Tuesday 31 December 2019

Chapter 4 — METAMORPHOSIS (cont.)

Continued research for the forthcoming book CONCLUSIONS

“God Diffusion” mentioned in DELUSIONS, is little more than spontaneous metamorphosis. The spontaneity is due to the creative nature of the energy, let alone of the Omnipresent Consciousness. Few of us seem to be aware that this metamorphosis is an ongoing process, which thanks to the diversity supplied by the artificial intelligence generated by our brains, is responsible for the continuous expansion of the phenomenal Universe.
Only the Infinite Rate of Vibrations is indestructible. The slower rates of energy are transient but they can be metamorphosed into other rates that exhibit other characteristics. 

It seems that not only in a Kindergarten a child needs the authority of his or her parents to guide them. At our evolutionary stage, however, our adults extended this proclivity to the grown-ups. Perhaps we all need an authority that would guide us in our lives. At least, until we really grow up? Not physically but in our consciousness. Yes, artificial consciousness. The consciousness that adds to the diversity of creation within our phenomenal Universe.
In this sense, we really are gods. Or can be...

On the other hand, we, the real we, are immortal.  Perhaps in a million years or so, we shall learn to stand on our own feet.
Until then we, or most of us, suffer most from the disciplines which various religious sects impose on us. Freedom of religion, so praised by the people at large, allowed the imported and indigene religions to flourish in great diversity. As the majority of Americans declared themselves to be of Christian persuasion, I shall limit myself to comments about Judeo-Christian ethic.
In the USA, last year (in 2019) 65% (down from 73.7 two years earlier) of the populations confessed to being Christians. I’ve read that world-wise, there might be as many as 33000 Christian denominations. It’s a good place to start.
As a matter of fact, diversity is to be praised rather than condemned. After all, the expansion of the Universe is due principally to the expansion of the ideas that swell our consciousness. This may be our unwitting yet positive contribution to the Universe. 
So, as you can see, while Ego has its negative traits, it is also indispensable to the survival of its phenomenal hosts, as well as for the experimentation with new ideas flowing from our unconscious.

All ideas originate in our UNCONSCIOUS.

As mentioned, such new ideas which find a foothold in the phenomenal Universe assure continued growth of Universal Diversity. To assure constant growth, the Universe produces new species. Periodically, various species which exhausted its phenomenal potential are allowed to become extinct, making room, within the same environment, for new diversity.
There is neither love nor hate involved in this. We must never forget that our world is NOT REAL. No more so that the realities we experience in our dreams. And ALL energies, while indestructible, are subject to metamorphosis.

And now, to put the whole problem of a ‘religious’ God or gods away, allow me to quote what has been known to us for more than two thousand years:

The kingdom of God is within you.

Not in the corpse after you die, nor even in some other phenomenal reality but WITHIN YOU. Here and now. Kingdome of God is a: STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS.
All you need do is to find it.
Again, here and now.
And let me assure you if you don’t find it here and now, then, sooner or later, you’ll start looking for it again and again until you do. That’s what reincarnation is all about. So... keep looking and,  please, don’t give up. It is waiting for you.

(1) 25 Pantheons: African, Armenian, Aztec, Buddhist, Berber, Canaanite, Celtic, Chinese, Egyptian, Germanic, Greek, Guanche, Hindu, Incan, Jain, Japanese, Japanese Buddhist, Maya, Native American, Norse, Rigvedic, Roman, Slavic, Sumerian, Yoruba... and many other pantheons. Some pantheons had a number of variants.

 (To be continued in a few days. In the meantime, enjoy DELUSIONS.)

Saturday 14 December 2019

Chapter 4 — METAMORPHOSIS (The God Diffusion)

Continued research for the forthcoming book CONCLUSIONS

“A bad book is as much of a labour to write as a good one,
 it comes as sincerely from the author's soul.”
Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894—1963)
British author

(This quotation is offered in case I need to apologize.)

Religions have created a God in our image and likeness. This is not a new idea. Virtually all primitive groups of people created pantheons, often competing with each other for prestige and authority. Wikipedia offers no less than 25 pantheons that sprang all over the world seemingly designed to supervise man’s behaviour. 1
If the function of gods is to rule the world, then, perhaps, the Pentagon ought to be included in this group.
Faithful to what?
To the invisible, punitive, uncompromising deities that offer us carrots and sticks as we once did to our children. Shouldn’t gods be held to a higher standard? Zeus had quite a temper. As did Odin. As did a few others.

