Friday 20 March 2020

CONCLUSIONS — Chapter 7 CAUSE & EFFECT (to be continued)

“In all life, one should comfort the afflicted, but verily, also, one should afflict the comfortable,
and especially when they are comfortably,
contentedly, even happily wrong.”
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908—2006)
Canadian-American economist and author

“We can never obtain peace in the outer world
 until we make peace with ourselves.”
Dalai Lama
The 14th Dalai Lama

“Peace cannot be kept by force;
it can only be achieved by understanding.”
Albert Einstein (1879 –1955)
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921

Yet... Atheists continue to think that ‘it’ all happened just by accident. The renowned Big Bang that apparently happened in our vicinity some time ago (reputedly some 13.8 billion years ago), no one offers any suggestions what was there 13.9 billion years ago, or even one year earlier. And this in spite of the fact that atheists, often calling themselves scientists, like to deal with facts. Tangible facts. Indisputable facts. Not some imaginary gods.
To be quite honest, I don’t blame them for disowning an old man with a gray beard adorning the Sistine Chapel as the creator of the Universe, let alone for his finger enlivening Adam. In fact, I agree with them that the Creative Energy of the Universe cannot be contained in any single being, no matter how old, powerful, magnificent, experienced or wise. Even Michelangelo couldn’t create one.
Infinity is infinity. It refuses to be contained.

And yet the ancients, the Buddhists, knew the basic Universal Laws:

Cause and effect is the principle of causality, establishing one event or action as the direct result of another. Cause and effect may also refer to Cause and effect, a central concept of Buddhism; see Karma in Buddhism.

And the Big Bang happened out of nothing? An effect without a cause? Only scientists know how this could have happened.

Also, I am not sure if most scientists accept the concept of infinity. Not just spatial but temporal. Or even infinite potential. After all, you can’t measure it, and scientists like to measure everything. Measurement limits things. Brings it down to their primitive ability to understand.
Scientists like facts they can measure with their primitive senses or their childish instrumentation. Why childish? Because in all of the 13.8 billion years the revolution in modern science is said to have occurred only a few centuries ago. It began with Copernicus’ heliocentric theory (1473-1543) and continued with Newton’s Principia. That was the beginning.
We’re still in Kindergarten.
We, and all the scientists.
Welcome to my world!

What I find sad is that they, the atheistic scientists, do not recognize the Infinite Potential, which was, and continues to be, instrumental in the continuous creation of the ever-expanding Universe. Or that they still think that their Universe happened out of nothing.  
And that hence, there was nothing before the Big Bang.
And that Big Bang was just a local occurrence. After all, they say, there was not even space before the Big Bang. Just nothing. Nothing at all.
Remember the song... it’s “All or nothing at all...” Frank Sinatra did it justice some years ago. He was right. It must be all...
Once again, the scientists appear to forget that all is energy. Yet the Atheists continue to think that it all happened just by accident. I don’t blame them for disowning an old man with a gray beard adorning the Sistine Chapel as the creator of the Universe, let alone for his finger enlivening Adam. In fact, I agree with them that the Creative Energy of the Universe cannot be contained in any single being, no matter how old, experienced or wise. Infinity is infinity. It refuses to be contained.
What is sad is that they do not recognize that the Energy of the Infinite Potential is instrumental in the creation of the ever-expanding Universe.
They keep forgetting that all is energy.

No. This is not a personal attack on atheists. Most adherents of most established religions would classify me as one. After all, I reject all personalized divinities. What I do not reject is the Creative Energy that individualizes Itself within all people, the Energy that is inseparable from the Omnipresent Consciousness.
The conspicuous difference is the word “Energy”. 

(Soon to be published) 

Tuesday 10 March 2020

CONCLUSIONS—Pragmatic Reality. Chapter 6. cont.


[The essay originally printed in DELUSIONS does not raise any questions, but rather provides Conclusions. I brought the excerpts from Beyond Religion 1, Essay #52 up to the latest knowledge available.]

