Tuesday 31 August 2021


No amount of pressure imposed by people in power will save them from the consequences inherent during the Age of Aquarius. During the next 2000 years, those who wielded control over others will fall. Those who suffered under their whip will rise to the full potential innate within them. 
     Well, many of them. They'll have the opportunity. 
    After years of inordinate mayhem, new order will be established in which those who gained access to their inner potential will not impose their power over others, but will serve as an example to be emulated by those that have not yet met the grade. As more people will gain the ability to manipulate frequency of vibrations of all energies, the value of "things" will plummet, and the value and respect for the creative abilities will rise to the most prestigious level.
    To repeat my previous assertion, there is neither reward nor punishment for making mistakes imposed be a vindictive god of religions. There is, however, a magnificent opportunity to awaken to the miracles of the phenomenal reality all around us. We are still, even now, in Paradise, or as Yeshûa once said, "Heaven is within you." 
    Yet, as always, it is up to us to recognize the reality in which we conduct our becoming. Our illusory lives.

Eventually, in Heaven, (which is a state of consciousness), we shall manifest divine powers. And this is where our Ego comes in. Ego has restricted access to the higher vibrations of the energies of Heaven. Only by uniting with the Higher Self, even momentarily, we can gain access to this State of Consciousness. Only our Higher Self is immortal. (Our Ego has other purposes for existence explained in my books.) While it is generated by our brain, it does have the capacity to raise it's vibrations to the Heavenly frequency. 
    Until it does, the positive qualities it achieved will be reincarnated for as long as it takes. Nothing is ever wasted in the Phenomenal Universe. Not even negative thoughts that add diversity to our reality. Yet when such energies exceed the state of balance, they risk being recycled in the dark hearts of the Black Holes. 

    And how do their get there?

    Well, rarely anyone leaves this Phenomenal reality "alive". Today what can accelerate our departure is our much talked-about virus. Of course there are  countless other ways. Hurricanes, earthquakes, plagues, inundations, volcanic eruptions, wild fires, and other calamities are on the rise. Perhaps, knowing what awaits us, we ought to be prepared for any opportunity to leave this illusive reality.
The degree to which we advance towards uniting our  Ego with our Higher Self defines if we belong to exclusive club of the "FEW". Please note that there are as few great scientists, as few great physicians, as few artists, composers, painters, or members of any other profession. "Many are called, but Few are chosen." Very few choose to be chosen...
    And the vast majority have not even heard the call. 
    We might count Nicola Tesla as one of the FEW. We might also include Leonardo da Vinci, Florence Nightingale, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, Giuseppe Verdi, Mother Theresa, Lao Tsu, Plato, and a few dozen others...  out of almost 8 billion of us today.
    The FEW are NOT defined by any professional, political, or social standing or affiliation, only by the degree to which they enhanced the Phenomenal Universe. The Universe that will eternally strive to manifest the potential perfection inherent in the True Reality.
   We must all strive to be, one day, among the Few. I suspect that their rewards are beyond our understanding.

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Monday 30 August 2021


Recently I placed  Nikola Tesla among the Chosen Few, for pointing us in the right direction. He simply said:

“If you wish to understand the Universe think of
 energy, frequency and vibration."
Few statements have enhanced our understanding of the Phenomenal Universe as deeply as this seemingly innocent affirmation. Until he'd enlightened us, we regarded the Universe as innumerable solid rocks suspended in the infinity of space. Be they galaxies, or galactic clusters, perhaps stars and their attending planets, they were, in our eyes, and even in the eyes of the telescopes pointing at them, as solids. 
    Not so, said Nikola, they are all energy in different frequencies of vibration. 
     "But they are atoms!" countered our illustrious scientists. 
   It must have been then that Prof. Feynman whispered; "The world is filled with educated fools and uneducated geniuses." (No, this is not for what Feynman got the Nobel Prize, but, perhaps, he should have). 