And then came Judeo-Christian philosophy. We can but wonder why people have such a need to recognize the superiority of invisible ‘beings’ to their own potential. After all, various scriptures assured us that we are gods. It is stated quite univocally in both the Old and the New testament. And yet this assurance was, and continues to be, studiously ignored by the ‘faithful’, let alone by their priesthood.
To make God more human, they, the religious fraternity, declared Adam and his heavenly father God in Adam’s likeness. He had all the human traits. They dressed Him in human garments, and plastered him all over the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel next to his very human father.
As such magnificent painting were, and remain, inaccessible to the masses which the sacerdotal fraternity wanted to control, they elevated Yeshûa to the status of God, and having a convenient image of him being nailed to a wooden cross, they used that image to represent their concept of God.
And this in spite of Yeshûa’s assurances that we are all children of the Most High.
Yet, no matter how hard they tried to convert the Creative Energy into a human form, they failed.
In order to accept the reality which demands CONSCIOUSNESS to be the only source of CREATIVE ENERGY, they continued to personify this trait. Furthermore, such energy has to be indestructible, yet foster constant metamorphosis in order to increase the DIVERSITY of the phenomenal Universe. As such, we must accept that such an Energy is beyond the limitations of the phenomenal reality.
Furthermore, various religions have introduced the concept of God being good, without ever defining what is meant by this adjective. Good for whom... for you or for me? Good for a particular species, for flora or for fauna... are there any favourites, preferences?
We continue to assign to our concept of God human traits.

There is no such god. Nor could there be. If there were, it would be in constant state of contradiction, making absolutes impossible. It couldn’t be infinitely just and infinitely forgiving at the same time. These are HUMAN traits.
Please, let us put to bed all divinities our religionists want to create in our image and likeness. No matter how magnificent such beings would be, neither It nor He, nor She, would be able to manifest in our reality.
Even the most ardent religionists agree that God is immortal. And here, on Earth, everything is not only transient but illusory. Surely, they don’t want their God to be an illusion? I’ll leave such arguments to theologians and advance the only solution that makes sense to me.
While my “God” cannot be defined as any definition might limit ITS nature, It does appear to manifest the following characteristics:


Why specifically Consciousness? Because it is the only energy that vibrates at an infinite rate, and hence is omnipresent.
Furthermore, such energy must have the ability to metamorphose into infinite diversity of rates of vibrations, thus manifesting in an infinite number of forms.

 (To be continued in a few days. In the meantime, enjoy DELUSIONS.)

Wednesday 4 December 2019


Chapter 3 (What We Were)

Yet, we mustn’t worry about our cells. Although each individual cell’s life lasts from a mere few hours to, sometimes, a few days, they reproduce by dividing to produce new cells. They make a copy of all their chromosomes (which are coiled strands of DNA), thus extending the existence of the genetic material that holds the instructions for all life. This reproductive process of producing identical copies lasts for as long as we remain within their structures.
Many of the 100 trillion bacteria fall into this same category, particularly those that need a host to survive. We are the hosts, of course. Regrettably, the same applies to cells carrying diseases from plants or animals.

So, that’s what we were. In fact, still are.
Milking cows for trillions of primitive cells.

Luckily, evolution in its inspired wisdom (the Omnipresent Consciousness) developed the immune system which, while still not well understood, offers us the first line of defence from foreign microorganisms.

And now, perhaps none too soon, we can discuss the human form. Originally, we were all hermaphrodites. Then, in order to enhance our reproductive system, ‘nature’ (the creative energy) evolved to separate our sexes. This evolutionary step took place when the enormity of the memory stored in the subconscious needed a greater storage capacity (additional neurons). The subconscious, as indeed all forms of consciousness other than that generated by our brain, are not a phenomenal energy, but the aspects of it necessary for human survival are stored in our neurological system.
The unfortunate fact is that the subconscious inspires our emotions, while the conscious mind is required for non-physical creative endeavours, such a piece of music, poetry and other forms of art. The good news is that all forms of art spring from the successful interplay of the lower and Higher self.
In the artistic endeavour, we participate in the enhancement of the Universe. Any form of ‘art’ that does not fulfill this function, simply is NOT art. It is no more than an expression of our flamboyant Ego.

