Wednesday 30 June 2021


Reincarnation is a word that doesn't describe what really happens with the Individualized Energy of Consciousness. First of all, we must know what it is that gets reincarnated. While the only real entity in the world of illusion (here and now) is our Self, ("Higher Self", or the "I AM" derived from Moses), we cannot but wonder what happens with all the appurtenances which constitute our Ego. Of that which makes us different from each other. In other words, with our Soul, which is the sum-total of our memories of individualized existence in the Phenomenal Reality. 
    Yes, from the moment we had been microorganisms flirting with the currents in the hydrothermal vents in the depth of the oceans. It's all there, in the subconscious of our mind. It seems that the mind holds as many diverse ideas as there ever were, and still are, individualizations of the Omnipresent Creative Energy in the phenomenal reality. 
    Or so it seems.
   Well, I suppose we cannot be sure, but since all inspiration leading to new knowledge appears to come from our unconscious, this is what I woke up with this morning. 
First and foremost we must accept the scientific contention that all is energy. Next, that energy is indestructible. And, last but not least, that the world perceptible to our senses is an illusion. If fact, the only difference between our perception of our reality and  the dreams we're having daily is that in our dreams we can get away with murder whereas here, on this glorious illusive, imaginary Earth, we can't.
    The Phenomenal Universe subsists on balance.
    In fact Karma will extract every bit of energy from the perpetrator who may have upset it, to restore the balance. Even when upset by our thoughts which are the energy of creation of the phenomenal reality. Indeed, even fleeting thoughts or emotions leave a trail in the the world of phenomenality we live in. In our glorious dream.

So what is the  point of reincarnation if the Cycles of Zodiac span over 28,000 years? There are various theories. According to theosophists, who appear to know more on this subject than theologians, the periods vary, and have no relation to the duration of the Ages of the Zodiac. 
    Helena P. Blavatsky, (whom I trust implicitly) in her Secret Doctrine, suggests that the average span between lives (on Earth) is 1,000 to 1,500 years. Yet, according to theosophy:
"...the duration between lives appears to vary according to a number of factors: normal reincarnation, death by violence, death while still a child, congenital idiots, and advanced souls. ...The more mature and spiritual the person is, the longer is the “rest” period in Devachan. " (Theosophy World).

I suspect that the passage of time in Devachan may be very different from our chronology in the phenomenal reality of Earth. (Have you noticed how the passage of time differs in our dreams?) After all, surely, ultimately we shall mature to the eternal NOW, wherein time has no meaning. 
    I'd also suggest that, when needed, one could continue to be reincarnated in the past Ages of the Zodiac, or, if completely unable to fulfill ones destinies, to be recycled to start again. While energy cannot be destroyed, it can be metamorphosed back to its original state. That's what Black Holes are for. Hence, new species are born, and erased daily.
    It might be wise, if not joyful, to consider that the Omnipresent Creative Energy of Consciousness might also be characterized by our definition of "infinite mercy", and assure that the periods of learning spent on Earth are no more than an illusion. Hence, all misfortunes are also illusory. I'd suggest that Albert Einstein might have entertained such a thought when he defined the nature of our reality.
    Finally, we shouldn't be surprised if we do not recognize our "loved ones"when meeting them in Devachan. In the "Land of the gods" we all might be what we hope to become, and not what we are. For some of us, such change might make us unrecognizable.
    Wouldn't that be fun?
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Tuesday 29 June 2021


 Many, many years ago, people had it easy. Whatever they did not understand they assigned to supernatural powers, ultimately blaming God for their boons as well as misfortunes. The shear diversity of the Phenomenal Reality was more than a primitive mind could accept. There had to be a God who created it all, who sustained it, who got rid of it when its time was up. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva served this purpose, each tending to their assigned tasks. 

