Monday 25 March 2019


This year, I missed St. Valentine’s by a few weeks. No regrets. For us, every day is Saint Valentine’s, regardless of history.
There were a few Valentines.
One was a priest in Rome, the second a bishop of Interamna (now Terni in Italy), and the third, presumably the Saint, was martyred in Africa in 496 AD.. Pope Gelasius substituted St Valentines Day for Feast of Lupercalia, which, heretofore, served to avert evil spirits, purify the city, and release health and fertility. To my knowledge Romans remained healthy and fertile.
None of the three Valentines had anything, absolutely nothing whatsoever, to do with lovers giving each other flowers, chocolates, or ornamental cards.
Does this bother you?
(Me neither)

For me, or us, loving a person is a means of discovering freedom. Most of us are held in the iron shackles of our ego, spending most of our time and effort trying to sate our personal tastes, pleasures, and weaknesses.
Only the magic of love, real love (not sexual hunger), can free us from those fetters which hold us in the iron grip of egoism.
Love releases us from the exigencies of one’s own weaknesses when the other person becomes more important to you than your own life, your own comfort, your own pleasure. Hence, the search for love is:

And such was Marvin Clark. At the outset, he had no idea what release true love can offer. And then, gradually, the elixir of love began to take hold of him.
Marvin Clark, the invisible man, a man as shy as he was retiring, assumed a cloak of invisibility. The only escapes he enjoyed were into the inner worlds of his own making. Then, a beautiful woman entered his drab reality. Suddenly, the protective ramparts Marvin erected so carefully began to crumble. Would she set him free?

A few blurbs from some 5-STAR reviews on Amazon.

I loved it!
Heart Warming!
Profoundly Moving
Beautiful Love Story!
Romance and Self Discovery!
Fantastic characters and story!
A classy read, fresh as they get!
Unlike any love story I've read before!
A Classy and Wonderfully Written Love Story!

And many more…

Let me know if you liked it or, better still, say so on Amazon or wherever you go it.
 Reviews are gratefully appreciated.
Also available on Smashwords


Monday 18 March 2019


The next gigantic step in human evolution!
As surprising as it is unexpected.
Staggering! Incredible!

While most of us measure everything, including  the Universe, in terms of a beginning and the end, reality does not follow such mundane precepts. The Universe, like God, has neither a beginning, nor an end. Likewise, life is not an event. It is a process of Becoming.  Like everything in nature the evolutionary track carries us in cycles, which slowly yet persistently raise our awareness of the omnipresent Consciousness in our individualized souls.
Yet, there are both, beginnings and ends, to every era.
They are not an apocalyptic collapses of human civilization. If fact, not a single building needs to come to ruin. There need be neither  shooting nor murder, no protests of one faction against another. In a way, it may be just the opposite.
And yet…
And yet it may all be over…

One man is given a slim chance to save humanity. Putting his life on the line, he ventures into the vastness of space, where he gains access to a reality which reaches beyond his wildest imagination. If he returns to Earth he might bring back a Gift beyond human understanding.
A 243-year young astronaut and a beautiful lieutenant traverse the Void of Cosmos at 85% of the velocity of light.
They meet ‘people’ advanced 150,000 years beyond the human race.
You will laugh and cry, but most of all, you will be amazed. Perhaps, flabbergasted! It will stretch your imagination to outer limits, and beyond.

Excerpts from sample Reviews:

”…I’ve read sci-fi many times and after reading Gift of Gamman I am compelled to conclude that this author puts both the “sci” and the “fi” in sci-fi, in a highly original way that can’t possibly be duplicated.
From a review by Monica LaSarre (Amazon)


The story has incredible characters, scenery and dialogue. The humor and seriousness flow together beautifully. The underlying possibilities fill us with wonder and intrigue. The ending is beautiful and hopeful. I highly recommend it!”
From the review by Ally McMahon (Amazon)

“…In a very short time, Stan Law has made me a fan of science fiction again due to his literary abilities that put him, in my opinion, on the same plane as Kurt Vonnegut and Thomas Pynchon.”
Review by Kevin Lintner (Amazon)

A few blurbs from some 5-STAR reviews:

Awakened Sci-Fi
Mind-blowing fun
Metaphysical Sci-Fi
My Favorite Book So Far!
Thrilling and Enlightening!
Raising the bar of Science Fiction!
Another awesome read by Stan I.S. Law!
Science fiction with a philosophical message!
Great science fiction that will take you
 to a new world!
.…and more…

Let me know if you enjoyed it or, better still, say so on Amazon,
or wherever you got it.
Reviews are gratefully appreciated.




