Monday 30 September 2019

ALEXANDER TRILOGY: Complete Series - Love, Magic, and Adventure

The Trilogy illustrates the profound changes that take place in men when they become aware of the potential abiding within their consciousness. The old expression “sky is the limit”, takes on a new meaning. Read this trilogy carefully; your time for the next step may be just around the corner. And remember, miracles of today are but normal abilities of our ultimate potential.
The trilogy begins with extraordinary adventures of Alec, a teenaged boy with a vivid imagination, in a world of fantasy and paranormal experience. 
We follow him from his early youth to maturity, in which the adventures of boyhood take on a very different meaning.
Normal and paranormal realities blend until they become manifest in Sacha as supernormal phenomena.
Amazon description:
“Stan I.S. Law’s inimitable style breathes life into the unforgettable characters and adventures that Alec, Alexander, and Sacha would meet in their journeys.
Join them in this magnificent and exceptionally well-written story that will tickle your mind as well as your heart.”

Alexander Trilogy is a fascinating tale for both young and old in the world of paranormal and supernormal phenomena.

In Book One: ALEC is a dreamer and an adventurer. He’s coming of age. He conquers the unconquerable, visits the unreachable, sails the seven seas, and finally meets his own Self among the stars. He also finds his first love.

Join him for the ride of your life! 
You’ll feel young again!!!

In Book Two: Alec is now Dr. ALEXANDER Baldwin, a brilliant physicist, who had risen to unprecedented heights in his profession. He is determined to unlock the secrets of the Universe. All seems fine until his journey to the mysterious Machu Picchu. There, at the top of the world of the ancient Incas, Sandra, his inner Self, the Princess of his youth, returns to claim her proper place in his life. Alexander refuses to give up his freedom without a struggle.

Join Alexander in the realm of fantasy, Black Magic, Adventure, and Romance.

Finally, in Book Three of the Trilogy, SACHA, Alexander's son, cuts his own history. His life hovers between normal, paranormal, and supernormal. He is uncomfortable in his body. There are echoes here of Heinlein’s “Stranger in a Strange Land”. Sacha is obsessed with finding purpose in his life. Finally, his mysterious mission is revealed to him. Strangely, his success results in dire consequences to those who dare to oppose him.

A few blurbs from some 5-STAR reviews on Amazon.

High Stakes!
Candy for my mind!!
Stan I.S. Law does it again!
Moving and Memorable Conclusion!
A Perfect Way To Wrap Up A Trilogy!
Fantastic ending to Alexander Trilogy Series! 
Phenomenal Book That Gets You Thinking, Must Read!!

If you value a life of romance, magic, and adventure…
 Don’t delay. 

(Three books for the price of one!)

Let me know if you liked it or, better still, say so on Amazon or wherever you got it. Reviews are gratefully appreciated

(on Amazon)



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(A version of this blog was first published on February 5th, 2018)

Saturday 28 September 2019

SACHA—The Way Back: Mysteries of Consciousness

We all are individualizations of energy which, by vibrating at an infinite rate is both omnipresent and capable of metamorphosing into an infinite diversity of phenomenal manifestations.

We know this energy as Consciousness.

Consciousness is the omnipresent energy that uses elements of the phenomenal reality to give it individuality inherent in transient life. At higher levels of individualizations, it can also generate quasi-consciousness. Quasi - thus transient - namely generated by elements individualized in the phenomenal world. While all fauna and flora enjoy degrees of consciousness, only ‘higher’ animals generate their own consciousness which may or may not stimulate the individualizations to cooperate or deny the primary consciousness which created it.
By identifying with the creative force of Pure Consciousness we maintain equilibrium; while using the energy generated by our brains, we can contribute to the diversity of the phenomenal Universe, thus being instrumental in creating the condition of constant expansion through amorphous manipulation.

Our brains are the biological computers that create diversity in the phenomenal reality.

We must bear in mind, that according to Albert Einstein and the present-day physicists, all is energy and energy is indestructible. The energies differ only by the rate at which they vibrate.

