Wednesday 4 December 2019


Chapter 3 (What We Were)

Yet, we mustn’t worry about our cells. Although each individual cell’s life lasts from a mere few hours to, sometimes, a few days, they reproduce by dividing to produce new cells. They make a copy of all their chromosomes (which are coiled strands of DNA), thus extending the existence of the genetic material that holds the instructions for all life. This reproductive process of producing identical copies lasts for as long as we remain within their structures.
Many of the 100 trillion bacteria fall into this same category, particularly those that need a host to survive. We are the hosts, of course. Regrettably, the same applies to cells carrying diseases from plants or animals.

So, that’s what we were. In fact, still are.
Milking cows for trillions of primitive cells.

Luckily, evolution in its inspired wisdom (the Omnipresent Consciousness) developed the immune system which, while still not well understood, offers us the first line of defence from foreign microorganisms.

And now, perhaps none too soon, we can discuss the human form. Originally, we were all hermaphrodites. Then, in order to enhance our reproductive system, ‘nature’ (the creative energy) evolved to separate our sexes. This evolutionary step took place when the enormity of the memory stored in the subconscious needed a greater storage capacity (additional neurons). The subconscious, as indeed all forms of consciousness other than that generated by our brain, are not a phenomenal energy, but the aspects of it necessary for human survival are stored in our neurological system.
The unfortunate fact is that the subconscious inspires our emotions, while the conscious mind is required for non-physical creative endeavours, such a piece of music, poetry and other forms of art. The good news is that all forms of art spring from the successful interplay of the lower and Higher self.
In the artistic endeavour, we participate in the enhancement of the Universe. Any form of ‘art’ that does not fulfill this function, simply is NOT art. It is no more than an expression of our flamboyant Ego.

To summarize “what we were” is equally as enigmatic a concept as to accept where we are at present. Assuming that we accept the concept of evolution, we must have evolved from some lower states of consciousness, irrespective what phenomenal bodies they occupied. We ten to underestimate the intelligence and inherent knowledge of many species that preceded ours. This, however, is not as simple as it sounds.
The problem, as always, was created equally by our religious and scientific fraternities. Only the Buddhists accept that the Universe was never created but that it continues to recreate itself eternally. On the other hand, Buddhism is not really a religion. It is a way of life as, though not many will agree, Christianity had been intended to be. That was before St. Paul decided that a bird in the hand is better than a flock in the sky.
St. Paul’s kingdom was firmly established on Earth, in an illusory reality of the phenomenal Universe.
Unfortunately, and incredible though it may sound, all Paul’s successors continued, and continue to this day, to ignore the teaching of Yeshûa, of the man they affirm to be their Master. Yet, all of them proclaim to be his followers, while grasping the elusive bird by its tail.
They studiously ignore the affirmation “Ye are gods” and prefer to affirm “Ye are sinners”.
Likewise, Yeshûa’s affirmation that “Heaven is within you”, fell of deaf ears.

[BTW, you might care to read my PETER & PAUL, to see that Paul had big problems with the essence of Yeshûa’s teaching, in addition to his preoccupation with the phenomenal reality. After all, some 2000 years later, our late pope Ioannes Paulus II, (known in Polish as Jan Paweł II), who was since raised to the status of a saint, had been a self-confessed phenomenalist.] 2

And who can blame them?
The Jewish Torah asserts that the world was created on October 7th, 3761 BCE. The Christians obediently followed the Hebrews pushing the date only slightly back to October 23, 4004 BCE; (acc. James Ussher (1581-1656), the famous and respected Archbishop of Ireland)
The scientists, as not to be outdone, proudly proclaimed that the world started from the Big Bang some 13.8 billion years ago, although:
The chemistry of life may have begun shortly after the Big Bang... ...during a habitable epoch when the universe was only 10–17 million years old.
( › wiki › Big Bang)

The “short gap” between 10 to 17 million and 13.8 billion years seems to have stretched to quite a few billion. No matter. The scientists are not forced to be good at mathematics.

However, while the Jewish and Christian “Heaven and Earth” had been created by God, the scientists’ Universe appeared out of thin air, although even air wasn’t around at the time. It just happened out of nothing.
I’d rather be a Jew or a Christian and have a progenitor, no matter how unlikely. After all, why would God create a world knowing what a mess we are going to make out of it? Surely, an all-knowing God would have known better.
The only aspect they all agree on is that there is but one world. While Christians accept that there are many Heavens,3 thy insist on placing them outside phenomenal realities. (I’d suggest they confuse them with Devachans).
We now know that none of them are real.
And yet, Aristotle argued that the world must have existed from eternity. (acc. Aristotle’s Physics)
But... it did not happen at once.
As the scientists deal only with the illusory image of the phenomenal Universe, they were, perforce, limited to the observable Universe. And such, according to them occurred, happened, popped into existence around 13.8 billion years ago.
Exit religions.
But, as so often happened in the past, the Buddhists were right. Just recently, Steven Hawking, the famed theoretical physicist, put an end to the beginning of the Universe. Borrowing the idea from the string theory, he and Thomas Hertog claimed that our Universe is eternal. That it never had a singular moment of creation.
One up for Aristotle and Buddhists.

It seems like a good time to return to the pensive question: What were we. Well, we were, we are, and we always shall be energy. A very complex assembly of energies vibrating at different rates, which have the power to metamorphose into various combinations of complexity.
I have discussed the question of time in my book “VISUALIZATION—Creating Your Own Universe”, the chapter on Ageing and Longevity.4  Forever remembering that time is a dimension of the phenomenal Universe only, you might enjoy it.
Until recently, there was an age-old struggle among the scientists to determine if time really exists. God is eternal, all else is transient. Transiency implies time. The phenomenal reality is transient. According to Einstein, it is also illusory. That being the case the time itself exists only in the phenomena, transient, illusory reality.
Enter religions.
God is eternal, omnipresent, hence timeless. He/She/It cannot go anywhere because being omnipresent He/She/It is already there. Hence no time is required to define His/Her/Its location. It would be much easier if we stopped creating a God in our image. If we define God as an omnipresent, eternal POTENTIAL energy, then all things would already exist in their potential form, and that includes you, and me, of the past, present and future. Hence we can exclude time from the permanent equation and limit its manifestation to just the phenomenal reality.
Voila, problem solved.

Under these circumstances, all possible versions of ‘I’, or ‘you’ already exist, and all we need do is to invoke them to the present, wherein we can experience its characteristics. To put it in more scientific jargon, all versions of me, past, present or future, already exist in the quantum field. With a little effort, we can invoke our many facets into the present, and benefit or suffer, from nature and characteristic or such ‘I’ as we invoke.
This is like all ‘miraculous’ healing is done. We do not change reality by changing the phenomenal (hence illusory) form of expression. Instead, we substitute our ‘other’ self ‘suspended’ in the eternal present of the quantum field.
Thus God, the All-Inclusive Potential Energy, neither was, not will be, but IS, beyond limitations of phenomenal reality.

(2) Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (February 28, 1923 – June 7, 2014) was a Polish American philosopher, phenomenologist, founder and president of the World Phenomenology Institute.
(3) 2 Corinthians 12:2
(4) Kapuscinski, Stanislaw, VISUALIZATION—Creating Your Own Universe, ebook, Inhousepress, (Amazon/Kindle and Smashwords). 

 (To be continued in a few days. In the meantime, enjoy DELUSIONS.)

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