Friday 20 August 2021


It has been said that the 'you' that you think you are, doesn't really exist. People like to ejaculate pseudo wisdom to boost their egos, which according to their own statement, doesn't exist. All this springs from the grossly misunderstand concept which Einstein affirmed, namely, that the phenomenal reality is an illusion, hence, so are we.
     Are we really an illusion?
    Well, yes and no. Illusion is that that we see. But what we see is not the real we. Not the real I AM.  What we think we are is an illusion. What we really are is an incredibly complex vortex of energies spinning in all sorts of directions, all being quite impossible for us to see with our limited senses. 
    But... well... we think we see us. It might be wiser to say that we dream that we see us. In fact we are... asleep.
    If that were the case then one would have to accept that we don't exist, hence... we don't dream. Yet, dream we do. About 6 times each night. Although it might feel much longer, according to the National Institutes of Health, we actually spend as much as 2 hours in dreamland, over the course of a night sleep. Hence, the question we must ask ourselves who is it that does the dreaming.
    The answer might be hard to accept yet, believe it or not, we are twofold entities. We are both, the states of consciousness generated by our biological computer we know as our brain, and... and this is vital, we are individualizations of the Omnipresent Creative Energy of Consciousness.
     But either way, we are Energy. 
    Energy of Consciousness.
    Consciousness is the energy characterized by an infinite rate of vibrations. Until we slow down its frequencies, it remains imperceptible to our senses. Hence, we are invisible men. And women, of course. In fact, we live in an invisible world. Unless we accept that we live in a dreams, and that our dreams are real. I do. In fact, I love my dreams. My illusions. I'm surrounded by a multitude of miracles which, according to most scientists, don't exist. Perhaps they forgot that we can't see many electromagnetic energies yet we don't claim that they don't exist.
    You can give the scientists 1000 notes. They can analyze them till dooms day, and they still will not arrange them into a Beethoven Symphony. Scientists deal only with the past, with what is already there, in the process of disappearing. They are unable to fully accept that life is in a constant metamorphosis, that all is energy and energy will not stand still. Hence, that nothing is real. 
    There were exceptions among them, but... they are already dead. Einstein was one of them, Feynman another. Most others are making money, and grasping for what they learned in school to retain their sanity. They still believe in solid matter made up of atoms, which are...
... its defining feature is that it lacks spatial extension; being dimensionless, it does not take up space. ... For example, the atomic orbit of an electron in the hydrogen atom occupies a volume of ~10−30 m3.
In other words they, atoms, are invisible, at least to our primitive senses. Think of dreams or, what used to be known as, spirits, although they remain undefined. (Give it time?)
    One day we shall learn to manipulate the frequencies of various energies. When that happens we might become visible. A Few of us can do so already. As Evelyn Monahan did. (See "The Miracle of Metaphysical Healing" by Evelyn Monahan, Parker Publ. Co. Inc.) She changed one illusion into another. We call that miracles.
    Or, as the ancient prophets affirmed, we are gods; even if all we create, changes or metamorphoses is an... illusion. Apparently we are intended to learn this during the next Age of the Zodiac. The Age of Aquarius, which already began. Good luck. 
There are many other secrets that shape our reality. 
You'll find some in my books.
Both fiction and non-fiction.

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