Monday 26 November 2018

TWO KINGDOMS—Carrot & Stick v. Equilibrium

During the Age of Pisces, the principal lesson was that of Unity. Of being One. The  only energy (of which according to our scientists all things are made) that draws us together is the centripetal force. Centrifugal increases diversity, Centripetal unites us.
At the level of individualized consciousness, we also know this force as Love.

The principal teacher of this Age was Yeshûa, known to most people as Jesus. He claimed that once we accept that we are all One, all things will become clear.

“At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.”  (John 14:20)

This enigmatic statement would sound very different today. Today he’d probably say:
Energy that is omnipresent. That the energy is amorphous, indestructible, and can metamorphose into anything; both imaginable and unimaginable.
That all creative acts are initiated by an idea.
That the phenomenal world is the result, not the cause of all things. That the creative force is:

NOT of this world.
Not of the world perceived by our senses.

Yeshûa defined the Creative Source of his Consciousness as his father. To me, this sounds a lot less like magic than the Big Bang proposed by physicists. Big Bang initiated from nothing.
Also, in Yeshûa’s Kingdom, there is no crime and punishment. No carrot or the stick. Heaven is within you, he said. As are all states of Consciousness. Today, finally, some of our scientists are on the right track.

Paul, also known by his Jewish name Saul of Tarsus, struggled with this concept all his life. Peter, having learned the truth directly from Yeshûa, desperately tried to persuade him. There were moments in which Paul was very close to understanding. Very close to accepting the truth. Alas… too late. By the time it dawned on him that Yeshûa’s Kingdom is not of this world, the damage was already done. He, almost singlehanded, organized a kingdom very much in this world. A kingdom which even today has more than two billion believers.
People who refuse to believe that they are being led by the blind, who refuse to awaken to the truth.

When they will, they’ll become aware of their immortality. They’ll become aware of the Energy, of the Infinite Creative Potential dwelling within them.
When they do, miracles will be theirs to perform.
They will metamorphose the omnipresent energy in ways to enhance the phenomenal Universe. They will multiply the beauty which already permeates our reality.
They will realize that they are gods.
They will finally realize that the phenomenal world perceived by our senses is not real. They will finally accept that you and I, and every single reader of this tirade, are, always were, and always will be ONE: tiny, yet infinitely powerful drops, in an eternal, Ocean of Creative Energy.

Let me know if you enjoyed the novel or, better still, say so on Amazon… Reviews are gratefully appreciated. Everywhere. 

An intuitive sequel to
Memoir of Missing Years of Jesus

Monday 19 November 2018

YESHUA—Missing Years of Jesus

As Christmas approaches, a Great Mystery unravels before our eyes... Stan Law, an expert in Biblical Symbolism and ancient myths unfolds the eighteen years of Jesus’ life missing from the Bible.

The novel is based on the statement by Edgar Cayce, the late American prophet, that Jesus had visited “Persia, India, Syria, and Egypt to complete His education.” Stan Law has thoroughly researched early Indian and Middle-Eastern history. He illustrates conditions in which such an education might have taken place to prepare Jesus for his ministry.

Detail study of the Bible strongly suggests that the whole scripture has little to do with any religion. To the contrary, it is quite evident that Yeshûa made every effort to convert the Judaic thought to the wisdom of the ancient prophets, who defined how we should live in order to discover Heaven within our state of consciousness. There, and only there, we are assured, rests the indefatigable state of Being, the Creative Power, to which he referred to as his Father. The book illustrates how and why Jesus may have reached such conclusions.

Ultimately, he assured us that: “You are gods; you are all children of the Most High.”

This was not a religious assurance, but a statement of our immortality, born of the same omnipresent omniscient Consciousness, and of the ultimate potential within us. Recently our leading scientists came to the same conclusion. They state, unequivocally,  that all is energy (previously referred to as spirit) and that this energy, while amorphous, is indestructible.

As the story unfolds, Satia, the son of a wealthy caravan owner meets the 12-year-old Yeshûa (Jesus) as the latter flees in rebellion from his Essene teachers. The two become fast friends and stay that way for the 18 years not covered in the Bible. And, as Luke later stated (2:52) “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.”

A few blurbs from some 5-star reviews:

Loved it!
Wonderful Read!
Loved this book!
Love in all of its aspects.
A Well Deserved Rating!
Recommend to everyone!
Inspiring and Enlightening!
Fascinating historical fiction!
A truly fascinating and enlightening read!
No matter what you believe, you will like this book!

And others…

Let me know if you enjoyed the story or, better still, say so on Amazon… Reviews are gratefully appreciated. In the meantime, please, make sure you read my blog. 