    (We'll ignore the 2000 Egyptian deities, surely, they must have been kidding?)
   Then the Greeks came into the picture. They upted the Hindu Divine Triune to the Olympian dozen, not counting Hades who was relegated to remain in the underworld.
    At least the Greeks had the temerity to admit that, before the order came to our reality, there was only Chaos. They were really close in their theory of "chaos", but... reverted to divine intervention. Such is human nature. 
    So close, and yet so far.
    Back to square one, again..
Eventually the Greek philosopher Pythagoras used the term cosmos, which had many meanings. From "emptiness, vast void, chasm,  to abyss," yet... beyond all these the terms, cosmos also meant Order of the Universe. We don't know if he was talking about the Potential or the Phenomenal Universe.
    And then, in 19th century, a Prussian geographer, explorer, and naturalist Alexander von Humboldt resurrected the use of the meaning to the ancient Greeks, influencing the modern perception of the universe as an single entity.
    Better, closer, but still no cake! 

Finally, a century later, came Albert Einstein who declared not only that all, (i.e.: the whole Phenomenal Universe), is energy but that what we perceive with our senses is an illusion. 
    Back to square one, or, perhaps even further back?
    Not really. 
    The conclusion I drew from all of the above is that the original creative energy is invisible. Furthermore, being invisible, it might well be omnipresent. This is supported by observations by our telescopes which reach out for several billions of light-years to detect the "illusion" of the infinite Phenomenal Universe. Thus, the creation must have taken place at inordinate distances from us in all directions, which further supports the thesis that this Creative Energy must have been, and assuredly is, Omnipresent. Hence, we are surrounded by on all sides and within the:  

Indestructible Omnipresent Energy of Creative Consciousness
    Why Consciousness? 
   Because whatever impelled the Original Creative Energy to such inordinate, in fact seemingly infinite, diversity and beauty, could not have happened by accident. Had it done so, we would have persisted in ongoing chaos, deprived of all beauty and order to this day.
    Yet, as the Greek would say, for all that was, is, will be, or could be, to exist everywhere simultaneously, surely, they must be a state of unholy chaos. And, only through It's manifestation in our Phenomenal Universe order can be introduced to the degree and beauty which we now experience. 
    And it is best to accept that the Potential is neither good nor bad. It is everything. What makes good or bad is what we do with it, though the intent of the Potential appears to be, always, to enhance the Phenomenal Universe with endless diversity.
    I rest my case. 

My Inquiry into the Nature of Being, began with a few tentative steps, in my collections of essays Beyond Religion. They represent the journey I took (and continue to travel)  to today's blog. While my concepts have hopefully developed, what cheers me up is that both, the Phenomenal Universe and all Individualizations of it (including my Higher Self) are both, indestructible, and hence, immortal. I promise you that a few million years from now, my blog will give you a much better understanding of the Universe that, for now, is stranger than we can even imagine.
    Yet, this will never stop me from trying to fathom its mysteries.
    You are welcome to join me on my trip. 
    Only beware. On my trek we all choose our directions. 
    That's the Law.


It was a long journey to reach my present conclusions. 
Below, the first steps I traveled.





Monday 28 June 2021


I strongly suspect that the title of my blog will attract a record number of readers. Judging by the abundance of books published in the genre of "romance," is quite apparent that the vast majority of people live in abject physical and mental frustration, hoping to escape into the never-never land of explicit sexuality.
    Well, sorry galls and guy, I fooled you.
    Yet, there is some truth in the story of Marvin. Marvin Clark, our, at least initially, insipid hero, did find escapes into the lands where only imagination could take him.
    My book is neither sexually explicit, nor provoking, yet feel free to allow your imagination take you into the land of Eros, or any other wonderland that sates your desires.

To tell you the truth, I strongly suspect that Marvin Clark, though he'd never admit it, did take flights of fancy when alone in his imaginary interstellar airship. After all, it is said that if you can imagine a reality with total faith and commitment, then this reality is bound to become real to him or her that dreams it. 
    I should know. I wanted to design large buildings, and soon designed dozens of them. Then my wife convinced me that I should write. I saw myself as a writer, and... 50 books later I am still writing. There are a dozen more examples, but they might sound like blowing my own trumpet, which wouldn't be true, because when younger, I played the violin. Etc, etc...