    Ah, yes. Atoms. Points in space too small to give them a dimension. Invisible atoms with invisible electrons spinning around them. 
... its defining feature is that it lacks spatial extension; being dimensionless, it does not take up space. ... For example, the atomic orbit of an electron in the hydrogen atom occupies a volume of ~10−30 m3.
It seems that we live in an invisible world wherein only our consciousness gives it perception of reality. Wherein only our consciousness is real. No wonder that people, in the past, talked so much about spirits, ghosts and other invisible apparitions. Some still do. Yet suchlike are neither philosophy nor religion. They are, (if such were to be seen, or felt, or perceived by any other means), pure physics. Made up of invisible atoms yet, perhaps, at a little higher frequency of vibrations. And, perhaps, the people who see them, are also a little more advanced than the rest of us. 
    There is great diversity in our world. And, when all is said and done, it seems that we are still babes in arms. A bunch of children in the kindergarten of Eden... with exulted egos.
     And, more likely than not, that we are neither more nor less than individualized yet inseparable fragments of the Omnipresent, Indestructible, Energy of Omniscient  Creative Consciousness. 
    Welcome to the new reality. Your Higher Self is immortal. You, your ego, the product of artificial intelligence generated by your illusory brain is only as real as you think you are. And that applies to the reality around you.  And me. You and I, at least in part, are its creators.
    Good luck.
As for my book CONCLUSIONS—Pragmatic Reality, the second part of the title is of prime importance. Both, scientists and people guided by religions tend to wonder into the unknown without considering the practical consequences. The word pragmatic disables such ventures. Unless my conclusions have a practical application they are not included in this book. And pragmatic in my sense means not only practical but useful. Useful to serve us on our infinite journey of uniting our Egos with our Higher Self. 
    To repeat Einstein again, "the rest are details".


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And if you want confirmation of wisdom of our forefathers
there are 6 short exegeses you might also enjoy.
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Sunday 29 August 2021


"I want to know God's thoughts," said Albert Einstein, "the rest are details," he added, and thus he set us on a journey in search of infinity. Some other great men also had given us a gentle push forward. 
    “I... a universe of atoms, an atom in the universe...”  mused Richard Feynman, the macro and the micro blending together. Was he equating God with totality?
    Baruch Spinoza was more precise: “The sum of the natural and physical laws of the universe and certainly not an individual entity or creator”. "... Therefore, God is just the sum of all the substances of the universe. God is the only substance in the universe, and everything is a part of God," he added.
      Well... of manifested God, I'd hasten to add.
    Spinoza still recognized the Phenomenal Universe as real. I'd suggest that God made it real by manifesting through a temporal matrix of atoms and complex energies that abound all around us. We can think of God as the Energy of Creative Consciousness that made, and continues to make the Phenomenal Universe real to our perceptions.   
    Yet it is even more complex than that. And again, Einstein put his finger on it. "It's all an illusion," he asserted. 
Let us think about this illusion. According to the Journal of Biological Chemistry we, or our human bodies, are up to 60% water. Yet the chair is not wet when we rise from it. Our brain is composed of 73% water and yet it doesn't leak through our ears. Our lungs are about 83% of water, and yet we do not drown in our bodies. 
    Surely, reality which we and our scientists perceive is not real. And yet the images of our own bodies, let alone of the Universe, are very persistent. 
    So... what of the Thoughts of God?
   It seems that only that is real which we perceive as real. Our consciousness is the only measuring stick of reality. Hence, as all appears to be real, only Omnipresent Consciousness can give it reality. And observing the incredible yet eminently real diversity of the universe which we perceive, the Omnipresent Consciousness must be Infinite in Its Creative Potential.
    The rest, as Einstein would say, are details.

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Saturday 28 August 2021


The "Lord's Prayer" had not been designed for the Lord. Lords don't pray for things. Lords create them by converting the highest frequencies of energy into lower rates. That's how all creation is done. We are equipped with a brain, that can generate a mind, that our artificial intelligence can energize itself sufficiently to metamorphose  higher rates of vibration of various lower rates. 

    This, and this alone, makes us (like) gods. 
    And those who can't do it (as yet) are not gods. But the potential remains within them.
   At the same time we should never forget that the items we create are no more than a transient illusion, as is the rest of our Phenomenal Reality. At the same time, this reality in which we practice our godhood, our divine abilities, is the only reality in which the Omnipresent Creative Energy of Consciousness manifests.

