Thursday 29 April 2021


It seems that in my previous blog both Franz Kafka and I got it all wrong. The artists, be they musical, visual, or literary, are not intended to write for others but, at least principally, for their own edification. For their own personal growth. Others are more than welcome to absorb and benefit from their creations. But their enhancement, as individuals, is not the purpose. The species is, and, in an analogous way, so is the Phenomenal Universe. 

After all, in the essence of our being, we are all one. Every personal improvement raises the level of understanding of the whole species. Of humanity. Of the ability of Homo Sapiens to contribute to the Phenomenal Universe.  
        Sorry for my previous ramblings. 
       When all is said and done, they have been garrulous if mournful bleating of my Ego. Of the AI (artificial intelligence) generated by my brain.

On the other hand, they led me to today's understanding. It is a long journey. Thank God we are immortal. In the infinity of time we are apt to express our ultimate purpose. Our purpose is to express in the Phenomenal way the perfection of the Omnipresent Creative Consciousness. 


As for immortality, there is a snag. Science tells us that there is such a thing, such a concept as evolution. While dinosaurs were living on Earth some165 years, the Convention on Biological Diversity concluded that: "Every day, up to 150 species are lost." Such estimates differ but they still do not bode well for our species. It is a little less depressing is we accept that scientists estimate some 15 million different species living on our planet although only about 2 million are known to them. 
        Perhaps the other live only in the scientists' imagination? Hopefully, new species are born to replace those gone, though, I suspect, the new once belong to the countless trillions of microorganisms, such as those abiding within our bodies. (2)

All the same, compared to Dinosaurs, we are still babes in arms. In first weeks in our Kindergarten. Between 5 and 7 million years ago, some apelike creatures in Africa began to walk, habitually, on two legs. The rest is history. (1)  Or... history as we think it was. Still, it's a long shot from the longevity of the Dinosaur species. 


Yet, we are still taking about our physical presence. We tend to forget that our true presence is our Self, our I AM, which uses our physical body and abilities to add the the diversity of the Phenomenal Reality. That presence is immortal, though It may incorporate Itself in any enclosure that will enable It to fulfill Its purpose. And the purpose is always the same: to enhance the Phenomenal Universe with diversity. Even though the "enhancement" might not be permanent, it provides energy for continuous expansion of the  Phenomenal Universe.

Quantum physics provides evidence that all is energy. Also, that all is one. We are all inseparable and thus indispensable components of this oneness. But there is more, and there is a fundamental catch in this theory.

The Phenomenal Universe is not a "thing".  


Ever-changing, expanding, striving for perfection, enchanting, glorious, Universe. The Phenomenal Universe can be defined as LIFE expanding towards infinity. The Potential Universe is already infinite.

Beethoven's symphonies do not cease to exist when the conductor lowers his baton. The Universe continues to expand the vibrations created by Beethoven beyond distant galaxies. The music that just stopped filling our ears continues to vibrate in the matrix of the Universe. Only that which does not enhance the diversity is recycled. It is metamorphosed into energies of infinite rate of vibration. 
      As such, it becomes available for creating new diversity.
      It is an endless process. 
    From the redundant background noise of the inept Hollywood music directors new symphonies will be formed, created, composed, by those willing and able to enhance the Universe with the harmonious energy of their music. Those who can will hear Musica Universalis. The music of the Spheres.

But first the horrendous noise must be recycled. And this is where the Black Holes fulfill their function. Scientists of our genetic kindergarten admit that they have no idea what lies at the center of Black Holes. And yet, they, the orbs of mystery fulfill a most fundamental purpose. They make our world go round. Enjoy it while you can.


(1) Homo sapiens, the first modern humans, evolved from their early hominid predecessors between 200,000 and 300,000 years ago. They developed a capacity for language about 50,000 years ago. The first modern humans began moving outside of Africa starting about 70,000-100,000 years ago. (Google)

(2) At present it is estimated that we are hosts to some 40 trillions of them. That's a small number compared tol the number of atoms in a human body. The scientists estimate an adult is made up of some 7 octillion atoms. (For the uninitiated in mathematics, that's 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms).

If you want to join the ranks of the immortals, try the advice of Thomas. 
After all, this is your personal ultimate 




Wednesday 28 April 2021


The full title of this blog should have been a  "Personal Struggle." Not as bad as Kafka's but still... a struggle. Franz Kafka, the Bohemian novelist and short-story writer, widely regarded, posthumously, as one of the major figures of 20th-century literature, insisted on his deathbed that all his book be burnt. Perhaps he was utterly fed up with absolute lack of recognition of his writing. Of his talent? We shall never know, but we do know that he was not alone with his anguish. All writers want to be read. Musicians want to be heard. Painters and sculptors - to be seen. Barbara Hepworth, the noted English artist and sculptor, wanted her sculptures to be touched, to be experienced tactilely... (the uniformed guards refused to allow that!)
        Writers want to be read.
        That's all. 
        Some do it just for money but others have ideas they need to share with as many people as possible. They want to contribute to the texture of the human psyche - to enrich the world.  People who read them, often become friends. For life.
If you see naked bodies, scantily clad females, men with washboard stomach muscles plastered on the front cover, well, those writers need money. Their readers are mostly frustrated spinsters who wish to enjoy vicarious sex or adolescents of both sexes who have not yet reached the maturity to experience true romance. 
        Then, there are those who enjoy sadistic pursuits... robbery, theft, firearms, murder and corpses, the more the merrier. Instruments of such depravities are also portrayed on the cover of their books.