So back to romance. I'm still deeply in love with life. I am surrounded by a plethora of miracles on all sides. I've no idea why people want to go to Heaven, yet are afraid to die. Perhaps because they suspect that Heaven is within them, here and now. Like a state of consciousness. After all, the Bible can't be all wrong?
    Heaven is like... being surrounded by wonders and miracles?
    Let's be honest. If Marvin didn't fall down the stairs, this book wouldn't have been written. 
    Nevertheless, it took Marvin a long while to come down to earth from his interstellar treks, and if it weren't for the staircase and for the beautiful sculptress Jocelyn, he'd never find freedom to discover Heaven on Earth. Heaven which only friendship can offer. Heaven of unbounded freedom.  After all, isn't friendship the highest degree of love?
    Read the book and discover your own, and then tell others. In a review.
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Sunday 27 June 2021


 A great deal has been said and written about the DECALOGUE. The Christian Churches adopted it from the Hebrews as the alpha and omega of Christian teaching to... eventually, "go" to Heaven. 
    Well, to a certain degree they were right, but only if we treat life, our lives, today, as journeys to a Promised Land. And if this destination is none other than a state of Consciousness, akin to Heaven, or, at the very least, the next Devachan on our way home.
    This also would not matter if we didn't know that in realities at higher rates of vibration of energy, time also changes, until eventually we dilutes into the eternal NOW. After all, "Present" is the only reality in which we actually conduct our Becoming.
    Hence, contrary to the teaching of religious organizations, the purpose of the Decalogue was not to reach a geographical location, only to develop a state of Consciousness in which I AM can manifest, or metamorphose from the Omnipresent Energy of Creative Consciousness, into the reality in which we live.  
    This was made quite clear to Moses (Hebrew Moshe) around 13th century bce (before the Common Era, or bc). Moses did not deliver his people from the "physical" slavery of the Egyptians, which appears to have been fairly benevolent, but from the belief in the pantheon of man-made gods, prevalent at the time in Egypt. 
The sad part is, that, more than 3000 years later, neither the Jews nor the Christians appear to understand Moses' intention. And this in spite of Moses' statement that he received the Commandments from the I AM, or, as we call it today, from his Higher Self, which, through the power of the mind, has the ability to metamorphose the rates of vibration of all energies of which our reality is made. 
    Should the religious fraternities have accepted Moses' words, they would have lost their power, hence their control over their believers, and the attendant financial gains (tithing). As always, in this Phenomenal Reality, greed rules all people who are hungry of power. Not the power of I AM, only the artificial, transient power of Ego.
 I did my best to point this out in the booklet below. Moses was teaching his people how to live, here and now. He was teaching them what would lead them to a state of mind, a state of Consciousness, that would assure their happiness. A happiness their forefathers had lost when they left the "Garden of Eden". 
    Yet, even now, we can return to Paradise at any time. It is up to us. All we need do is to listen to our own I AM, to the Individualization of the Omnipresent Eternal Energy of Creative Consciousness. The only true reality. 
    If you enjoy the Decalogue, there are five more brief interpretations of ancient teaching that may clear up misunderstandings. You'll find them on my webpage. They are my ongoing search for Secular Ethics.
    If you read them, you'll be halfway to the "Promised Land"!


