, a man at the top of his career, who discovered a gift of healing manifesting through his unwilling hands. Such ability as he now possessed seemed in complete opposition, if not denial, of the long years of study of medicine that led to his present position. He found himself unable to practice medicine and, what seemed like witchcraft, at the same time. Hence his promising career seemed in shambles.
     He was torn to decide if he now practiced witchcraft, magic, or... a gift of God.
    As fate (or what I call the Energy of Omnipresent Creative Consciousness) would have it, a beautiful woman and a mysterious majordomo came to Dr. Thornton's help.
    So, why this perfunctory introduction?
    Until we realize that our ego is not the only guiding light in our becoming, we shall, more likely than not, tread water, without advancing on the scale of evolution. 
You might wonder why I reached such conclusions. Well, there are many reasons, not the least of which that the very best "brains" of the human species still regard the Phenomenal Universe as a puzzle beyond human comprehension. Reality, they say, is as yet beyond our ability to even imagine. 
    If we add to this premise that there must be something controlling 40 trillion microorganisms in our bodies, which in turn consists of some seven billion billion billion atoms, and contains at least detectable traces of 60 chemical elements... Finally each and every submicroscopic constituent of our body knows exactly were to be, what to do and when not to do something. Considering all of the above I strongly suspect that there must be something that not only created them but controls their behaviour.
    Or, as  Max Plank, the recipient of Nobel Prize in physics said, “We must assume  behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind.”

    Nevertheless, the matter of listening to the inner voice no matter what one's ego dictates, took a whole Trilogy to explain.  

    The "gift" involved the Doctor in kidnapping, international intrigue, and rapid journeys across Europe.  His spiritual awakening towards self-discovery takes him to the Vatican where, quite unwittingly, he learns how to overcome death itself.
    And that is the purpose of the exercise.
    We can all overcome death.
    Not of our body, but of our Individualized Consciousness.
    And yet, to find the real secret of the trilogy you must read it!


Winston Trilogy

A few blurbs from some 5 STAR reviews:

Exceptional! - Very Impressed! - Wonderful Trilogy! - Mind Bending Read! - 
Surpassed My Expectations! - A Stunning Projection of Man's Destiny! - 
Entrancing, as always with Stan I.S. Law! - 
A Taut Web of suspense and thrillers from a Master!

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