“It begins when the rudimentary consciousness asserts its will to survive as an individual unit in the phenomenal reality.
An ameba, a virus, a bacterium.
 A mono-cellular entity becomes aware of the reality within and the immediate environment outside of itself. It defines its territory, its boundaries. The primitive consciousness learns the laws of survival by re-embodying itself within ever more complex physical forms. Each re-embodiment is designed to increase the scope of its operations. The Sanskrit scriptures place the number of transmigrations of each individual consciousness at 8,400,000. Hopefully, this number includes the second phase of our (human) evolution, though I doubt it. Suffice to say that the primary stage of our existence consists exclusively of assuring physical survival and wellbeing in the phenomenal reality (through which individualized Consciousness can experience the process of Becoming).
The learning process in this phase relies on repetitive conditioning. The method is that of trial and error. The repetitions serve to develop a subconscious storehouse of information, on which the primitive consciousness can draw to survive within its embodiment in ever-changing environments. Its responses to challenges are reactive, i.e. automatic or instinctive.
There is no evidence of free will or deductive reasoning; although the acquired experiences are carefully stored in the genetic code of the biological constructs and the entity proceeds to advance its evolution. At this stage, the individualized consciousness is subject to the indomitable laws of nature.
A mistake costs it its creation and its life.
Nature is a very cruel mistress.

The main problem in Kindergarten is that there is no discernible communication. What little there might be, by observation only, is immediately adapted to one’s own survival. Otherwise, it is ignored. This acute, purposeful self-centeredness seems to persist in some individualized unit of awareness for many eons. I know people who behave in this fashion even today, a few million years since its original embodiment.  
The hypothetical phenomenon of the hundredth monkey effect comes much later. In ‘School’.
Nevertheless, nature in her wisdom has equipped our rudimentary units of intelligence with genetic memory storage, well ahead of any computer. This code carries most if not all the instructions for survival, short of the unit coming across new, unprecedented hurdles.
In such circumstances, one of two things can happen.
Either it follows the input from its genetic code, or, by accident (though not by design), it tries something new. If the new works, it becomes incorporated into the revised, enhanced code, and is passed on to future generations in order to assist them in survival. I believe this is one way of looking at Darwin’s “survival of the fittest,” although “survival of the most resourceful” again, by accident, might be a better way to describe the Kindergarten.
Nevertheless, Kindergarten is the only the phase of our evolution wherein the process of natural selection reigns supreme. Millions of years of natural selection result in a veritable plethora of most diverse, complex and beautiful organisms imaginable—not the least of which is man. Alas, at the end of the School Year, man and natural selection must part company.

Thus, the learned biologists must resign themselves to deal only with primitive life forms. Unless they prefer to sit back, wait, and see what happens to their own bodies. It might prove to be a very, very long wait.
Energy cannot be destroyed, remember?
And, after all, we are all... energy.
The immortal aspect is, of course, the Energy of Consciousness, no matter in how primitive phenomenal body it finds its transient abode.
While the process of natural selection is, by definition, a process, i.e. it is not limited by time and thus it continues even today in more advanced forms, e.g. in humans. All too often it's built-in a rare but necessary tendency toward mutation turns against the organism it helped develop, by attacking the organism’s immune system. The extremely prevalent rheumatoid arthritis is a well-known example of this. I suppose one could say that if it doesn’t kill one, it makes one stronger. Regrettably, it takes a lot of joy out of life.
Amusing though it may seem, there are people, today, who appear to be motivated exclusively by the above method. They have not, as yet, taken charge of their own natural selection. They still have a 50/50 chance of survival. A little like tossing a coin. In fact, I met very few people who were willing to take full responsibility for their actions. There was always someone else to blame. Perhaps, at their stage of development, they were doing the right thing.
There is one other vital lesson that we are intended to learn in Kindergarten. The lesson deals with evolutionary absolutism. It is also very pragmatic. It states quite simply: kill or be killed. You must kill to eat, thus to survive: carnivore and herbivore alike. Let us never forget that it is the same life-force that enlivens both fauna and flora. Kill or be killed is not a suggestion, it is an absolute prerequisite of natural selection.
It is unfortunate that the majority of the human species still conforms to this primitive evolutionary demand. In fact, many of us don’t just kill to survive, we kill because we enjoy killing. We enjoy the hunt. It seems that natural selection has not succeeded in eliminating this trait, as yet, from the human species. Will it ever?

