Sunday 22 September 2019

Sci-Fi 1 Series—Truth or illusion?

There are many youngsters who recognize Sci-Fi by the number of corpses that monsters leave behind. There are other, more mature people, for whom Science-Fiction represents a warning of what might happen if we don’t change our ways. A warning of the consequences of our greed, our selfishness, our dire stupidity.  

There may still enjoy lots of humour. After all, the ancient prophets told us that we are gods, and, surely, gods are immortal. And more lately, Albert Einstein also assured us that ALL is energy and that energy cannot be destroyed. It can metamorphose, but it cannot cease to exist. Aren’t we lucky that we are all energy?
And, most of all, that we are the indestructible energy of Consciousness.

“...if you suddenly feel an enormous weight pressing down on you, it’s probably too late. Your Umph is already inside an alien’s body. This should not scare you...”
Read on...
Below are a few words of what other people thought about Thirsty Work:
 “Absolutely brilliant! …a real classic, which leaves the reader wondering if we do really live on Planet Earth!” writes Louisa Middleton-Blake, Author, Wales, UK.
The other stories are about the love of life and the planet Earth as well as reaching out into the very heart of a Black Hole.

And then there are the blurbs from 5-STAR reviews:

Great sci-fi.
Superb writing.
Very, Very Good!
Highly Enjoyable!
Absolutely brilliant!
Excellent Collection!
I loved everything about this collection of stories!

Let me know if you like the stories, or better still, say so on Amazon… Your thoughts are important to me. As are your reviews. 

Sci-Fi  Series 1

(on Amazon)

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1 comment:

  1. “Excellent Collection! Law’s ability to inspire a myriad of emotions in a scientific and intelligent environment is astounding. I highly recommend it!
    From 5-STAR review by Ally McMahon, Author, on Amazon.