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Saturday 26 June 2021


When Universal Laws are broken, Karma takes care of restoring the state of relative Balance. "Relative", as perfection cannot be achieved in the transiency of Phenomenal Reality.  There is no such thing as crime and  punishment, nor even reward. These are human inventions. There is  no such location as Heaven or Hell. When the laws are broken:
There are only consequences.
    The changes or additions to the state of Being are known as Becoming, which we call Life. Life is the state of constant metamorphosis of the original potential inherent in the Omnipresent Energy of Creative Consciousness. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can enter the reality of the Phenomenal Universe other than by slowing down the rate of vibration of the original Energy, vibrating at an infinite rate. Once slowed down to any degree, it enters the transient state of Becoming. 
    For countless generations we deluded ourselves that we live in a material reality wherein only we come and go, i.e.: live and die, whereas the rest of the universe goes on forever. 
    Not so.
   Everything, absolutely everything in the reality in which we enjoy our Becoming is transient. Even the greatest works of art. Although they are only replaced when even greater works are created. Created means, as all things, metamorphosed from the:
Original Eternal Indestructible Energy of 
Creative Consciousness.
yet, once created, it becomes transient. Hence, the reality in which we live is, in the temporal sense, an illusion. Everything that contributes to the transient Phenomenal Reality by enhancing it, i.e.: adding beauty to its diversity, is "good". It has nothing to do with what is good for you, or me, or any member of the human race, although every single one of us can benefit from it, but only if we have reached the state of consciousness capable of appreciating such a thing or event.
    Yet, there is an aspect of our reality that is comforting. 
   While every strand of the phenomenal reality is transient, the Source which created it is immortal, indestructible, and... perfect. It is the same Source which we recognize within us which we call our Higher Self. What few of us appear to appreciate is that everything in the Phenomenal Universe has the same origin. No matter how small a fraction. Even as little as submicroscopic sperm that grows, when embedded into a phenomenal egg, to the size of a human being. While the energies of the sperm and the egg are already phenomenal items, they are the nearest to the concept of the originating energy. 
 Due to the omnipresence of the Creative Energy, a tiny fraction of It must, per force, be present in everything. Furthermore, since this Energy is infinite, the process of the metamorphosis into the Phenomenal Universe must, likewise, be eternal — ever-striving to approach the perfection from which they were created. Eventually, the striving for perfection that we recognize as evolution, reached the stage of evolving artificial intelligence, generated in humans by the brain and endocrine system. 
    Over countless millennia, all flora and fauna have been equipped with comparative abilities to fulfill their own destinies. 
    While our Ego, generated by our brain, gives us a false feeling of superiority over other lifeforms, in fact only the presence of the Creative Energy of Consciousness (Higher Self) enables us to sustain the bodies in which we continue our becoming. Our artificial intelligence, however, enables us to add to the diversity of the Phenomenal Reality and, when successful, to bridges the chasm between the Ego and the Self. 
The two books I offer below deal with our countless Delusions presumably developed by various groups to keep the majority of us in abysmal ignorance. 
    The second volume offers potential Conclusions to the problems raised in the first book. Its purpose is to understand the Pragmatic Reality for what it is, and not what our AI  hopes it might be. Ultimately our search must lead to the marriage of philosophy (conceptualization) and science (confirmation). This evolutionary journey is likely to lead us through the mysteries that only metaphysics can resolve. By that I mean that the greatest discoveries of all time came from inspirations that originated in our unconscious.
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Friday 25 June 2021


Zodiac is a very large circle, or perhaps, cycle. Yet most of us appear to rotate in ever decreasing circles, not only not advancing on our evolutionary journey, but, most of the time, regressing. Hence, the circles are truly vicious. There is only one statement that accounts for this: "Many are called but Few are chosen" (Matthew 22:14)
    This wouldn't matter so much if the religions hadn't usurped this statement and assigned the "choosing" part to some over-the-clouds old man they call God. In fact, the choosing is done by you and me, and every single person on Earth. We cannot be called gods, in the same scriptures, and then deprived of free will. Religions use the "proxy of God" to control our mind, our emotions, and thus our behaviour. 
    As for the "Many and the Few," Many does not mean All. In fact most of the human species have never heard about the magnificent promises offered us in the scriptures. The truth has been hoodwinked, camouflaged, to make sure that the vast majority of people do not learn the truth. After all, it is much easier to control the ignorant masses than bright, educated,  well-read people who are not easily fooled. And even more so, people who don't get scared by the imaginary punishments, including that of Hell, created as supreme stick to enforce control over the weak and easily frightened. 
    Fear comes only from ignorance. 
    Once we learn that we are energy, that energy cannot be destroyed, that Heaven and Hell are states of Consciousness, our fear dissolves as though by magic. 
    And by the way, this knowledge also makes us immortal. 
    This is what the leaders of religion fear most. People who think for themselves, who do their own research, cannot be controlled. And loss of control means loss of money. The Pharisees, disdained by Yeshûa (Jesus), invented tithing, and their followers have been riding the money-wagon ever since. Yes, it is all about money.
The double whammy of the greedy. Why do you think the TV evangelists are multimillionaires and you're not? Why do you think various churches don't pay any taxes. Why do the politicians make a lot more money then most of us?
    Yes, the pandemic of deadly greed has spread beyond religions. 
And we, yes, you and I, what do we do? We walk in Vicious Circles. We keep the systems going. Both, religious and political. Well, since we were afraid to do something about it, the Omnipresent Indestructible Eternal Creative Energy of Consciousness created the largest circles of them all. The Circles of the Zodiac. And we have just entered the Age of the Aquarius. And, believe me, things will change.
 The governments will fall, the churches will be empty.
It will get worse before it gets better. Changes are always painful. But changes are, by definition, transient. We shall emerge from them manifesting our inherent talents, our innate powers to metamorphose the rates of vibrations of most energies. Those powers were always within us, but were suppressed by our greed for power and money.
    And, of course, by our ignorance. 
    Yet, no more. We shall overcome.    
    Well, a Few of us will. Many will be called, and a Few, perhaps in greater numbers than ever before, will shed our fears and listen to the truth incumbent within us. 
    Let's make sure we're among them. 
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Thursday 24 June 2021


