Thursday 19 August 2021


Virtually, there might be as many faces of corruption as there are people in the world. We forgot who we are. The few that are not are truly among the Few. Remember the old saying "Many are called but Few are chosen"? Well, the ratio is descending to its nadir before it might go up. It's to do with cycles. Yet none are as corrupt as those who impose  their will on others, retarding their personal growth.
    The Few are not the goody-goodies who ostentatiously place a $20 bill on a charitable collection  plate. Nor are they those who share their hamburger with an obese child playing in the slums. The FEW are those who are aware of the Big Picture. Who want to, and do, enhance the Universe by contributing to its diversity. 
    The rest are details.
    Why, you might well ask...  Why are they just details?   
   They are details because the only reason we were born, evolved an incredible brain and endocrine system was, and is, to serve the Whole Universe, and not to exploit fragments of other peoples contributions.
    We were born to be creative.
    Strange though it may seem, serving the "Whole" results in the practitioner attaining a state of consciousness of virtually constant joy. Have you heard that "Heaven is with you'? All else is fleeting, dissipating in the illusions of our artificial reality. Only the creative process matters.
As for the numbers of the Few, of those aware of their mission, the equation is also vastly misunderstood. We are now approaching eight billion 'souls' on this pile of dust. Glorious, fabulous, magnificent pile of dust. Allow me to ask, how many people do you know who are deeply convinced that we are still living in Paradise? People who are even slightly aware of the plethora of miracles that surround us on all sides? People who realize that such diversity, such complexity, such order and harmony that surround us could not have been produced, let alone maintained without the influence of constant, irrepressible, Omnipresent Energy of Creative Consciousness?
    Can you create a fly? A flea? A blade of grass? 
    Can you compose a symphony? Sculpt a Pietà? Paint the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel?
    No? Well, they who did were among the Few. They enhanced our Universe. Our reality. Our purpose.
    They certainly heard the call.
But then what of all the others? Of the 8 billion less, say, a thousand or two? Yes. That few are the Few. The rest of us are just treading water until our awareness rises to their level. We are neither evil nor corrupt. To be corrupt you must have heard the "call" and rejected it. You must have chosen the illusion for the true reality. The Reality that inspires the Few to act for the good of many. Whether they heard the call or not. They can be kings, or paupers, highly educated or inspired artists, rich or mundane workers. 
    As for the corrupted among us, well, their energies will be recycled in Black Holes. 
    What differs among the Few and the rest of humanity is their state of Consciousness. That's all. Well, that, and a rudimentary awareness of the Big Picture. Of the Infinite Phenomenal Universe in a constant, permanent, never-ending state of growth.
    Those Few will meet their potential of being gods. The rest of us must wait. There is no hurry. Our true Selves, our I AM, is immortal. As long as we do not become corrupted, our time will come.
    The rest are details.

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