To summarize “what we were” is equally as enigmatic a concept as to accept where we are at present. Assuming that we accept the concept of evolution, we must have evolved from some lower states of consciousness, irrespective what phenomenal bodies they occupied. We ten to underestimate the intelligence and inherent knowledge of many species that preceded ours. This, however, is not as simple as it sounds.
The problem, as always, was created equally by our religious and scientific fraternities. Only the Buddhists accept that the Universe was never created but that it continues to recreate itself eternally. On the other hand, Buddhism is not really a religion. It is a way of life as, though not many will agree, Christianity had been intended to be. That was before St. Paul decided that a bird in the hand is better than a flock in the sky.
St. Paul’s kingdom was firmly established on Earth, in an illusory reality of the phenomenal Universe.
Unfortunately, and incredible though it may sound, all Paul’s successors continued, and continue to this day, to ignore the teaching of Yeshûa, of the man they affirm to be their Master. Yet, all of them proclaim to be his followers, while grasping the elusive bird by its tail.
They studiously ignore the affirmation “Ye are gods” and prefer to affirm “Ye are sinners”.
Likewise, Yeshûa’s affirmation that “Heaven is within you”, fell of deaf ears.

[BTW, you might care to read my PETER & PAUL, to see that Paul had big problems with the essence of Yeshûa’s teaching, in addition to his preoccupation with the phenomenal reality. After all, some 2000 years later, our late pope Ioannes Paulus II, (known in Polish as Jan Paweł II), who was since raised to the status of a saint, had been a self-confessed phenomenalist.] 2

And who can blame them?
The Jewish Torah asserts that the world was created on October 7th, 3761 BCE. The Christians obediently followed the Hebrews pushing the date only slightly back to October 23, 4004 BCE; (acc. James Ussher (1581-1656), the famous and respected Archbishop of Ireland)
The scientists, as not to be outdone, proudly proclaimed that the world started from the Big Bang some 13.8 billion years ago, although:
The chemistry of life may have begun shortly after the Big Bang... ...during a habitable epoch when the universe was only 10–17 million years old.
(https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Big Bang)

The “short gap” between 10 to 17 million and 13.8 billion years seems to have stretched to quite a few billion. No matter. The scientists are not forced to be good at mathematics.

However, while the Jewish and Christian “Heaven and Earth” had been created by God, the scientists’ Universe appeared out of thin air, although even air wasn’t around at the time. It just happened out of nothing.
I’d rather be a Jew or a Christian and have a progenitor, no matter how unlikely. After all, why would God create a world knowing what a mess we are going to make out of it? Surely, an all-knowing God would have known better.
The only aspect they all agree on is that there is but one world. While Christians accept that there are many Heavens,3 thy insist on placing them outside phenomenal realities. (I’d suggest they confuse them with Devachans).
We now know that none of them are real.
And yet, Aristotle argued that the world must have existed from eternity. (acc. Aristotle’s Physics)
But... it did not happen at once.
As the scientists deal only with the illusory image of the phenomenal Universe, they were, perforce, limited to the observable Universe. And such, according to them occurred, happened, popped into existence around 13.8 billion years ago.
Exit religions.
But, as so often happened in the past, the Buddhists were right. Just recently, Steven Hawking, the famed theoretical physicist, put an end to the beginning of the Universe. Borrowing the idea from the string theory, he and Thomas Hertog claimed that our Universe is eternal. That it never had a singular moment of creation.
One up for Aristotle and Buddhists.

It seems like a good time to return to the pensive question: What were we. Well, we were, we are, and we always shall be energy. A very complex assembly of energies vibrating at different rates, which have the power to metamorphose into various combinations of complexity.
I have discussed the question of time in my book “VISUALIZATION—Creating Your Own Universe”, the chapter on Ageing and Longevity.4  Forever remembering that time is a dimension of the phenomenal Universe only, you might enjoy it.
Until recently, there was an age-old struggle among the scientists to determine if time really exists. God is eternal, all else is transient. Transiency implies time. The phenomenal reality is transient. According to Einstein, it is also illusory. That being the case the time itself exists only in the phenomena, transient, illusory reality.
Enter religions.
God is eternal, omnipresent, hence timeless. He/She/It cannot go anywhere because being omnipresent He/She/It is already there. Hence no time is required to define His/Her/Its location. It would be much easier if we stopped creating a God in our image. If we define God as an omnipresent, eternal POTENTIAL energy, then all things would already exist in their potential form, and that includes you, and me, of the past, present and future. Hence we can exclude time from the permanent equation and limit its manifestation to just the phenomenal reality.
Voila, problem solved.