Still others need fame and glory so much that they offer hundreds, often thousands, of their books free, just to be able to brag at the number of people who "read" them. They haven't been read. Free books are seldom read. Something for nothing implies what the book is worth... Nothing. So, why bother to read it? On the other hand they can brag, how many books they downloaded into their  digital "library". 
        There are exceptions, of course. There always are. 
        I wish them all the luck in the world. Believe me, they will need it.
Blah, blah, blah... I could go on venting my own frustrations. I will not. I love writing too much. Nor do I wish to insult or anger any of my writing colleagues. They probably mean well. Only,  perhaps like Kafka, they are desperate.
And I do have deep sympathy for Kafka. His work is said to "fuse elements of realism and the fantastic". That is what, my readers claim, I do, hence my affinity for Kafka's works.  Yet, his inability to promote his exceptional books led him to despair. Though I lay no claim to sharing his talent, I suffer from the same malady. 
        Hence, a little bragging of my own. 
       Since I retired from my profession of architecture, I've written and published 50 books. For the last two years I've offered ALL my e-book free to readers who would write me a few words of a review. Even just 3 or 4 words. What seems to matter to buyers is not quality of reviews only their number. Most buyers, seem to like to follow the trend. If quality matters here are a few blurbs I've collected for my novels:
THE GATE - Things my Mother told me:  Gripping - A Perfect Joy - A True Gem - The Gate a Must - Powerful & Heartfelt - Brilliant and Beautiful - A novel that deserved to be read by millions of people! 
(I'm still a few hundreds of thousands short of the first million...)

NOW - Being and Becoming: Brilliant - Stunning - Masterful - Exceptional Experience - Spellbinding and mind-opening - A Supreme exploration of mortality - Could not put this book down - Just read it and follow the flow, a brilliant novel!  
“I don’t quite have the words to describe the intensity and the deeply-probing reach of the book NOW... I am resigned to settle for simply stating the facts I know to be true: contemplating mortality and the afterlife... have never been displayed as articulately and as beautifully as they are in this book.  ...He is truly a genius of our time."
From 5-STAR review by Monica LaSarre, Author. 

OLYMPUS - of Gods and Men: Perfection - Wonderful - Unbelievable - Unforgettable - A brilliant end to the Trilogy - Captivating and thought-provoking - A Fantastic Conclusion to a Great Trilogy - Wow, gorgeous conclusion to a brilliant series!


And... 47 other books. Yes, and forty-seven other books wherein my readers expressed similar sentiments. Did Kafka have the same problem? 

I have but one cheerful thought. Poor Franz Kafka is dead. I'm still alive. Who knows. Miracles happen every day. 




While trying to understand the "Thoughts of God" is indisputably a noble ambition, perhaps before attempting to fathom them as regarding the whole Universe, we might concentrate on our immediate surroundings. The Solar System, the Earth, or even the tiny reflection of reality which each one of us represents. The Homo Sapiens. You and me. And of these two, I know more about "me" then about "you". (In next blog, I shall discuss my personal struggle).

We all consist of dual nature. The immortal I AM, which is the individualization of the Omnipresent Consciousness, and the Ego, which is the evolutionary product created by our biological computer to which we refer as our brain. The brain, supported by our neurological network which generates emotions, is the center which generates thoughts, which in turn are the product of the creative energy of our mind. While the Ego is often at odds with our I AM, it is nevertheless the instrument which adds to the diversity of the reality we recognize as our Phenomenal Universe.

Hence, while our true Self, the I AM, is our true nature, the Ego adds diversity to the Phenomenal Universe, causing its eternal expansion. As all is energy, the expansion is caused to continuous influx of new ideas. Later about this in a future blog.


Returning to the "Thoughts of God" regarding ourselves. While "I AM" gives us a sense of oneness, of integral unity, most of us find it difficult to practice this trait. Competition seems to be the Homo Sapiens' prerogative of our modus vivendi. Most of us do not search what is right, only who is right.  Rumi (1) the Persian poet, offered us a way out of this dilemma. The simplified version of his advice states: 

"Beyond right and wrong there is a field. I will meet you there"

While the essence of the advice is self-evident, the consequences reach far beyond the wisdom of every day's use. Also, while the "right and wrong" belong in the transient, illusory reality, the "field" beyond such limitations is endless, eternal, unlimited. In fact it is the Source. Hence, while Rumi accepts the diversity offered by "right and wrong" that enrich the reality of the Phenomenal Universe, he retreats to the original source of the Creative Energy in which there is no right or wrong. This echoes the intent of the statement of the ancient prophet, Habakkuk, who (according to King James Bible) simply stated about his concept of God (Lord): 

"Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity..."