SACHA appears to have known a lot of these ‘mysteries’ at subliminal level. While taking full advantage of his phenomenal body, he seems to have grown in awareness of its energetic nature. He learned, at an early age, to manipulate and metamorphose these energies outside the confines of time.
The novel illustrates the qualities which are inherent in all of us. We all have latent powers which we disregard in preference of the transient, physical, illusory reality. Nevertheless, we are all immortal. Not in terms of our illusory bodies but in our true nature which consists of individualizations of pure consciousness. The energy that cannot be destroyed.

Alexander Trilogy Book Three

Sacha’s life hovers between normal, paranormal, and supernormal. He is uncomfortable in his body. He’s obsessed with finding purpose in his life. Finally, his mysterious mission is revealed to him. Strangely, his success results in dire consequences to those who dared to oppose him. The world will never be the same again!

A few blurbs from some 5-star reviews on Amazon.

High Stakes!
Candy for my mind!!
Stan I.S. Law does it again!
Moving and Memorable Conclusion!
A Perfect Way To Wrap Up A Trilogy.
Fantastic ending to Alexander Trilogy Series
Phenomenal Book That Gets You Thinking,
Must Read!!

And others…

Let me know if you like it or, better still, say so on Amazon, or wherever you got the book...
Reviews are gratefully appreciated.
And then make sure you read the whole ALEXANDER TRILOGY!

(on Amazon)

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Thursday 26 September 2019


Just in case you really want to be immortal, read: 


The exegesis of the Gospel of Thomas, by Stanislaw Kapuscinski, the author of the  

The Gospel of Thomas states:

“Whosoever finds the explanation of these words
shall not taste death.”

We are endowed with the gene of immortality. Our genome can endure millions of years. But what of our consciousness? The author offers us the Key to Immortality. 

We’ve all heard about reincarnation. These individual cycles are relatively short. They last usually less than a 100 years in physical reality followed by (usually) less than the equivalent of ‘earthly’ 1000 years on the Astral Plane, where we enjoy (or suffer) the consequences of our life on Earth. We have a foretaste of the Astral Plane in our dreams and nightmares. As always, action results in equal though opposite reaction both in material and astral realities.
Luckily, the consequences in the Astral Plane are not permanent.
But then, there are also larger cycles, referred to as the Cycles of the Zodiac. They consist of 12 segments adding up to 26,000 years. Those who reach a degree of balance in their accounts will continue to advance on the eternal path. The others (‘the many’) those who for whatever reason did not fulfill their (self) assigned tasks, will have to start from scratch, or almost so. Perhaps they’ll transmigrate, or metamorphose into higher or lower animals. The worst cases might retreat all the way to a mono-cellular amoeba.
How many will continue and how many will start again? As always it is up to us. We are the sole masters of our destiny.
However, we would be wise to heed the warning.
We are told that: “many are called but few are chosen”. If we qualify this statement by the fact that we are all endowed with (relatively) freewill, it stands to reason that it is we, yes, you and I, who do the choosing of our own destiny. Perhaps that is why the ancients assured us that we are gods—as indeed we are. Whether we believe in this or not is of absolutely no consequence. Surely, we all know that ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it. We are told that not “one jot or one tittle” of the Law can be broken.
This has NOTHING to do with any religion, only with the nature of reality.
Needless to say, since we are all immortal, the individualized consciousness that directs our actions (whenever our ego does not interfere) will eventually guide our return to Oneness.
See you…  and, good luck. 

Key to Immortality is a perfect follow-up to the Dictionary of Biblical Symbolism. After reading it, you will have a whole new perspective on the Gospel of Thomas and immortality.
       As he did with the Dictionary of Biblical Symbolism, Mr. Kapuscinski challenges our preconceived notions and opinions, and presents clear logic-based facts and reasoning that draws you in, takes you on a journey, and leaves you enriched in the end. Well done Mr. Kapuscinski.”
5-star review by Ronald Piecuch on Amazon.