Under these circumstances, all possible versions of ‘I’, or ‘you’ already exist, and all we need do is to invoke them to the present, wherein we can experience its characteristics. To put it in more scientific jargon, all versions of me, past, present or future, already exist in the quantum field. With a little effort, we can invoke our many facets into the present, and benefit or suffer, from nature and characteristic or such ‘I’ as we invoke.
This is like all ‘miraculous’ healing is done. We do not change reality by changing the phenomenal (hence illusory) form of expression. Instead, we substitute our ‘other’ self ‘suspended’ in the eternal present of the quantum field.
Thus God, the All-Inclusive Potential Energy, neither was, not will be, but IS, beyond limitations of phenomenal reality.

(2) Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (February 28, 1923 – June 7, 2014) was a Polish American philosopher, phenomenologist, founder and president of the World Phenomenology Institute.
(3) 2 Corinthians 12:2
(4) Kapuscinski, Stanislaw, VISUALIZATION—Creating Your Own Universe, ebook, Inhousepress, (Amazon/Kindle and Smashwords). 

 (To be continued in a few days. In the meantime, enjoy DELUSIONS.)

Sunday 1 December 2019


(sequel to DELUSIONS—Pragmatic Realism)

      Chapter 3
(What We Were)

“The results of political changes are hardly ever those which their friends hope or their foes fear.”
Thomas Huxley, British biologist (1825—18950)

Originally, we were stardust. We, the people. The human species. Yet before us, before the stars exploded to seed the ever-expanding space with its phenomenal, ever more complex ingredients, there had been other gods, other intelligent species, who created the stars. By now those magnificent creators may have merged with the Omnipresent Consciousness, enriching Its inexhaustible creative potential with the complexity they contributed to the phenomenal reality of the primordial past. Hence the Creative Energies grew exponentially, ever faster, ever greater, until the Phenomenal Universe became almost real. 
Or so it seemed and continues to appear to us.
To us, the children of Eden, who only recently by Universal standards became aware of our divine heritage. To us, the human species, who, for the most part still think that the phenomenal Universe, the phenomenal reality, is real.
Alas, it is all an illusion.
The whole Universe is but an expression of our consciousness. Of our artificial intelligence created no so long ago.
No, not through a Big or Little Bang. That was but a local occurrence. Our origin lies in the individualization of the Omnipresent Creative Energy of Consciousness. Even as every of the more than 37 trillion cells in our body knows its place, knows its function, so, eventually, we, each one of us, will become aware of our place, our function in the Phenomenal Universe.
No matter how transient.
After all, even our presence, here, on earth, is not real. Only our Consciousness is. When it leaves us, we are here... no more. Yet our consciousness is indestructible. It might last and grow forever. Or it might be recycled in the heart of a Black Hole, to start again towards the fulfillment of its function. But... the ego, its individuality might no longer survive. On the other hand, the ego is part of the transient phenomenal reality hence, it is not immortal. Only the enrichment of the true reality, only the complexity and enhancement of the Universe will last forever.
Eventually, we shall not need the artificial intelligence of the ego. And, once we shed it, we shall become aware of the omnipresent Oneness.
Oneness of time and space.
Of the intangible reality.
We shall blend with the Omnipresent Consciousness which the vast majority of people call God.

More about this in the final chapter.

Coming back to Eden. To Paradise. To a reality, we might have never left if it hadn’t been for the ‘apple’. For the temptation of knowledge. Yes, as individualizations of the Omnipresent Consciousness we couldn’t resist the temptation to gain knowledge which would help us to contribute to the phenomenal reality. We needed to create. To be... gods.
We needed to enhance the Universe.
To leave our mark.
To add to the creative diversity.
Yet, in spite of all the good intentions, we succumbed to the sin of pride. 

Indeed... Long before we became hermaphrodites, we were pure, intangible individualizations of Consciousness, gallivanting among the luscious splendour of primeval nature, looking for a suitable phenomenal body to invade and make our own.
But even then we’re running billions of years ahead of us. It all began with:
“The earliest known life-forms on Earth are putative fossilized microorganisms, found in hydrothermal vent precipitates, that may have lived as early as 4.28 billion years ago, relatively soon after the oceans formed 4.41 billion years ago, and not long after the formation of the Earth 4.54 billion years ago.”
(Abiogenesis in Wikipedia)