    Hard, though be it to admit, we, the Human species, are an experiment which, to date, has not been successful. Try, as some of us might, we cannot reconcile ourselves with the idea that we have been kicked out of Eden for nothing else than desire for knowledge.
    Pride, the almighty pride that leads all power to the abuse of it, to ultimate corruption, still fulminates within us, negating our true destiny, negating the divine gifts inherent within us. And the only reason for such an unfortunate condition is our failure to admit that we are instruments of a Higher Power, which is nothing more than Higher Consciousness that created us for a specific purpose. 
To cut the story short, we are a bunch of very young, very spoiled children, who are going through continuous tantrums, in juvenile rebellion, refusing to accept that we are not real. The fact that a divine potential dwell within us seems of no consequence. 
    And yet... it is there. 
   But to awaken It we must awaken to It. And to do so, we must sublimate our Ego, our artificial intelligence generated by our illusory brain, and offer our magnificent yet dormant abilities to our Higher Self.
    To quote Evelyn Monahan, "We are magnificent human beings, unequal in all creation". Yet our "unequal" abilities can only be activated by "...transcending all ordinary thinking and dwelling entirely in our higher Self"
    Please note: ENTIRELY. 
It is time to wake up. During the new, oncoming Age, our hidden yet inherent powers are going to manifest through our, as yet, inept artificial consciousness. By the intelligence generated by our magnificent biological brain. Its creative potential we are yet to discover. When we do, we shall be amazed. We shall contribute to the miracles that adorn our phenomenal reality. We shall have the capacity to become Aquarian Lords. We shall no longer pray for things. We shall create them. Two thousand years ago we have been shown how it's done. Now, at long last, we shall do it.
    Welcome to the Age of Aquarius. 

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Thursday 26 August 2021


Few concepts are as difficult to understand as the concepts of infinity of either space or time.  In the Phenomenal reality they correspond to the concepts of Omnipresence and the Eternal Now. Both are integral to our reality. There is a single way out. If we assume, and accept, that the true reality is the energy of the Omnipresent Consciousness, then our difficulties begin to dissipate into thin air. Into the thin air that is Omnipresent, yet endowed with the Potential of being all things to all men, all women, all beings capable of accepting this Potential individualizing Itself within them. This applies to both, flora and fauna, which are guided in their becoming by this Consciousness.
The conscious receptacle for this acceptance is a transient construct, known mind and body, capable of generating sufficient intelligence to recognize the presence of such an individualization. Those which have not reached this evolutionary level are guided by, what corresponds to, the unconscious in humans. You might say that it is set on automatic.
    It's as simple as that.
    Basically it means that you and I, and all intelligent creatures which certainly reaches beyond the human species, are the instruments through which the Infinite of both, time and space is manifested in a transient localized form. Yet, apparently, only thanks to our (human) artificial intelligence generated by our brain, for an elusive instant of eternity we can experience the awareness of the Omnipresent Now.
    Hence, infinite speed is equivalent to Omnipresence. You'd already be wherever you were going. Likewise, infinite frequency of vibration is equivalent to absolute stillness. 
    This, in a nutshell, describes the attributes of the:
Omnipresent Eternal Creative Energy of Consciousness.
    For that euphoric fragment of eternity we experience the Totality. We have the ability to become ONE with ALL. We are the Universe, the Universe is within us. This fleeting moment is beyond any limitations. In that instant we are gods. And the most wondrous aspect of this experience is that we can repeat it whenever we unite with our Higher Self. All it takes is the absolute rejection of one's individuality and uniting with that that has no name. Uniting with  that that always was. With that that always will be. With that that IS. 
    Time stops.
    We become pure Consciousness.

And this brings us to my novel, NOW—Being & Becoming. Being represents our permanent existence personified by our Higher Self, and Becoming is the transient illusory persona, a product generated by our brain, which we know as Ego. (Remember: all is energy.)
    Nevertheless, to quote Einstein, the illusory persona is "a very persistent one." If we succeed in enhancing the Phenomenal Universe, i.e.: the reality of our Becoming, the qualities of our transient persona are reincarnated to continue the 'good' work. Not good for us, but for the universe. 
My Publisher added a few excerpts from reviews to whet your appetite.