For some reason the theologians elevated Yeshûa to the status of God, ignoring His own words which asserted  quite clearly: 

“Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods”?
John 10:34 (KJV) 
 Not "I am god",  only "You are gods." Plural, as in "gods." Is there anything not clear in this statement? No wonder Yeshûa disliked the sacerdotal, i.e.: priestly groups. And now, after 2000+ years, those same priestly classes, the experts with the Ph.D.s in theology, continue to lie, openly and publicly, that we are only sinners while Yeshûa was, or surely still is, God. With a capital G.
    The funny thing is that they, the theologians so disliked by Yeshûa, were half-right. First of all, they were (are?) sinners. And I don't mean just the pedophiliacs, but all the others, e.g.: including those who judge others; judge and punish... ignoring Yeshûa's words:

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged”  
(Matthew 7:1). 
These are just two examples. The priesthood, preachers, and proselytizers love to impose judgements on their misguided followers. And the more one reads the Bible, the more nonsense one will find about their own misguided teaching.
    That's only my opinion, of course. 
   Nevertheless, perhaps they ought to study my, or anybody else's DICTIONARY OF BIBLICAL SYMBOLISM. Mine is not much, written by an amateur, but it helps one to see the pathetic misinterpretations of the preachers. Most preachers? Probably. I'm sure there are some that are gods.
    And adding to the "funny thing" above, there is a condition that qualifies us to be (at least apprentice) gods. To qualify we must act according to the Universal Laws. Einstein called them "Thoughts of God", which might be a little clearer to you if you care to read my booklet by that name. I repeat, I'm an amateur, but I've compiled my DICTIONARY mentioned above. (And don't forget, "amateur" means  'layman', but is also means "lover".) 

    It also helps if you unify your Ego with your High Self. It's all to do with one's state of Consciousness. In fact I consider it a prerequisite. Again, nothing to do with religion.
   While Yeshûa obviously had much greater faith in human nature than I'm capable of, I'd suggest that we might add one word to the statement in King David's Psalm 82, which Yeshûa repeated about us being gods. The expression might be more understandable to us if we say "potential" gods. Or that we are "apprentice gods". Sort of "gods in waiting"? 
    After all, they... crucified Him, although the divine potential, or the potential of godhood, was already within them.
So, the problem is relatively simple. Learn the Universal Laws  (Thoughts of God), stick to them, and the Divine Creative Potential within you will manifest in the Phenomenal Universe. You will be as gods. 
    And after you learn how to do it, please, let me know. I also would like to learn to the Thoughts of God. Or, as I like to call them, the Laws of the Omnipresent Indestructible Energy of Creative Consciousness  that hides, deeply, in our unconscious. 
    But, trust me, it is there. Abundance of miracles performed by many people over the ages attest to that. People who could metamorphose the Original Creative Consciousness into phenomenal manifestations.
   And if you don't trust me, trust Yeshûa. It took Him 18 years to learn the Thoughts of God, not counting the briefings from the Essenes. It might take us a little longer.
    Only, PLEASE, do NOT trust those whom Yeshûa did not trust.
    We should not crucify Him twice.
    Read YESHUA—A Personal Memoir of the Missing Years of Jesus. 
    It might help.
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Wednesday 23 June 2021