Are you sure you want to go that far back? Someone did. Someone did and guided the earthly evolution by adding complexity to the original microorganisms. Everything and everyone has a cause and effect, and evolution advances through enhancement and complexity. The same is true, to this day, with the whole Universe.
Now let us jump forward by a billion years or so.
We must remember that in the non-phenomenal reality time does not exist. In a manner quite incomprehensible to our artificial intelligence, everything happens in the eternal NOW. In fact, it already exists in its potential form, waiting to be manifest in the phenomenal reality.
So by ‘now’, if we are to believe our scientists, there are some 100 trillion microorganisms living happily in a human body, although I have serious doubts how many scientists have actually counted them. Regardless of their mathematical accuracy, that’s a lot more than the 37 trillion cells of our body. And yet... and yet each human cell knows exactly its nature, its function, its place in the scheme of things.
By contrast, we, motivated by the consciousness generated by our brain, by the 100 billion neurons (a mere fractions of other cells making up our bodies), often have problems coordinating the behaviour pattern of three or four members of our family.
There is, however, a consolation.
While each individual cell or microorganism has a very limited lifespan, we, the ‘total’ we, the ‘real’ consciousness residing within this magnificent engineering achievement which took billions of years to construct — we are immortal.
Perhaps this is the place to mention what I mean by the ‘real’ we. From the Mosaic ancient history, real “I am” was, and remains to be referred to as our “Higher Self”.
“The one who is called I AM has sent me to you.” This phrase illustrates that this knowledge has been known in ancient times. It illustrates the transfer of knowledge from the Higher Self to the Ego.
Since that time, however, it is evident that the human Ego grew at the expense of ancient wisdom. Furthermore, it should be noted that while our Ego is subject to virtually constant metamorphosis, our Higher Self is, and has been immortal from the instant of Its individualization.
There are consequences.
While the majority of us rely on technology to eliminate the need for creative thinking from our biological lives, a few, the Chosen Few, continue to enhance and improve the vehicle which enables us to enhance and improve the Universe. In fact, that’s our job.
To enhance and improve the Universe.
By adding beauty and diversification. 

 (To be continued in a few days. In the meantime, enjoy DELUSIONS.)

Wednesday 27 November 2019

(Notes for) CONCLUSIONS—Pragmatic Reality INCONVENIENT TRUTH, Chapter 2.

(sequel to DELUSIONS—Pragmatic Realism)

Chapter 2

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
Theodore Roosevelt,
26th U.S, President (1858—1919)

For countless years, probably countless millennia if not millions of years, we imagined that we live on Earth for no particular reason, other than to survive for as long as we could. This, after all, seems to be the principal preoccupations of other species, of other animals, who have not yet began to create their own, artificial realities.
And then came the mystics, prophets and even messiahs.
They, until recently, had been the only ones who suggested that we are more than flesh and bones. That we can create realities that we can pretend to be real. They also suggested that life on Earth is not the only form of existence, but rather a transient state of becoming, when-after we shall move, on ‘dying’ (vacating our illusory bodies), to a higher reality. Those ideas were summarily exploited by men who created religions, for the sole purpose of controlling man’s minds. For what purpose they did so, we shall leave for now. While they tended to live in unprecedented luxury compared to those whose minds they controlled, they were also directly responsible for creating, installing and protecting countless architectural, sculptural and paining treasures, which, to this day, we recognize as works of art, and that often serve as an inspiration to wonderful compositions of music.

And then came Albert Einstein and, with a single sentence upset the philosophical, religious and even practical apple cart. He proclaimed that:

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

So much for life on Earth. 
Unless the only purpose of life on Earth is to prepare a state of consciousness in which we want to spend extended periods of time. Some Mahatmas1 claim that the stages between reincarnations in the ‘valley of tears’  can last, on average, 1500 years.
Hence, we don’t retire to do nothing for ever-after, to exist eternally in a state abysmal boredom usually referred to as Heaven, but be retire to Devachan, which is a temporary abode which:
“...is regarded as the place where most souls go after death where desires are gratified, corresponding to the Christian belief in Heaven. However, Devachan is a temporary intermediate state of being before the soul's eventual rebirth into the physical world.”
      (H.P. Blavatsky, The Theosophical Glossary. Theosophical Publishing Society, 1892, page 98)

Let us make sure that we do not confuse Devachan with the Christian version of  Purgatory, which is far, far more unpleasant state of consciousness than Devachan. While Devachan can be a stint wherein we are rewarded for  having created the existence of joy and pleasure, the Purgatory is a purely punitive condition. According to Christian doctrine, we are not sent there as a reward, but a punishment. After all, all Christianity is built on the carrot and the stick philosophy with the absolutes of Heaven and Hell as unchangeable, irrevocable, permanents states of consciousness.
Alas, for the rest of us, we prefer to believe in the Christ’s teaching, and not in the perverted version of it promulgated by the sacerdotal fraternities. After all, Christ said that “Kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21). We must assume that the Kingdom of God is as close to Heaven as we can get.