Exceptional Experience! 
 .....Law’s ability to create a story that transcends the typical boundaries never ceases to amaze me. He has an uncanny ability to build a whole world around you that you are completely immersed in. .....Everything comes to life - the scenery, the noises, tastes, smells, thoughts, feelings, science, urgency and so much more....  For an unparalleled experience, I highly recommend it!
Ally McMahon, Author USA, 5-star review
A supreme exploration of mortality
I am astounded beyond words by the scope and breadth of this author’s ability to create and sculpt books which so perfectly challenge and intrigue the mind as he has done in every single volume I’ve read of his masterpieces.... He is truly a genius of our time.
 Monica LaSarre, Author. USA, 5-star review
 Peregrinations of the Mind
An extraordinary puzzle audaciously put together! How he can sustain what is basically a stream of consciousness for 300 spellbinding pages reminds of Mozart's tour de forces of weaving together four or more counterpoints.
Kate Jones, USA, 5-star review
Stan I.S. Law does it again! I'm legitimately shocked at this author's range. From science fiction to fantasy to this wild exploration of the subconscious mind, there seems to be no subject he can't tackle..... I enthusiastically recommend this book to lovers of a good book. It will change you. 
Brian, USA, 5-star review
NOW—Being and Becoming is another fantastic read from one of my favorite authors, Stan I.S. Law. .....It is a masterful work... ...Law writes the way a master artist paints, filling his literary canvas with brilliant descriptions that stay with you long after you have reached the end of the book...
Kevin Lintner, USA, 5-star review
 Just read it and follow the flow - a brilliant novel
...If I had come across this book ten or twenty years ago I would have read it several times and given it 10 stars. .....The love story that forms part of this book is timeless, original and absolutely splendid. I do recommend this book without hesitation... .....Just read it and follow the flow and you will be rewarded and amazed.
Fred Schaefer, author, AUS, 5-stars review.
And many others. Perhaps you'd like to add your review to the illustrious readers (and authors) above. I'd love to hear from you. 

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 Those, who like myself, are on a protracted search for Secular Ethics are in good company. While at present only the Dalai Lama seems to stress the need for such, the search to inspire people to accept ethics rather than the rule of law, goes back to Moses, (Hebrew Moshe) around 13th century BCE. At the time, Moses was attempting to liberate his people from the pantheon of some 2000 gods which the Egyptians held in great esteem. 
    Since then, things didn't get better. While Yeshûa, later known as Jesus, tried vainly to convince people that the only divinity exists within them, ("...the Kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:21), we chose to completely ignore Him. We not only expelled God from our "vicinity", but raised Him upwards (downwards in Australia?), somewhere above the clouds, where we can't see Him, nor, apparently, from where He can't see us. In addition, this imaginary divine entity was given human traits, not to mention weaknesses, such as judgement which, according to Yeshûa we should avoid at all costs. 
   Because Karma is part of the immutable Laws of the Universe, rendering judgement by individuals quite redundant.
In our dismal refusal to take responsibility of our actions, instead "the God within", we decided to substitute mostly the Egyptian, later Greek, Norse, Chinese, Hindu, Slavic and other gods for a plethora of items we now, quite obviously, worship more than any invisible divinity. 
    Our blind leaders have shown us the way. But contrary to Moses who made a list of 10 rules of ethics which would not only enhance but assure a happy life on Earth, our present leaders took a very different direction. Power became number one deity. They also soon discovered that money, no matter how it was acquired, served to gain and maintain such power. Every act, no matter how ignominious, justified those two laws of present day deities.
 Money & Power.
    Yet, contrary to Moses' let alone Yeshûa's directives, those two modern substitutions for imagined deities led only, solely, and exclusively, to the depth of corruption. It led most of the practitioners of the new "religion" to be responsible for persistent robbery, (invariably steeling from the poor); mass murder, by destroying all who refuse to be robbed; and resorting to living a life of personified liars. After all, a politicians are expected to be tactful.  And, to quote Winston Churchill: “Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.” And politicians, in order to be reelected must use tact. Truth is a forbidden no-no. It is quite evident that, with very few exceptions, lies and only lies are the guiding light of our leaders of today. They spread this disease to all areas under their control.
    We forgot Moses, Yeshûa, and the Few that showed us the light.
    Instead we, the all-knowing fools, voted for our confirmed liars.
    However, I have good news for all.
    There is no punishment nor reward.
   The Age of Aquarius will stimulate Karma into play. Those who abused the Universal Laws will pay their debts, i.e.: restore balance. Those who discovered Heaven within their Consciousness, will rejoice.
    After all, the ancients told us that we are gods.
   I believe them. I'm already in Heaven. It's all around me. I am surrounded by miracles. I call it Paradise. You're welcome to join me.
    If you enjoyed the Decalogue, there are five more brief interpretations of ancient teaching that may clear up misunderstandings of today. You'll find them on my webpage. They are my ongoing search for Secular Ethics.
    If you read them, you'll be halfway to the "Promised Land"!