When a baby is born, a doctor or the attending nurse, often slap the baby to aid it in taking the first breath. Thereafter, we don't seem to pay much attention to breathing. And yet the importance of correct breathing has been known to humanity for countless generations. In India it is known to 1.396 billion people as  Pranayama. (1)
    Prana means "life force" or "vital energy." 
    And this brings us up-to-date. 
    In my previous blogs we discussed the omnipresence of the Creative Energy. (In the past many called it Spirit). Nevertheless the omnipresence of the Vital Life Force, the Vital Energy, or as I call it, the 
Omnipresent Indestructible Creative Energy of Consciousness 
is, always was, and always will be the original Source of the Phenomenal Universe. 
    We now know from our scientists that ALL is energy at different rates of vibration. The Omnipresent Creative Energy vibrates at an infinite rate, hence it is invisible to our still very primitive senses. Anything we can actually perceive, is made up of energies vibrating at much slower rates. 
    Thus, since we cannot 'see' air, the chances are that when we inhale it we inhale as close as we can get to the Original (Eternal) Creative Energy which, being as invisible as the air, yet omnipresent, it enters our lungs, our bodies, and enriches our vitality.

My book below is not about breathing alone. Yet, unless we start with our optimum breathing we cannot benefit from the constant influx of the Creative Energy. Furthermore, unless we breathe consciously, only our bodies can benefit form Its presence. However, when we place our attention on our breath we can benefit fully from its Infinite Creative Potential. 
    For that is what the Omnipresent Creative Energy does. 
    ALL POTENTIAL is inherent in IT. 
    By slowing down Its rate of vibrations, we have the power to create virtually everything. We can metamorphose IT into all other energies that unite into complex structures, which we recognize as other energies, things, live forms, and all elements that constitute our Phenomenal Universe. That constitute our reality. 
    That's what "miracles" are all about. (We are gods, remember?)
If you want to Create Your Own Universe, your own reality, start by learning to breathe properly. It will not only provide you with the energy you need to do so, but you'll stay healthier, live longer, and generally feel more alive. 
    A small price to pay for returning to Paradise?
    After all, only Adam and Eve got expelled from the Garden of Eden. There is nothing to stop us from returning to Paradise. In case you don't know, Paradise, like Heaven and Hell, not to mention Devachan, are all States of Consciousness
    In fact, that's what our Universe is. Physically it is an illusion, yet in our Consciousness it surrounds us with countless miracles that we assign to nature. 
    Is it up to us. 
   This includes you.
   Welcome to my reality. 
(1) Google offer a fuller definition of Pranayama: Prana means life force or breath sustaining the body; Ayama translates as “to extend or draw out.” Together, the two mean breath extension or control.

"The purpose of this book is to inform readers that we can attain freedom
 here and now creating our own universe. 
...The writing... is top notch.
An inspirational book that will change your life perspective."
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Tuesday 22 June 2021


Essentially, there are just two forces that define our Phenomenal Universe. The first is expressed in unrestrained diversity. Diversity of elements, constructs, lifeforms, degrees of rates of vibrations of which they are made. From atomic structure to the largest galactic clusters, the growing diversity of thoughts assures constant expansion of the Phenomenal Universe. Always bearing in mind that ALL IS ENERGY. No matter what, where or wherefore, everything is made up of different rates of vibrations of energies, most of which we haven't, as yet, heard about. They are invisible to our senses, to our technology, or even to our imagination. Yet all these energies are, in a way, dilutions of the  

Omnipresent Creative Energy of Consciousness. 