Nevertheless, H.P. Blavatsky, purporting the philosophy of theosophy, assures us that:
“Through Wisdom and Knowledge, one can reach Nirvana and be free from the cycle of birth and death, and even the "false bliss" of Devachan.”
(H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine)
We wouldn’t be able to verify if the bliss of Davanchan is real, unless we’ve been there. There are, however, a number of people throughout history who have strong recollections of previous lives.
On the other hand, we cannot confirm Blavatsky’s thesis as, to my knowledge, no one yet achieved “absolute Wisdom and  Knowledge”, hence failed to return to Earth.

As for life on Earth, it all sounds fairly promising until we return to Einstein. As our phenomenal reality is to be no more than an illusion, it seems that we are creating it with our minds, with our thoughts and desires, and eventually with our resulting actions. We and we alone seem to create realities that we regard as real.
Beauty for one is mundane for another.
Riches for one is near poverty for another.
Physical possession for one, are but irons restricting our freedom for another.
Even happiness of one is a state of boredom for some.
And so forth.

I’d suggest that the only purpose of our life in the illusory reality of the phenomenal Earth is to practice and prepare our consciousness for extended periods we are about to spend in Devachan. After all, 1500 years might be regarded as eternity by some who chose conditions which, in higher reality of Devachan might have no value at all.
Reenter the mystics, prophets and messiahs.
From a mundane point of view, there is one thing that sets them apart. They had the knowledge, and hence the power, to manipulate matter. Now that we know that (according to our science) all matter is energy at different rates of vibrations, and that our reality is an illusion, this ability sounds a lot easier to accept.

All we need do, here and now, is to imagine what our “heaven” should be like, and act as though we could bring it about. We know that like attracts like, no matter how illusory. If you believe in happiness, the chances are much greater that you will be happy. The same goes for all other traits of character which, being a state of consciousness, is the only energy that is real. Yes, even here, on Earth.
So all we really must do, here, on Earth, in this illusory reality, is to make sure that our likes and dislikes are such as would assure our happiness for at least 1500 years. Later, in another stint on Earth, we might change our minds and reach out even higher.
I strongly suspect that Devachan is merely another state of consciousness, in which we create a reality that suits our predilections, at least for a while.
But whatever happens, whatever the truth about building one’s reality of one thing I am certain. There is no “requiescat in pace”, and that would be my version of Hell. Imagine even 1500 years of undisturbed peace without any challenges to conquer.
Not for me.
Hence, to repeat Theodore Roosevelt, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

(1) Mahatma means "great soul", derived from Sanskrit (maha) meaning "great" and (atman) meaning "soul, spirit, life". 

 (To be continued in a few days. In the meantime, enjoy DELUSIONS.)

Friday 22 November 2019

(Research for) CONCLUSIONS—Pragmatic Reality,

 (sequel to DELUSIONS—Pragmatic Realism)


Where We Were

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
Theodore Roosevelt,
26th U.S, President (1858—1919)

As you’ve read in DELUSIONS, according to the still functioning Flat Earth Society the Earth was flat. Since I wrote it, I discovered that in November 2019:
"Brazil hosted a flat Earth conference... in Sao Paulo. In fact, this wasn’t even the first flat Earth conference to have taken place internationally, with last year’s gatherings in Birmingham, UK, Denver, Colorado and Edmonton, Alberta suggesting that flat Earthism is becoming quite the cultural phenomenon."
(From an article by Simon Chandler, a London-based journalist focusing on politics and technology).
You can read my comments about this group of ‘scientists’ in DELUSIONS. For now, I invite you on a more philosophical journey. 

As you must have seen in DELUSIONS, some peoples' brains are flatter than others. If you hadn’t yet read “DELUSIONS—Pragmatic Realism” read it now. Please. Don't delay! It’s all there.
Moving even further back, in fact for countless years, probably countless millennia if not millions of years, we imagined that we live on Earth for no particular reason, other than to survive for as long as we could. This, after all, seems to be the principal preoccupation of other species, of other animals, who have not yet begun to create their own, artificial realities.
And then came mystics, prophets and even messiahs. They, until recently, have been the only ones, the only true scientists, who suggested that we are more than flesh and bones; that we can create realities which we can ‘persistently pretend’ to be real. They also suggested that life on Earth is not the only form of existence, but rather a transient stage of becoming, when-after we shall move, on ‘dying’ (vacating our illusory bodies), to a ‘higher’ reality.
A reality that manifests at a higher rate of vibrations. But this understanding came much later.
Those ideas were summarily exploited by men who created religions, for the sole purpose of controlling peoples’ minds. For what purpose they did so, we shall leave for now. While the religious leaders often tended to live in unprecedented luxury compared to those whose minds they controlled. On the other hand, they have been directly responsible for creating, installing, and protecting countless architectural, sculptural and painting treasures, which, to this day, we recognize as works of art, and that often serve as inspiration for wonderful compositions of music.
As you can see, there is a reason for everything.