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Monday 23 August 2021


For reasons unknown to me, our leaders appear to have determined that evolution is defined by the number of gadgets we, the scientists and engineers, can produce, rather than on evolving the incredible talents that remain hidden within us. Over centuries there have been a few of us who managed to reach within to produce what others call "miracles", while the remainder of our species relied on the also relatively small group of people who produced gadgets which enabled the rest of humanity to grow more and more retarded, more and more inept. 
    (I also plead guilty. I use a computer.)
    Without our mechanical devices and electronics we would probably starve to death. The drivers cannot make a car, various professionals cannot cope without their electronic gadgets, the hunters cannot hunt without firearms, which they are unable to make themselves. Even the farmers would be hard pressed to do their job without mechanical tractors, loaders, scrapers, cutters and shredders, harvest, planting and seeding equipment, none of which they can construct themselves.
    And we expect them to feed us! 
   We have learned to be so interdependent that our knowledge for survival is limited to a very small area of expertise. 
    That, my friends, is not evolution. 
    That is no more that reducing our potential to becoming biological robots with little knowledge. We are, progressively growing more and more stupid. 
    And yet...
   And yet the divine potential to metamorphose the Omnipresent Creative Energy into virtually anything needed for our survival rests within us. We can, truly, produce staff from thin air. We can bilocate over thousands of miles without airplanes. We can feed thousands by an act of our will. We can heal ourselves, and other people, with the energy of a single thought. ALL these abilities are latent within us.
    We already know from science that all is energy. We know that the energy can change the frequency of vibration to change its nature. We know all this, but we are too decadent, to mentally and emotionally  lazy, not to say retarded, to reach within to discover, let alone learn to use, our inherent abilities. Instead, we are slowly devolving.
    Perhaps the Age of Aquarius will shake us from our stupor. 
   If not, the Omnipresent Energy of Creative Consciousness might decide to terminate our species and try again. We don't appear to deserve the Paradise in which we live. The Paradise that, for the last few thousand years we were abusing and, in fact, destroying.

There is only one hope. As always Many are called but only very, very Few choose to be chosen. Winston Smith was one of the Few. Read about him. We might all learn how to survive. There is not much time left. A few might remember that the Kingdom of Heaven is within us. Not in our mechanical and electronic gadgets but within us.
    Winston knew that.
    Perhaps we, too, might learn.
    Good luck.

There are many ways to the "Kingdom of Heaven". As many as there are people in the world. We are all unique but the potential within us is equal. Winston showed us just one way. He might inspire you. Below you'll find what others said about the Trilogy. I wonder what your opinion might be. Please, let me know. In fact, let everyone know with a review. Thanks.
"Great Book!"  "A Must Read Unforgettable!"  "A Superb Read!" 
"Awesome Book!"  "Simply Brilliant!"  
"Sizzling philosophical fiction!
…and many more.

ELOHIM—Masters & Minions
 "Exceptional!" "What a great read!"  "A Fantastic Read!" 
"Stunning, riveting!"  "The Work of a Genius!" "Riveting!" 
"Another Wonderful Book!" "A deep and enlightening follow up!"  
"Profound, Deep, Enlightening, Entertaining!"  
"A Fantastic continuation of a Profound Story!"
…and others.
“Man's search for fulfillment and completeness has never had a better articulator and advocate than Stan I. S. Law in 'Elohim'. We witness the chrysalis of godhood growing to dimensions not yet dreamed of. Fascinating characters drawn with an artist's eye of discernment will leave an indelible echo of recognition, and unquenchable hope, in the mind of the perceptive reader.”