A few blurbs from some 5-star reviews:

Fantastic Book!
Quality Analysis
Beautifully written…
Incredibly fascinating
A very unique perspective!
Religious Verbiage Decoded
Thought Provoking and Transforming!
Blew My Mind. An Incredible Gospel Finding
Worth Buying, Worth Reading and Worth Recommending!

And many more…

Let me know if you like the KEY, or better still, say so on in writing…  you might enjoy being immortal.
Reviews are gratefully appreciated.

Exegesis of the Gospel of Thomas
(on Amazon)

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Tuesday 24 September 2019

Sci-Fi Series 2—This could happen to you...

If you enjoyed Sci-Fi Series 1, then you might like to try Sci-Fi Series 2. It also offers five unique and original stories that may curl your blood, make you laugh, or just fill you with joy.
Or you might learn about a Galactic Navy. Or about... just read the titles: 

Simulator, Little Angels, Open Casket, The Next Step, and a long favourite Esperanza

I’m prepared to bet you my bottom dollar that you’ll not be able to guess what the stories are about. But, for 99 cents, you can get to the bottom of each story.

To play safe, if you haven’t already, I suggest you get both collections. Sci-Fi Series 1 will lead you to this one, and this one will lead you to my Sci-Fi novels, the Gift of Gamman, and Enigma of the Second Coming. Not to mention all my Trilogies that are essentially Science-fiction/Fantasies.
By reading the short stories first, you’ll have a good idea what to expect, before you commit yourself to more than 300 pages of fantasy that might or might not become your favourite.
That’s what science fiction is all about.
It is not intended to scare you with monsters (that’s for children), but to show you what the future might be, or what it might be if we’re not careful, or what the human potential is capable of.

Whatever the subject matter, I hope you’ll enjoy the stories. And when you do, please, say so on the Amazon, or wherever you got them.
Your thoughts are important to me. 

Also available on Smashwords.

(on Amazon)

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Sunday 22 September 2019

Sci-Fi 1 Series—Truth or illusion?

There are many youngsters who recognize Sci-Fi by the number of corpses that monsters leave behind. There are other, more mature people, for whom Science-Fiction represents a warning of what might happen if we don’t change our ways. A warning of the consequences of our greed, our selfishness, our dire stupidity.  

There may still enjoy lots of humour. After all, the ancient prophets told us that we are gods, and, surely, gods are immortal. And more lately, Albert Einstein also assured us that ALL is energy and that energy cannot be destroyed. It can metamorphose, but it cannot cease to exist. Aren’t we lucky that we are all energy?
And, most of all, that we are the indestructible energy of Consciousness.

“...if you suddenly feel an enormous weight pressing down on you, it’s probably too late. Your Umph is already inside an alien’s body. This should not scare you...”
Read on...
Below are a few words of what other people thought about Thirsty Work:
 “Absolutely brilliant! …a real classic, which leaves the reader wondering if we do really live on Planet Earth!” writes Louisa Middleton-Blake, Author, Wales, UK.
The other stories are about the love of life and the planet Earth as well as reaching out into the very heart of a Black Hole.

And then there are the blurbs from 5-STAR reviews:

Great sci-fi.
Superb writing.
Very, Very Good!
Highly Enjoyable!
Absolutely brilliant!
Excellent Collection!
I loved everything about this collection of stories!

Let me know if you like the stories, or better still, say so on Amazon… Your thoughts are important to me. As are your reviews. 

Sci-Fi  Series 1

(on Amazon)

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Friday 20 September 2019

BEYOND RELIGION Books 1, 2, & 3— The Indestructible Energy!

When we examine reality in terms of (the ancient and) the very latest modern understanding, our views change diametrically.
There are many realities, as many heavens and as many hells as there are people on Earth. In fact, I strongly suspect, that every living creature creates a reality that only they can experience. They also experience love, fear, dislike; even more often they seem to create their own joy, happiness, perhaps their versions of Heaven.

We all do so.
Some of us do so consciously, most are not even aware that they are responsible for the reality they live in. Of the reality they’ve created by the creative energy of their thoughts, feelings, acts, even by the words they speak, the TV they watch, by their reactions to the realities of others.
Remember, we are gods.
Gods are not masters who punish or reward others. Gods are individualizations of the omnipresent creative energy of Consciousness, which or who evolved to serve the creative power within them in full consciousness.
You, too, can learn it.
As Yeshûa had.