Monday 12 November 2018

INFINITY— Of Gods & Men

The problem with Infinity is that it has neither beginning nor end. Thus, it is not a ‘thing’. It can be an energy or a process - such that never began nor would ever end.
It must be unlimited.
Infinity does not accept limitations, hence the concept must be omnipresent, eternal, and indestructible.
Like God?
Like the omnipresent Consciousness that always was, is, and always will be.
Why consciousness?
Because we are conscious. Without us, there would be no one aware of Consciousness, and no one would be aware of being conscious.
Many people still aren’t.
Descartes: “Cogito, ergo sum” does NOT mean, “I think therefore I am”. It stands for:
“I am conscious, therefore I am.”
A substantial difference. Thoughts are ideas converted into words. Thinking defines Becoming; Consciousness exemplifies Being. As Being is not limited by time or space, Becoming is likewise not subject to any limitations, although it is subject to constant change.
Hence, Being is an Amorphous Energy in search of self-expression.

The Potential form is perfect.
It is not restricted by the limitations imposed by time or space. Hence the search must be subject to Eternal Evolution.
As Being and Becoming are inseparable, both need the attribute of infinity.

As this concept might be beyond most peoples’ ability to visualize, I attempted to incorporate some of its consequences in OLYMPUS, Book 3 of Aquarius Trilogy. The novel is but the first step facing some of us in our future, but it suggests the magnitude of the wonders ahead of us.
Strange though it may seem, those wonders already exist in the depth of our psyche, or even deeper, in our Unconscious. You may prefer to read the whole Trilogy, as the ideas are developed slowly; we enter the life within!

You may find some of the concepts repeated in some of my blogs. This only means that every reader may or may not accept a particular version of the same truth. Or, at least, my perception of it. After all, the Universe is infinite and while its purpose is to increase the creative diversity, there is a great likelihood of similarities between various concepts.
We should never forget that everything already exists in its potential form. It is up to us, up to the Artificial Intelligence budding within our psyche, to take part in the creative process of the phenomenal Universe.
Good luck.

As the Trilogy advances, all hell breaks loose due to the Pluto Effect. Our heroes escape to Milos, an enchanted Greek Island. Only there they have a chance to survive apocalyptic global upheavals caused by the reversal of the polarity of magnetic poles.

A few blurbs from 5-STAR reviews on Amazon:

Third book still has it!
A brilliant end to the trilogy
Captivating and thought-provoking!
A Fantastic Conclusion to a Great Trilogy!
WOW, gorgeous conclusion to a brilliant series!

And others…

Let me know if you enjoyed it or, better still, say so on Amazon… Reviews are gratefully appreciated.

Book 3 of the Aquarius Trilogy

Complete Collection

Monday 5 November 2018

VICIOUS CIRCLES—Eliminating Paradoxes

For some reason, people seem to equate immortality with their physical bodies. They seem unaware of, let alone accept the scientists' assurances that atoms are essentially empty space.
Actually, this quantum model is not quite accurate. The nucleus of an atom is surrounded by a cloud of electrons. Also, apparently, everything in the universe behaves like particles and waves at the same time. Let me break it down for you.

1. Matter is made up of atoms.
2. Atoms are made up of electrons, protons, and neutrons,
3. Electrons and Co. are made up of quarks.
4. Quarks are made up of ‘strings’.
5. Strings are minuscule loops of energy.
6. Energy makes up the phenomenal Universe.

Hence, all that’s made up of atoms is made up of minuscule loops of energy. That’s you and me. Welcome to the world of quantum physics.

We live within magnificent, phenomenal, biological robots, made up of vibrating bits of energy. Inside those envelopes resides our consciousness,  our mind, our emotions.
What you must decide is if you’d rather be made up of atoms, or be a state of Consciousness, abiding, temporarily in an assembly of atoms, a complex of vibrating energy.

In fact, you are both.
Being and Becoming are ONE.

You are an individualization of Consciousness, an Energy that vibrates at an infinite rate, and thus is omnipresent, indestructible, and omnipotent in It’s Potential.  Thus we are made up of two extremes: of the eternal and of the transient, of Being and Becoming.
The Eternal is unchangeable Energy in which all ideas already exist in their perfect potential form.
The Transient (usually referred to as ‘soul’,) is the sum-total of the phenomenal achievements of that particular individualization, since the beginning of time.
Each individualization is evolving to acquire an Artificial Intelligence, which can be applied to enhance the totality of the phenomenal Universe. Consequently, the Universe is in the state of constant expansion.
Hopefully, in time, even Homo sapiens will advance enough to cooperate with the omnipresent Consciousness.
The Evolutionary Process, (to which we refer as life), and the Prime Cause of this process are inseparable. To repeat, the two are ONE.

There is one other item to consider. The question of equilibrium. Of the…

Universal Balance.

While one cannot kill a soul, the destruction of the physical body carries a Karmic load. Any leader of a country or anyone participating in the mass slaughter of bodies in a war causes Karmic imbalance. This has nothing to do with “an eye for an eye” (which simply limits retribution), nor whether or not one believes in reincarnation. It simply states what the Universal Law appears to be.
Hence the warning, “Thou shalt not kill.”
Without balance, the Earth would fly off into outer space, or fall into the sun. There is no absolute good or evil. Good for some is evil for another. There is just the immutable Law of Balance. The straight and narrow path of the eternal Universal Equilibrium. 

Volumes 1 - 5
In Search of Secular Ethics