Saturday 14 December 2019

Chapter 4 — METAMORPHOSIS (The God Diffusion)

Continued research for the forthcoming book CONCLUSIONS

“A bad book is as much of a labour to write as a good one,
 it comes as sincerely from the author's soul.”
Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894—1963)
British author

(This quotation is offered in case I need to apologize.)

Religions have created a God in our image and likeness. This is not a new idea. Virtually all primitive groups of people created pantheons, often competing with each other for prestige and authority. Wikipedia offers no less than 25 pantheons that sprang all over the world seemingly designed to supervise man’s behaviour. 1
If the function of gods is to rule the world, then, perhaps, the Pentagon ought to be included in this group.
Faithful to what?
To the invisible, punitive, uncompromising deities that offer us carrots and sticks as we once did to our children. Shouldn’t gods be held to a higher standard? Zeus had quite a temper. As did Odin. As did a few others.

And then came Judeo-Christian philosophy. We can but wonder why people have such a need to recognize the superiority of invisible ‘beings’ to their own potential. After all, various scriptures assured us that we are gods. It is stated quite univocally in both the Old and the New testament. And yet this assurance was, and continues to be, studiously ignored by the ‘faithful’, let alone by their priesthood.
To make God more human, they, the religious fraternity, declared Adam and his heavenly father God in Adam’s likeness. He had all the human traits. They dressed Him in human garments, and plastered him all over the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel next to his very human father.
As such magnificent painting were, and remain, inaccessible to the masses which the sacerdotal fraternity wanted to control, they elevated Yeshûa to the status of God, and having a convenient image of him being nailed to a wooden cross, they used that image to represent their concept of God.
And this in spite of Yeshûa’s assurances that we are all children of the Most High.
Yet, no matter how hard they tried to convert the Creative Energy into a human form, they failed.
In order to accept the reality which demands CONSCIOUSNESS to be the only source of CREATIVE ENERGY, they continued to personify this trait. Furthermore, such energy has to be indestructible, yet foster constant metamorphosis in order to increase the DIVERSITY of the phenomenal Universe. As such, we must accept that such an Energy is beyond the limitations of the phenomenal reality.
Furthermore, various religions have introduced the concept of God being good, without ever defining what is meant by this adjective. Good for whom... for you or for me? Good for a particular species, for flora or for fauna... are there any favourites, preferences?
We continue to assign to our concept of God human traits.

There is no such god. Nor could there be. If there were, it would be in constant state of contradiction, making absolutes impossible. It couldn’t be infinitely just and infinitely forgiving at the same time. These are HUMAN traits.
Please, let us put to bed all divinities our religionists want to create in our image and likeness. No matter how magnificent such beings would be, neither It nor He, nor She, would be able to manifest in our reality.
Even the most ardent religionists agree that God is immortal. And here, on Earth, everything is not only transient but illusory. Surely, they don’t want their God to be an illusion? I’ll leave such arguments to theologians and advance the only solution that makes sense to me.
While my “God” cannot be defined as any definition might limit ITS nature, It does appear to manifest the following characteristics:


Why specifically Consciousness? Because it is the only energy that vibrates at an infinite rate, and hence is omnipresent.
Furthermore, such energy must have the ability to metamorphose into infinite diversity of rates of vibrations, thus manifesting in an infinite number of forms.

 (To be continued in a few days. In the meantime, enjoy DELUSIONS.)

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