Dreams can help.
Our brains’ Alpha waves are the gateways to the inner reality. By learning to come awake while still in that range of brainwaves, we enter the gates of reality which heretofore was only possible while dreaming. This is called lucid dreaming.
Which is more real?
You decide.
But whatever your dream, make sure you accomplish it. This is why we were born. This is why we live. Eventually, having accomplished it, this will be why we die. Not to cease existing, but to free yourself from the limitations of your physical body.
After all, the phenomenal world is an illusion.
Ask Einstein.
The real world is beyond your physical ‘prison’. This is only the testing ground. The real world is not limited to just a few dimensions. Even our scientists confirm this, although usually, they rely on vibrations so slow as to be detected by our phenomenal senses.
Trust me.
The real reality is within you. You can actually learn to make your dreams real. This is called lucid dreaming.

In the phenomenal, illusory world, one man’s blessing is another man’s poison. In true reality, the energies you manipulate to create reality are real. You bear the total responsibilities for their creation.

I set about writing the essays of the Beyond Religion Series to inquire into the nature of Being. Being is the permanent, indestructible consciousness which created our physical enclosures, our physical bodies. It did so in order to experiment with the infinite creative potential which is an indestructible and inseparable quality of pure consciousness. You can call it spirit if you like, but the fact remains that the only permanent aspect of you and me, is the consciousness of Being. The Becoming aspect is transient, ephemeral, in fact an illusory manifestation of the phenomenal Universe.
Our Being is immortal.
Our Becoming is the manifestation in the illusory reality.


It can metamorphose, but it cannot be destroyed. This is NOT a religion. This is pure physics.

All my essays are offered in the light of this, underlying philosophy, which, in my case, is also my reality.

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Wednesday 18 September 2019


Years ago, I was compelled to ask myself, what is the Bible about? I soon learned that the first item we must accept is that the Bible does not deal with the phenomenal, or what we call physical, reality. The Scriptures are a compendium of knowledge based on the experience of preceding generations, which illustrate what are the consequences of our diverse creative impulses. It teaches about the:


Also, we should never forget, that the Bible deals almost exclusively with the cause. It does not deal with the effect, but with the creative process, or with the thoughts responsible for the ultimate result.

Our thoughts are creative energy.

Thus, it becomes obvious that the Scriptures have nothing to do with any religions, which seem concerned only with results. In fact, the Bible teaches us how we can liberate ourselves from religion.
Yeshûa was none too nice about the priesthood.
“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in.” (Matthew 23:13)

That was then. Thousands of years ago.
And now?
What would Yeshûa say about priesthood today? About the members of our ecclesiastic profession of today dealing almost exclusively with the carrot and the stick?
With heaven and hell — both states of consciousness?
I suspect that his criticism would apply to everyone who attempts to stop men and women pursuing the Kingdom of Heaven: the state of consciousness that liberates us from the effects of the phenomenal reality. After all, we are intended to be the creators, the gods, as defined by the prophets.

The essential problem is that, by religious standards, Yeshûa was an adamant atheist. He did not believe in any God, up there, in the sky, or in a temple (or churches which in his time did not as yet exist). The only Creative Force Yeshûa recognized was the ‘father’, the ‘Creative Force’ in heaven, while stressing that HEAVEN IS WITHIN YOU.

Heaven is a state of consciousness.

And that’s what the Bible is all about. It teaches how to create a state of consciousness that would parallel Paradise.
The rest is up to us.

A few blurbs from some 5-STAR reviews of the DICTIONARY:

A must-have!
So intriguing!
Great Resource!
Huge Eye Opener
An Invaluable Resource
Discover the untold story
Brilliant for seeing deeper
Unparalleled in terms of its usefulness
Perfect Companion for Spiritual Enlightenment!

And many more…

Let me know if you found the Dictionary useful or, better still, say so on Amazon… Reviews are gratefully appreciated.

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