Sunday 6 June 2021


Let's face it. The human species is collapsing. At present, we, humans, appear to be committing a protracted suicide. We are multiplying like parasites, and we all know what happens to any species that lives, exclusively at the expense of others. When it happens to us, we exterminate them as best and as fast we can. Nature, responsible for the totality of life on Earth can do no less. You can call it Nature, with a capital N, or God, with an even larger G, or what I call: the Omnipresent Creative Energy.
    "What's in a name?" asks Shakespeare. "Is the Omnipresent Consciousness any different by any other name?" He might have added.
  Omnipresent Creative Energy of Consciousness. 
Baruch Spinoza might have accepted this concept. Not definition. Definition limits — a concept is open-ended. Omnipresent, Eternal, Indestructible, and perhaps we should add Undefinable? 
    So... what can It do. Can It make water travel upwards?
    Well, the trees know how to do it.
    Who taught them?
    Globally, there are more than 3 trillion trees, and every single one of them knows exactly how to do it. It seems that their Teacher must have been omnipresent. Still is?
    But that's not all!
    From some 150 million kilometers (93 million miles) from Earth, the sun sends photons that, within 8 minutes of departure, hit the plethora of leaves. Here, through the process we know as photosynthesis, we get oxygen that keeps us alive.
    During photosynthesis, the leaves absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) from the air and soil. They transform water into oxygen and carbon dioxide into glucose. The leaves then release the oxygen back into the air, and store the energy within the glucose molecules.
    The formula might look like this: 
6CO2 + 6H2O + Light energy → C6H12O6 (sugar) + 6O2
That's not philosophy. That's science, as Einstein would have said. To cut the story short, without oxygen we'd all die. Well, there are a few anaerobic organisms, but close to 8 billion humans would die. 
    Who on Earth taught the trees to behave in such a way? Whoever or whatever was (and continues to be) the teacher, by whatever name, must have been omnipresent. And intelligent. And must have sustained this incredible process for countless billions of years. Hence must be eternal? I can't think of a better name than: Omnipresent Creative Energy of Consciousness. If you can, please, let me know. 


If you can think of a better way to kill humanity than by destroying trees, let me know. It seems that, at present, the only species that do so are the human species.  
    We appear to be doing it now.
   This leads me to conclude that the only species wherein the Creative Energy of Consciousness appears to be absent is within us. Or at least, it seems to be absent from our awareness. Evolution appears to have made a great mistake by developing within us a brain capable of generating an Ego, which denies the presence of the Omnipresent Consciousness. Now, during the Age of Aquarius, there is hope that the process might be reversed. That weshall begin, once again, to recognize our true nature. Good luck. 
More about all of the above in my book CONCLUSIONS — Pragmatic Reality. Pragmatic, as we know, simply means practical, dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations. And, what is more important it is a system, or a philosophy, that can save humanity from being expunged from the Phenomenal Reality. 
    Einstein may be right that our reality is an illusion, but it is the only illusion we've got. It's very persistent, he'd said. Please, let us protect it. It is replete with beauty, with love, with creativity of those who came before us. It also offers us a promise of immortality. 
    It is ours to keep. 
    Or...  to destroy, this enchanting dream.
    It's up to us.
    Le us keep it.  
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