Neither of these are religious statements. (2) The point they appear to make is that while diversity (right and wrong) is an intrinsic part of our reality, the source or the original energy that enables it to manifest is neutral. Nevertheless, the source, or what the religionists refer to as God, is neutral in nature, allowing for the execution of freewill in the phenomenal (illusory) Universe. (Of course, as Isaac Newton assured us, there are consequences). Later, we shall discuss what happens to all energies generated by our brain that do not contribute to the enhancement and thus expansion of the Universe. After all, the Phenomenal Universe is intended to be a reflection of the Original Source.  

This has been known to ancients, such as Moses and Isaac. Two examples are offered below.


(1) Jalāl ad-Dīn Mohammad Rūmī, also known as Jalāl ad-Dīn Mohammad Balkhī, Mevlânâ/Mowlānā, Mevlevî/Mawlawī, and more popularly simply as Rumi, was a 13th-century Persian poet, Hanafi faqih, Islamic scholar, Maturidi theologian, and Sufi mystic originally from Greater Khorasan in Greater Iran. (Wikipedia)

(2) In fact a deeper study of my DICTIONARY OF BIBLICAL SYMBOLISM will lead one to conclude that the whole Bible has little to do with any religion. 




Tuesday 27 April 2021


To quote Albert Einstein, "I want to know the thoughts of God, the rest are details." I feel exactly the same way. To quote him again, "I am at all events convinced that God does not play dice," with the Universe, that is. With the Phenomenal Universe. The Universe we all regard as real. With the Universe Einstein also regarded as an illusion. 

Because "all is energy", he said. Einstein, not God. God doesn't talk, although, if "all" mean "all", then presumably Einstein included God in the totality of the Energy. Please, note the capital E. As far as we can determine, at present, God is an Omnipresent Infinite Indestructible Potential that manifests as Creative Energy of Intelligence. Or Knowledge. There may be countless transient phenomenal gods spread over the infinite phenomenal Universe. Over infinity of time, God may have evolved countless images of Him/Her/It-self. Unless He/She/It was/is a hermaphrodite. Regrettably, if such had evolved, nowadays, they exist only in our myths.

How do we know that the  Phenomenal Universe existed beyond limitations of time? 

Aristotle (384–322 BC) insisted that the Universe is eternal. "If the underlying matter of the universe came into existence, it would come into existence from a substratum," he said. Some  2000 years later, Stephen Hawkins, the theoretical physicist agreed. This was at least one step forward. Can we ever be sure? Well, perhaps the truth is the domain of God. He/She/It might have His/Her/Its secrets. The originator of Quantum theory, Max Planck, believed that “science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature because we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.” 

Good point. But it didn't come easily. 

Aristotle was soon forgotten. For a few thousand years no one had any idea what happened. The scientific orthodoxy was hazy about the origins of the universe. And then,  in 1931, quite suddenly, a Belgian cosmologist who happened to have also been a Catholic priest proposed a Big Bang. Until then God created the world. As there was nothing before the Big Bang, presumably God must have exploded. I have no idea how a priest could have gotten away with such nonsense. To my knowledge he wasn't even excommunicated.  And yet the illustrious scientists ceased on the theory, adopted it as scientific, and it remained accepted by nearly all astronomers until, almost, today. After all, it was a radical departure from the void of yesterday. Once the scientists took over the theory, the had to add "indisputable" facts. The universe, they said, was born 13.8 billion years ago, and not a minute earlier. It's nice to know that our learned scientists have such a precise sense of humor. (The theory would have been more acceptable if they at least proposed and infinite number of cycles of Big Bangs). 


The Phenomenal Universe is eternal not because any part of it was around forever. The reason why the Illusion of the Phenomenal Universe is eternal is because the Universe is not a "thing" but a process:


Like a grin. A smile. A thing of beauty and delight. We, you and I, are transient units of self-awareness of the Potential Universe. Of God, if you prefer. Transient units of self-awareness. We and the rest of the Phenomenal Universe. All flora and all fauna; and all phenomenal forms that have not yet risen to the evolutionary stage of transient self-awareness.

So let us agree that we are unlikely to learn ALL the thoughts of God, but, just to please Albert, let us try to  learn some details that would not contradict the presumed Thoughts of God. After all, as mentioned above, we are assured that "God does not play dice with the Universe". We try, often, but God,  apparently, does not. (No doubt He could if he wanted to but She probably would not, and It would, just as probably, see no point in it).


Enter logic. There are even more DELUSIONS. In the next blog I shall endeavor to advance theories of evolution, hopefully, without contradicting the Thought of God. Wish me luck. 
