Monday 16 August 2021


There is a tiny item that will help us perform  "miracles". Physics, enhanced by such giants as Einstein and Feynman have been instrumental in making the performance of miracles accessible to all of us.
    At long last, scientists understood that our reality, the world we regard as real, is an illusion. Like a dream, only, to use Einstein's words, "a very persistent illusion."
    Thus, to perform a "miracle", to change what we regard as real into something else, all we need do is to substitute one illusion for another. And the only way we can do that is to change the mind, the consciousness, the power of recognition of the recipient of the "miracle" to recognize a different illusion for the one that he or she recognized as real till now.
    It's that simple. 
    The problem is that we are so used to dreaming that we seem unable to wake up. Buddha recognized the fact.  After all, absolutely everything that we recognize as real is only real for as long as we recognize it as such. When we wake up, the reality changes.
    To put it still more clearly, the world we recognize as real is dependent 100% on our State of Consciousness. That is what the Phenomenal Reality is. A State of Consciousness. Exactly the same things, people, sounds, smells, and anything we can perceive with our fairly primitive senses can make one person happy and another miserable. 
    Because every single one of us creates our own, individual, no matter how absurd reality. There are rich people who are miserable, and poor that are inexplicably happy. When we recognize the fact that we, all of us, have been created from a microscopic sperm and egg into entities capable of creating realities, we might, finally realize, what Yeshûa, later known Jesus, meant by claimed that His "Kingdom is not of this world".
    He accepted that the artificial reality created by His brain is an illusion. That is persists only in His Consciousness.
Like Buddha, He was aware that we all enjoy our becoming in a lucid dream. That most of us share the same illusion, the same dream, that is continually being generated by our brains. The magnificent brains that the Omnipresent Creative Energy of the Immortal Consciousness has evolved for us. Hence the illusions are similar because, as in essence, we are individualizations of a Single Consciousness. A single Mind.
    Why such illusions?
    Because the Energy of the Immortal Consciousness cannot perceive imperfection. The ancients knew this. ("...cannot behold evil", said Habakkuk 1:13, i.e.: cannot perceive imperfection). Yet only by creating transient phenomenal illusions evolution can advance. And, after all, evolution advances by trial and error. 
    Hence, the illusive, ever-changing, transient realities are as vital to the Potential Reality as the Phenomenal Reality in which we spend our lives. Gradually we shall become aware that we are indispensable instruments of this Eternal Process of Becoming.

The purpose of my novel was not to prove that Yeshûa was God, with or without a capital G, but that He took great pains to prove, that we all are. That we all harbour the potential to discover the Creative Power within us to metamorphose the original Omnipresent Creative Energy into infinite energies of slower frequency of vibrations that would be noticeable to our perceptions. This latent ability, and this ability alone, makes us gods. The power of creation that, hopefully, will enhance the Phenomenal (i.e.: illusory) Universe. In moments of awakening, we are aware of our Potential.

My publisher wishes to share with you a few blurbs from some 5-star reviews.

 Inspired! Loved it! Loved this book!
Love in all of its aspects!
Recommended to Everyone!
Inspiring and Enlightening!
Fascinating Historical Fiction!
A truly fascinating and enlightening read!
No matter what you believe, you’ll like this book!
Inspiring story, be enthralled by the character of Jesus!
...and many others... 

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