Thursday 5 August 2021


Having recently shared with you my thoughts in my last two novels about Yeshûa and Peter & Paul, it is only fair to offer you exact reasons for my (fictional?) conclusions. Anyone taking the Bible literally must doubt its veracity. If, however, we exclude the religious slant from the magnificent document of recorded knowledge, we come to very different conclusions. 
    First, the Bible has nothing to do with any religion.
   And secondly, the Bible is a magnificent compendium collected over thousands of years, of very exceptional people offering their experience on how to live to be happy. 
    Virtually, that's it.

The ancient prophets had already suspected that the reality is not what it seems. Some of them had the ability to metamorphose what they regarded as material objects into other things. Moses is a good example of such. Yet today, lo and behold, we know that there are no material objects. We know that ALL is energy. And furthermore, we know from science, from pure physics, that the reality we take as real is not real at all. That it is all an illusion.  We know that atoms of which it is composed are, in effect, just empty space. At long last we know that our Consciousness, and nothing but our Consciousness creates the reality we regard as real.
      Are "miracles" merely changing one illusion into another?
      The ancients suspected as much. Hence... magicians? 
    Knowledge has always been within us, only Ego, our artificial intelligence, stood in the way. Also, humility was, and still is, missing. Hence, to make their finding acceptable to the "masses", the ancients invented the word "spirit", which was nothing more than what we now call pure energy. 
      Why pure?
    Because only the Omnipresent Creative Energy with an infinite frequency of vibration is truly "pure". It is the source of all the illusory reality which we call our Universe. It is the bridge between the Potential and the Manifestation. And, by the way, until the frequency of this Original Energy is slowed down, it is invisible, intangible, it has neither heat nor smell, not any other measurable attribute... like... "spirit"? Only now it has a scientific base. A base in logic.  
     Electromagnetic energy travels at the speed of light.
     Energy of thought travels even faster.
     The Omnipresent Energy is already there. Hence, It is Omnipresent.
I'd dare to suggest that the world hadn't originated out of a Big Bang that our scientists cherish, or until recently cherished, so much. A Big Bang that came out of nothing? I'd suggest instead that the Phenomenal World in an eternally ongoing process of converting Infinite Potential into an orderly if transient illusory reality. I suspect that ancients knew that, but they had no means of expressing it. They just called it God, and Spirit, and... Omnipresence of both. 
     And then they did their best to dress it all in Biblical Symbolism.
Brilliant for seeing deeper 
 "I've read the Bible several times…
 … and I am an enthusiast of the Old Testament as history. 
Now there is a way to read and understand the OT as teaching. 
I am so grateful for Stanislaw's dictionary and his depth of understanding, especially in the extremely helpful examples he gives in understanding otherwise seemingly dry OT passages… Excellent. 
Alistair Forrest, Author
5.0 out of 5 stars

We would be wise to learn the wisdom of the past.
It is ours to enjoy!
in Paperback or in eBook
Don't delay!

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