It will. Those (energies) which do not evolve will be recycled in the Black Holes.

(Soon to be published) 

Friday 6 March 2020

CONCLUSIONS, EDUCATION, (Why we were) Chapter 6

To be continued...

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten
what one has learned in school.”
Albert Einstein (1879 –1955)
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921

“Education: A succession of eye-openers each involving the repudiation 
of some previously held belief.”
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
British dramatist, critic, writer.

“Education is an admirable thing,
but it is well to remember from time to time
that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.”
Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900)
Irish poet and playwright.  

To repeat dear old Albert: ALL IS ENERGY. And  various energies have a characteristic of what seems to be a magnetic attraction. Like attracts like. Similar energies, energies of similar rate of vibrations, attract each other. They blend and merge. Become one.
The omnipresent, perfect, immortal, indestructible Consciousness shares its attributes with us. With you and me. And a few billion others. And yet, only a Few of us choose to accept this magnificent gift. We prefer to rely on our Egos, the artificial intelligence generated by our biological computer. By our brain.
Lack of gratitude?  Or just plain ignorance?
And yet this is why we were here. For millions and millions of years. Perhaps billions? Still are. We went through repeated reincarnations to begin, just begin, being aware of the munificent generosity of the Universe.
On the other hand, we’ve only just begun exploring our potential. Our infinite potential. We are all children of the “Most High”. Of an Energy that gives us the creative energy of gods.
Let us never forget that we are here to learn.

Part 1 of Chapter 6. (Part 2, Kindergarten will follow). The book will be published soon. 

Monday 2 March 2020

CONCLUSIONS, end of Chapter 5. (Being & Becoming).

Returning to ‘death’.
Should any species, human or any other, make a negative contribution to the phenomenal Universe, even such would not be wasted. Energy is indestructible, but it can be metamorphosed without limits. The phenomenal locations for the recycling of such energies are the Black Holes.
Science still finds the nature of Black Holes unknown. It defines Black Holes as:

“...a region of spacetime exhibiting gravitational acceleration so strong that nothing—no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from it. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole.”
( › wiki › Blackhole)

Any object exhibiting the property of mass that falls into a black hole increases its rate of vibration beyond our ability to measure it. It seems to exhibit characteristics of density. Yet, to repeat, we know that ALL IS ENERGY. It is the incredible acceleration at the end of its journey which gives the illusion of density.
       And then It merges with Omnipresent Consciousness.
      As for our dear scientists, they, once again, appear to have forgotten about the nature of energy. Once they remember, I’m sure they’ll come up with a more logical definition.

Meanwhile, let us not forget the Event Horizon. This is the line of demarcation where the centripetal and centrifugal forces meet. These two forces maintain our reality in balance. Otherwise,   the Earth would fly off into space, or crush into the sun, neither alternative propitious to our lives. Balance and growth in diversity causing constant expansion are the prerequisites of sustaining the phenomenal reality, or the Universe that (we imagine that) we know.
       We can accomplish most by emulating the characteristics of the Even Horizon in our lives, in the choices we make. In relation to the enormity of the Universe, we might even call it the Straight and Narrow path of greatest success to fulfill our dharma. Our destiny. A state of consciousness in which we can contribute most to the diversity that will enhance the phenomenal Universe.
       I know it’s transient, but... it’s all we got.
      Until we learn to merge with the Energy of the Omnipresent Consciousness within us. 

Hence, to sum up, if we abuse our powers then or there, we’ll still find redemption, but at the expense of the loss of our phenomenal identity.
We shall be drawn into a Black Hole.
There, and only there, the rate of vibration of energies that failed to contribute to the Universe are accelerated to the original rate of vibrations. In fact, to the infinite rate which merges with the Omnipresent Consciousness.
This is the eternal, glorious, cycle of evolution.