No matter how small, or how large, or how fast or defined by any other measurement, the above is the only indestructible Source of all energies. And yet it is capable of metamorphosing its rate of vibration into infinite other rates, some of them perceptible to our senses. This ability alone is responsible for constant and ever-accelerating expansion of our Phenomenal Universe.
And this brings us to the second principal characteristic or our illusory Universe. This inherent characteristic of the Original Energy manifests as the most powerful force in the Universe. We know it as the centripetal force, which is responsible for assuring the unity of our Phenomenality. It is making sure that the countless trillions of galaxies, stars and planets must remain irrevocably as components of a single Phenomenal Universe. 
    As inseparable as two people joined by irrepressible love. As irrepressible and as powerful as the love that joins a mother and her child together. 
Today would have been my Mother's 113th birthday. She lived to be a 100, yet, somehow, she's still with us. And this brings us to my book: 
The GATE—Things my Mother told Me. 
It is a biography enhanced by diversity. I hope my book enhances the Universe as she, my Mother, has enhanced my life. Even  though she left our reality some years ago, she  is as much part of my life today as she was when she was sharing our reality. Her love was, perhaps is, as irrepressible now as it ever was.
    Yet this was just the beginning of my enchantment. 
    Under her guidance I've learned that the maternal love is not limited to women, to females of the human species. It is as universal, as manifest in every living creature; as the centripetal force itself: as the most powerful energy in the Universe. I believe her. I hope, so will you.
"A novel that deserves to be read by millions of people"
5.0 out of 5 stars from Fred Schaefer, Author 

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Monday 21 June 2021


You might find it interesting that a lot of my knowledge, let alone inspiration, for writing most of my 50 books, came from my study of ancient wise men, from all parts of the world. Lately, I tried to find confirmation of ancient mysteries in the latest "discoveries" of our illustrious scientists. Indeed, there are what might be called reversed echoes of our knowledge in very distant past. Only, regrettably, the past knowledge had been usurped by religions whose purpose was to keep people ignorant, as such are much easier to control. The real echoes of such social perversions can be seen, presently, all over the world, but particularly in the USA.(1)
Nevertheless, thanks to Albert Einstein, we now know that all is energy, and, what is equally as important, that the energy is indestructible. 
    A little like "spirit" of the past?
   As by "all" science includes ALL energies, such generated by our subconscious must be included in this dictum. Hence, knowledge once gained, cannot be destroyed. We all carry the heritage of the past in our memories, which we, knowingly or unintentionally, have relegated to the deepest caverns of our souls. For this is what souls are. They are the repositories of the sum-total of what makes us unique.
    This is now confirmed by science, which refers to the basal ganglia of our brain, (which ensures the survival of our species), as the reptilian or primal brain. (Google) 
Let us make no mistake. Every single one of us is an absolutely unique entity, consisting of the indestructible energy of Consciousness, metamorphosed into countless slower rates of vibration. All the rest, our bodies and worldly possessions, are a transient illusions. As is the rest of the Phenomenal Universe.
    And yet, the very same illusory reality can be Paradise if we let it. We can treat every breath we take, every step we take, every life-form in the vastness of nature as a miracle. Surely, the very fact that we perceive the countless complex configurations of energy with our, lets face it, primitive senses is a miracle itself. 
    Why a miracle?
    Because there is not a single scientist in the whole wide world who can create a single blade of grass, a single flower, even a minute living creature. We manipulate what already is, not what could be. Only the so-called nature can do that, or, as I prefer to call it, the Omnipresent Indestructible, Creative Energy of Consciousness. On rare occasions, a man or a women appears among us, who can partake in the creative process, which the rest of us still call miracles. 
    Those lucky few are the rare people who managed to unify their Ego with their Self. They, and they alone, can perform "miracles". And yet, the power to do so is within every one of us. 
    Within you and me. 
    After all, as the ancient prophet declared, we are gods.
    Perhaps he might have said, "gods in waiting"?
    Nevertheless, if we stop believing the preachers of all denominations and try to decipher the Bible, we'll find that there is nothing about religion in it. It is a magnificent compendium of magnificent experiences that our forefathers chose to share with us.
    If you don't believe me, try my dictionary. You will find that 3200 ancient Hebrew and Greek word were never even translated, never mind explained. 
    Good luck.
 (1) The  controls imposed on people due to the pandemic are an excellent example. 
...This deserves wide recognition not only among the followers of religion
 but also anyone seeking inspiration and understanding."  
(Alistair Forrest, Author, 5 Stars on Amazon)

And a few examples how the Dictionary may be used.