And then came Albert Einstein and, with a single sentence upset the philosophical, religious and even practical apple cart. He proclaimed that:

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

So much for life on Earth.
Unless the only purpose of life on Earth is to prepare if not create a state of consciousness in which we want to spend extended periods. Some Mahatmas1 claim that the stages between reincarnations in this ‘valley of tears’  can last, on average, 1500 years.
Hence, most of us having done relatively little, we don’t retire to “rest in peace” i.e.: to do nothing forever after. We don’t retire to exist eternally in a state abysmal boredom usually referred to as Heaven, but we take a protracted holiday in Devachan, a temporary abode which:
“...is regarded as the place where most souls go after death where desires are gratified, corresponding to the Christian belief in Heaven. However, Devachan is a temporary intermediate state of being before the soul's eventual rebirth into the physical world.”
(H.P. Blavatsky, The Theosophical Glossary. Theosophical Publishing Society, 1892, page 98)
Paul’s 2 Corinthians 12:2 comes to mind: I know a man in Christ who was caught up to the third heaven...) As you can see, Blavatsky wasn’t just making things up.
Let us make sure that we do not confuse Devachan with the Christian version of  Purgatory, which is far, far more unpleasant state of consciousness than Devachan. While Devachan can be a stint wherein we are rewarded for having created an existence of relative joy and pleasure, the Purgatory is said to be a purely punitive condition. According to Christian doctrine, we are not sent there as a reward, but a punishment. After all, all Christianity is built on the carrot and the stick philosophy with the absolutes of Heaven and Hell as unchangeable, irrevocable, permanents states of consciousness.
Alas, for the rest of us, we prefer to believe in Christ’s teaching, and not in the perverted version of it promulgated by the sacerdotal fraternities. After all, Christ said that “Kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21). We must assume that the Kingdom of God is as close to Heaven as we can get.

Nevertheless, H.P. Blavatsky, purporting the philosophy of theosophy, assures us that:
“Through Wisdom and Knowledge, one can reach Nirvana and be free from the cycle of birth and death, and even the "false bliss" of Devachan.  
(H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine)
We wouldn’t be able to verify if the bliss of Davanchan is real unless we’ve been there. There are, however, a number of people throughout history who have strong recollections of previous lives.
On the other hand, we cannot confirm Blavatsky’s thesis as, to my knowledge, no one yet achieved “absolute Wisdom and  Knowledge”, and since returned to Earth to bear witness that she was right.

Monday 18 November 2019

Research for CONCLUSIONS—Pragmatic Reality, (sequel to DELUSIONS—Pragmatic Realism)

PART ONE, The PAST (cont.)


Back to AI. The 100 billion neurons communicate with each other, producing complex answers to simple questions. However, AI, being a product of the phenomenal reality, is just as elusive, and as illusory as the rest of our reality. The prime purpose of our brain is to keep us (temporarily) alive and well.
And here comes a great surprise.
Very few people know how to use their biological computer consciously to produce phenomenal results. Very few of us realize that the assembly of neurons is capable of producing an illusion of one of the countless galaxies, let alone our own, magnificent, no matter how transient, physical bodies.
The mind, not the brain, generates ideas. The brain (the computer) converts them into thoughts. Thoughts, when generated through the alpha brainwaves create significant illusions in our phenomenal reality. The reality that we recognize as real, although Einstein insists that it is “merely an illusion, although a very persistent one.”

The rest is history, except for a pertinent detail.
We forgot to discuss how it all began.
Well, it didn’t.
Creativity is a process that is inherent in our awareness of the reality in which we find our becoming. But as every child must have parents, so our awareness must have originated from a non-phenomenal source. The source which religionists call God and scientists call “nothing which existed before the Big Bang”. I prefer the first option, though not one created in the image of man.
Let us get back to Albert Einstein. He said that ALL IS ENERGY. Hence that which the sacerdotal fraternity refer to as God, must, perforce, also be Energy. All means ALL. No exclusions. ALL must include all the potential that was, is, will be or could be, though not in its phenomenal forms. Thus we must expand our concept of ENERGY to include EVERYTHING. The energy that was, is, will be, or could be.
Eternal, hence Inexhaustible Energy?