Monday 11 March 2019

VISUALIZATION—Creating Your Own Universe.

I mentioned a number of times, that the infinite potential of everything that ever was, is, or ever could be, hovers below our awareness within our Unconscious. There it awaits for us to convert the possibility into reality. No matter how ephemeral, how transient, yet, at least for a while, into phenomenal reality. Later it will live on, eternally, in our memories

If we reach deep enough we shall find treasures beyond our wildest imagination waiting for our attention. All we need do is to Visualize them. Or to Visualize what if…
But mostly, to succeed, we must have unshakable faith that the power dwells within us. You can call it the “Willpower” or use any religious term for it.
No matter.
The Power dwells within us, waiting to be awakened.

The Power waiting for us to
Create Our Own Universe.

History is peppered with individuals who did just that. They were not all saints, let alone Saviours. Some enhanced our Universe with immortal works of art. Others were great  composers, poets, engineers. Some performed miracles on the world stages by converting little black dots of other peoples’ talents on sheet music into heavenly symphonies. Others still became great leaders, advancing us, people only vaguely awake to our potential, to ever higher understanding of what we truly are. Yet all of them reached within to draw from the eternal,  inexhaustible well of creative energy, converting it into the dream they Visualized.

My book, VISUALIZATION will show you what was, what is, but most of all, what could be. If you give it as much attention as I tried writing it, we shall all share a new reality of such beauty as has never been seen by human eyes.
Please, join me.

Some 5-STAR blurbs about

Must read.
Profound reading
A wonderful Read
Masterfully written!
Inspired and inspiring!
Become a Master of Your Domain
A great book on reinventing your life
Provides You With a Powerful Foundation
Fantastic insight on thought control and

We have been given the means, the ability, to strive for perfection. The fastest method lies in our dreams. Our lucid dreams.
If you liked what you read above, get the book. It will help you discover yourself. 
And, please, I need your reviews. Ask for a free copy at


Monday 4 March 2019

THE WAY BACK—Alexander Trilogy

There is but a single Source of our inspiration and that is the Unconscious. It manifests through ideas coming to the periphery of our mind, it stirs our emotions, it motivates us to action.
Before we begin to regard the phenomenal world as real, boys and girls see reality in much broader strokes of the brush. When young, we are much closer to the truth. Then, as we get set in the phenomenal ways, we drift farther and further from the true reality. We become ‘material beings’.
Our Ego takes over from our Self.
ALEC, the hero of Book One of the ALEXANDER TRILOGY, is an example of how rich our reality is before we drift towards the phenomenal illusion. We start by being virtually omnipresent. Then, we become aware of our individualization, finally, we become beings apart from each other.
Yet this is not true.
We always were and will always remain One. There is but a single reality. Only our phenomenal expression of it changes. We and the whole inner Universe remains inseparable.

In this Trilogy, it takes three generations for the individualized consciousness, that of SACHA, to realize its full potential. It is not an easy journey, yet, it is open to all who embark on the irrepressible road of immortality.
Read on.

In book One, ALEC is a dreamer and an adventurer. He’s coming of age. He conquers the unconquerable, visits the unreachable, sails the seven seas, and finally meets his own Self among the stars. He also finds his first love. Join him for the ride of your life! 

You’ll feel young again!!!
Dr. ALEXANDER Baldwin, "Alec", now a brilliant physicist, had risen to unprecedented heights in his profession. He is determined to unlock the secrets of the Universe. All seems fine until his journey to the mysterious Machu Picchu. There, at the top of the world of the ancient Incas, Sandra returns to claim her proper place in his life. Alec refuses to give up his freedom without a struggle.

Join Alexander in the realm of fantasy, Black Magic, Adventure, and Romance.

SACHA, Alec/Alexander's son, cuts his own history. His life hovers between normal, paranormal, and supernormal. He is uncomfortable in his body. He’s obsessed with finding purpose in his life. Finally, his mysterious mission is revealed to him. Strangely, his success results in dire consequences to those who dared to oppose him.

A few blurbs from some 5-STAR reviews:

Must Read!
Stan Law does it again!
High Stakes! Candy for my mind!!
Moving and Memorable Conclusion!
A Perfect Way To Wrap Up A Trilogy!
Phenomenal Book That Gets You Thinking!
Fantastic ending to Alexander Trilogy Series!

You can read this book as a continuous story of two generations, or as individual, complete novels.
If you value a life of romance, magic, and adventure, get this book now. 

Complete Series

The Way Back