Sunday 20 June 2021


This is the last of my 4 trilogies. While I enjoyed writing all of them, I now wish to share with you some non-fiction concepts, which have been touched upon in my fiction, yet not fully developed. If you have time, I'd appreciated your views (reviews) of those already published on Amazon and D2D. I thank you in advance.     
    PS. Should you need a free copy you can ask for it at

WALL—Love, Sex, and Immortality.

Read this book carefully. It might save your life.

    As Professor of religion Simon Jones gives a lecture, a Greek goddess asks him a question. Facing him is a stunning, enticing beauty named Ambrosia, a brilliant physicist. He feels drawn to her by an irresistible force. In that single instant he falls completely, irrepressibly in love. Love, sex, and immortality are theirs to behold.

    Soon, Ambrosia discovers and implements Quantum Tunneling on a commercial scale. She and Simon become financially independent. They are free to pursue their passions. Ambrosia delves into ancient Greek Myths. Simon’s team pursue hypnotic regression to reexamine historical ‘facts’.

    Ancient history is drastically rewritten!

    And then all hell breaks loose.

    Under the influence of Pluto, the world order is on the brink of total collapse. Those who know about ancient prophecies will escape with their lives. Those who do not… will have to face the consequences.

    This is the most apocalyptic period in human history. Shouldn’t you protect yourself?

A few blurbs from  5-STAR reviews:
"Amazing!"  "Exciting!" "Illuminating!"  
"Wonderful Reading!" "A beautiful continuation!"  
"Book One Brought Me Here!"  
"Lovely, deep and exciting book!"  
"A fascinating philosophical novel!"  
"Only the best from Author Stan I.S. Law!"  
"Get ready to think and then be blown away!

And many more…


This may be the last book you ever read.
 Pluto, the arcane god of the underworld, is preparing humanity for the onset of the Age of Aquarius. The PLUTO EFFECT cleanses the old to make room for the new. Physically, politically, economically, and sociologically, the world is in unprecedented upheaval.

 Ambrosia and Simon find peace only within each other.

    The Earth’s axis is in precarious balance. Not only the climate is playing havoc with everyday life, but the magnetic poles are displaying random irregularities.

    The world is in social and political collapse. People are no longer willing to tolerate the abuses inflicted on them by the rich and the politically savvy. They seek justice with their own hands. Will Simon and Ambrosia manage to escape? They dream of making love on a Greek Island...
A few blurbs from 5 STAR reviews:

"Amazing!"  "Exciting!" "Illuminating!"  
  "Wonderful Reading!"  "A beautiful continuation!"  
"Book One Brought Me Here!"  "Lovely, deep and exciting book!"  
"A fascinating philosophical novel!"  
"Only the best from Author Stan I.S. Law!" 
"Get ready to think and then be blown away!"
...and many more.
OLYMPUS—Of Gods and Men.

As all hell breaks loose due to the Pluto Effect our heroes escape to Milos, their beloved Greek Island. There, under the aegis of Ambrosia and her family, they hope to survive apocalyptic global upheavals, caused by reversal of polarity of magnetic poles. As governments and social structures collapse, Ambrosia reaches out for the powers dormant within her.

    This could be… you! The powers are dormant within all of us all! 

    For now, Simon and Ambrosia are safe. Simon slowly awakens to his own hidden potential. They continue to make love on a Greek Island.

A few more  blurbs 5-STAR reviews:

"Perfection!!!"  "Unbelievable!"  "Wonderful!!!"
"Unforgettable!"  "Third book still has it!"  "A brilliant end to the trilogy!" "Captivating and thought-provoking!"  
"A Fantastic Conclusion To A Great Trilogy!
And others…

before it’s too late. 

Get the whole trilogy (811 pages) for $4.77
(Soon the price is going up) 

as individual novels in Paperbacks or eBooks