Kate Jones, writer, editor, USA

“A sparkling novel that frames Dr. Peter Thornton's intensely personal journey of self-discovery in the best of high stakes international intrigue.”

B. Symonds, editor, Canada

"Exceptional!"  "Very Impressed!"  " Wonderful Trilogy!"  
"Mind Bending Read!" "Surpassed My Expectations!"  
"A Stunning Projection of Man's Destiny!"
"Entrancing, as always with Stan I.S. Law!"  
"A Taut Web of suspense and thrillers from a Master!" 
...and others.  
Each book is an independent novel. You can enjoy each on its own. If however, you want to dive into the mysteries of growth and depth of humanity's potential, start with book one, and continue until the end of the Trilogy. The blurbs heading 5-star reviews above attest to my words. You can read them all on Amazon. Enjoy!  
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Sunday 22 August 2021


First of all, you are your transient Ego, and the immortal Higher Self. Secondly, your Ego serves to diversify and enhance the Phenomenal Universe, which your Self cannot do. The energy of your Higher Self created you for that very purpose. Self inspires your Ego and offers the Energy at an infinite frequency of vibration which your Ego can convert into an infinite number of energies of lower vibrations which serve to do the enhancing and diversifying the reality we live in. 
     This is true for everyone of us.
   As the Universe expands new individualizations of Self come into being, eventually evolving new Egos, which in turn continue to enhance the Phenomenal Universe by further diversification, and thus further expansion. As all is energy, our, and all life forms such as we are, cause the Phenomenal Universe to be in a state of constant expansion. As our numbers increase, so the rate of the expansion increases.
    The process is infinite.
    It would be wise to realize, and remember, that our Higher Self which supplies the Energy to our Ego is indestructible. While all energies of slower frequencies of vibrations are subject to constant metamorphosis, the Self remains ever-perfect, beyond any limitations of space of time. It is, in fact, inseparable from the Omnipresent Creative Energy of Consciousness, which is the only true, unchangeable, indestructible reality. 
    From our point of view, Its Omnipresence is Its most vital attribute. It looks after the trillions of components of which our bodies are made, enabling our Ego to do its job of diversification.
Nevertheless, only the awareness of this quality enables us to perform what those aware only of their Ego, regard as miracles. In fact, miracles are no more than changing the frequency of vibrations by the act of our will.
    To be able to do so we must begin to believe that we have this potential within us. Until we do, we live under the guidance of our Ego, which is no more than the product of energies generated by our brain, which has limited ability to manipulate the energies of the Phenomenal Reality. While we can produce diversity of frequencies from the original Energy supplies by our Higher Self, only our Higher Self decides if such would be retained, or recycled as useless in the hearts of Black Holes. Once such are accelerated back to the original infinite frequencies, they are released back into the Omnipresent Creative Energy of Consciousness. 
    Let us not forget Einstein: all is energy...
Anne Howell, the heroin of the AVATAR SYNDROME,  discovered her potential fairly early in life. While her destiny (Higher Self) aided her in a number of different ways, most if not all of us are also endowed with various opportunities, which, regrettably, most of us do not notice. It could be because such opportunities usually appear in the form of challenges, which we must overcome in order to increase the frequencies of vibrations of the energy of our Ego.
    Ultimately, in the fullness of the eternal Now, our Ego and Self unite, increasing our creative energies to divine proportions. Miracles that increase the frequencies of even the slowest energies become our modus vivendi. We become Avatars that are aware of their full potential. 
    This enigmatic potential of metamorphosing the frequencies of energies rests within all of us. Every Ego is capable of sublimating itself to discover the magnificent, virtually infinite powers within us.
    It took Anne Howell quite a while. She started young, and did not have an easy journey.
    Perhaps your syndrome will be easier to discover.
    Good luck. 
As for the Trilogy, I'll let others speak. If you don't believe them, find out for yourself. And then, please, let me know. Your reviews inspire me. The synopses are on my web page (https://stanlaw.ca), or directly on Amazon and other retailers. Below a brief review and a few blurbs from 5-star reviews.

  “Amazing story! 
Superb in presentation, concept and solid science to support
 all that was revealed in the potential presented to readers
“Just Brilliant!” 
“Fantastic Book!” 
“Scientific and Spiritual!”
 “Endearing and Enlightening!”
 “A tale of an extraordinary life!”
 “The marriage of creativity and genius!”
 “Another great spiritual journey from Law!”