There are only a few adjectives that do not diminish or limit the definition of God that even Baruch Spinoza would accept:
Omnipresent, Eternal, Inexhaustible Energy, Infinite Potential...
And to this the impressive quarter we must add the most magnificent definition energy of all:


This, and this alone does not diminish or restrict the religious concept of God.
This definition, however,  opens the gates to include thoughts and emotions in the concept of energies. They are the two elements necessary to fulfill the creative process. Perhaps, in time, we shall discover others, such as love, hate, faith... they all create phenomenal consequences, hence they can be classified as energies. 

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Research for CONCLUSIONS—Pragmatic Reality, (sequel to DELUSIONS—Pragmatic Realism)


“...all matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration which holds the atom together. We must assume behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.
Max Planck (1858—1947)
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918

“Reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one.”
Albert Einstein (1879 –1955)
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921

Chapter 1

Who is right?

"A fanatic is a man who consciously overcompensates a secret doubt."
Aldous Leonard Huxley
British author (1894—1963)

As I’ve stated in my DELUSIONS—Pragmatic Realism, fundamentalists are always right. Be they of religious persuasion, or steeped in scientific jargon, they are always right.
For thousands of years, some very wise people attempted to break into the mystery of the Universal Laws. Those running religions called them dogmas, the scientific authorities referred to them as... facts. On the other hand, many saints, mystics, even Saviours, as well as noted scientists, tried to know, let alone understand, what Einstein called “the thoughts of God”. “The rest are details”, he’d said.
And, in a way, he was right.
The problems is, however, that in the phenomenal reality all details count. Atoms, subatomic particles such as electrons, protons, quarks... they all count. Even waves count. Do they have anything to do with the thoughts of God? Well, this depends on who or what we mean by ‘God’.
And yet, though neither group would admit it, both religious and scientific communities continue to try to make sense of the phenomenal reality, while supposedly realizing that it is only an illusion.
At long last Albert Einstein supplied us with an answer. Because:


The ‘visible’ universe might be constructed of (supposedly) ‘solid’ particles, such as atoms, but in fact, atoms are no more than energy vibrating at a very slow rate. Till now we recognized movement mostly by changing localities of matter. Now we had to look at staying in the same location, but vibrating at different rates.
One might have thought that this single statement would put to sleep the eternal struggle between “mind and faith”. 
Not so.
It not only didn’t provide an answer but, instead of defining what might be the thoughts of God, we now had to decide: what is energy.
Back to square one. Though... not quite.

First, let us define what we mean by vibration. In scientific terms, it refers to the transducer which metamorphoses energy. Originally  it was merely:
a device that converted variations in a physical quantity, such as pressure or brightness, into an electrical signal, or vice versa.” 4
Today we accept that a transducer can convert one form of energy into another, essentially by changing its rate of vibration.
Our built-in transducer is not of phenomenal construction. It consists of the energy of Consciousness. What makes this energy different from all the other energies is that it is omnipresent. It is to our thought processes what air is to our lungs. In fact, when reduced to the very first principle, we are individualizations of the  Omnipresent Energy of Consciousness. An omnipresent Transducer.
That’s it. No more and no less.
However, there is a snag in this ointment. While we abide in his phenomenal reality, the process known as evolution has developed a system of developing artificial intelligence. It is a biological computer known to us as our brain. Some 100 billion neurons working overtime to keep us alive. They communicate with each other by firing an electrical or chemical impulse between 5 and 50 times every second across the junction between two nerve cells.
According to Wikipedia:
“Each individual neuron can form thousands of links with other neurons (and) in this way, giving a typical brain well over 100 trillion synapses (up to 1,000 trillion, by some estimates).

This AI (Artificial Intelligence) serves to produce consciousness which manifests as ego. While ego separates us from the rest of the Universe, it is indispensable for the transient survival of our phenomenal body. When our individualized Consciousness leaves our physical enclosures, the artificial consciousness is often in sufficient rapport with the ‘real’ consciousness, to survive until the next reincarnation.
So... who is right?
I question both, the religious and the scientific theories. It is likely that each one of us must define reality for oneself. After all, we are individualizations of the omnipresent Consciousness. Yet there is a strange, for me irresistible boon to my conclusions. My philosophy not only assures me of immortality but enables me to abide, here on Earth, in the antechamber of Heaven. Even if it is a temporary heaven of Devachan (which will be explained in chapter 2).