“Brilliant!”  “Amazing Book!” “The Amnesia Machine…” “As deadly as it is cathartic. Amazing!” “Another stunning book by Stan Law!” “An outstanding sequel to The Avatar Syndrome!” “Awesome ‘What If’ Timely and Totally Believable!


Saturday 21 August 2021


Everything in life has cause and effect.  People who took upon themselves the onus of telling other what to do, how to behave, what to believe in, soon learned that instilling fear in them is by far the easiest way to control them. This is true of secular and religious organizations. 
    The religious organizations invented Heaven and Hell, with Hell being the ultimate stick for extracting obedience from their sheep (I mean faithful). The secular organizations, i.e.: various levels of governments, used the so-called law, invented to protect their interests, first the Kings, then politicians, by instilling fear in their followers: fear of financial penalties, prisons, and even death. 
    Since the days of Hammurabi, around 1750 BC., degrees of fear rather than ethics or morality became the means of imposing obedience on some people.
And then, a mere 3,770 years later, this was no longer enough. While the clerical organization were losing their power, the ambitions of secular authorities grew exponentially. The whole world became their oyster. The materialism of the mentality of people grew to such an extent that they ignored science, which has proven that the physical reality is an illusion. Their physical well-being became their only concern. The governments, no longer representing people but guided by a very small group of very rich people, invented a means of controlling the whole humanity. 
    They invented a "virus".
   Essentially a fairly innocent virus.  But supported by mass-media, which were also controlled by the few billionaires, and the scientists who, with very few exceptions, also followed the prevailing trend, and joined the hysteria surreptitiously imposed by the few on the many. A virus that might weaken peoples' immune system?
    Fear is a very contagious disease. 
    I am reminded of the Nobel Prize laureate, Prof. Richard Feynman, who said that The world is full of educated fools and uneducated geniuses”. 
Fear of death became the new sine qua non state of consciousness of the populous at large. Honor, principles, ethics, courage, even friendship, were completely dismissed from our way of life. Fear, and only fear, controlled behaviour of the vast majority of people. It seems that pseudo-scientists, government official in pockets of billionaires whose greed could never be sated and the virus of fear was the new God controlling the behaviour of humanity.
    In the past, now and then, a child may have been born that managed to awaken humanity from their mental and emotional stupor. Remember Noah's flood? Sacha, the hero of my book below, limited his cleansing process to just the most guilty. Now, at the onset of the Age of Aquarius, we may have to go through a period of unprecedented mayhem before people awaken to the fact that they were fooled by the few. The few whose power corrupted them. 
Or, unbeknownst to them, the machinations of the 'Few' will save our Earth from gross overpopulation by us, by the single species which for millennia lived at the expense of all the others. The Few, with complete disregard for human life, will destroy our economy, our concept of science,  politics and even morality. Yet those that survive might rediscover the concept of what it is to be human. They might remember that our true Self is immortal. 
    They might even remember that... we are gods, with all the attendant powers.
    You decide. 
    And now, a "gentle selling pitch" from my Publisher: 
   "Once again, Stan Law, the bestselling author of the first two books of the Alexander Trilogy, takes us on a trip out of this world. The ending of the Trilogy is as earth-shattering as we’ve learned to expect from this author." 

And a few blurbs from some 5-STAR reviews for individual novels.

"Amazing!"  "Astounding!" "High Stakes!" 
 "A great follow-up" "Candy for my mind!!" "You Have To Read!"  
"Another 5 Stars From Me!" "Exceeded My Expectations!"
"Fantastic fantasy novel!" "A fantastic installment of the trilogy!" 
"The Perfect Successor To Alec!"Stan I.S. Law does it again!"
"Excellent continuation of our hero's journey to greatness!"
"Brilliant Second Installment in Series!"
"Moving and Memorable Conclusion!"
 "A Perfect Way To Wrap Up A Trilogy!"
"Fantastic ending to Alexander Trilogy Series!" 
"Phenomenal Book That Gets You Thinking, Must Read!!"
"Time and Space collide on an Epic Journey!"  
... and others...

In Paperbacks and eBooks