Sunday 1 December 2019


(sequel to DELUSIONS—Pragmatic Realism)

      Chapter 3
(What We Were)

“The results of political changes are hardly ever those which their friends hope or their foes fear.”
Thomas Huxley, British biologist (1825—18950)

Originally, we were stardust. We, the people. The human species. Yet before us, before the stars exploded to seed the ever-expanding space with its phenomenal, ever more complex ingredients, there had been other gods, other intelligent species, who created the stars. By now those magnificent creators may have merged with the Omnipresent Consciousness, enriching Its inexhaustible creative potential with the complexity they contributed to the phenomenal reality of the primordial past. Hence the Creative Energies grew exponentially, ever faster, ever greater, until the Phenomenal Universe became almost real. 
Or so it seemed and continues to appear to us.
To us, the children of Eden, who only recently by Universal standards became aware of our divine heritage. To us, the human species, who, for the most part still think that the phenomenal Universe, the phenomenal reality, is real.
Alas, it is all an illusion.
The whole Universe is but an expression of our consciousness. Of our artificial intelligence created no so long ago.
No, not through a Big or Little Bang. That was but a local occurrence. Our origin lies in the individualization of the Omnipresent Creative Energy of Consciousness. Even as every of the more than 37 trillion cells in our body knows its place, knows its function, so, eventually, we, each one of us, will become aware of our place, our function in the Phenomenal Universe.
No matter how transient.
After all, even our presence, here, on earth, is not real. Only our Consciousness is. When it leaves us, we are here... no more. Yet our consciousness is indestructible. It might last and grow forever. Or it might be recycled in the heart of a Black Hole, to start again towards the fulfillment of its function. But... the ego, its individuality might no longer survive. On the other hand, the ego is part of the transient phenomenal reality hence, it is not immortal. Only the enrichment of the true reality, only the complexity and enhancement of the Universe will last forever.
Eventually, we shall not need the artificial intelligence of the ego. And, once we shed it, we shall become aware of the omnipresent Oneness.
Oneness of time and space.
Of the intangible reality.
We shall blend with the Omnipresent Consciousness which the vast majority of people call God.

More about this in the final chapter.

Coming back to Eden. To Paradise. To a reality, we might have never left if it hadn’t been for the ‘apple’. For the temptation of knowledge. Yes, as individualizations of the Omnipresent Consciousness we couldn’t resist the temptation to gain knowledge which would help us to contribute to the phenomenal reality. We needed to create. To be... gods.
We needed to enhance the Universe.
To leave our mark.
To add to the creative diversity.
Yet, in spite of all the good intentions, we succumbed to the sin of pride. 

Indeed... Long before we became hermaphrodites, we were pure, intangible individualizations of Consciousness, gallivanting among the luscious splendour of primeval nature, looking for a suitable phenomenal body to invade and make our own.
But even then we’re running billions of years ahead of us. It all began with:
“The earliest known life-forms on Earth are putative fossilized microorganisms, found in hydrothermal vent precipitates, that may have lived as early as 4.28 billion years ago, relatively soon after the oceans formed 4.41 billion years ago, and not long after the formation of the Earth 4.54 billion years ago.”
(Abiogenesis in Wikipedia)

Are you sure you want to go that far back? Someone did. Someone did and guided the earthly evolution by adding complexity to the original microorganisms. Everything and everyone has a cause and effect, and evolution advances through enhancement and complexity. The same is true, to this day, with the whole Universe.
Now let us jump forward by a billion years or so.
We must remember that in the non-phenomenal reality time does not exist. In a manner quite incomprehensible to our artificial intelligence, everything happens in the eternal NOW. In fact, it already exists in its potential form, waiting to be manifest in the phenomenal reality.
So by ‘now’, if we are to believe our scientists, there are some 100 trillion microorganisms living happily in a human body, although I have serious doubts how many scientists have actually counted them. Regardless of their mathematical accuracy, that’s a lot more than the 37 trillion cells of our body. And yet... and yet each human cell knows exactly its nature, its function, its place in the scheme of things.
By contrast, we, motivated by the consciousness generated by our brain, by the 100 billion neurons (a mere fractions of other cells making up our bodies), often have problems coordinating the behaviour pattern of three or four members of our family.
There is, however, a consolation.
While each individual cell or microorganism has a very limited lifespan, we, the ‘total’ we, the ‘real’ consciousness residing within this magnificent engineering achievement which took billions of years to construct — we are immortal.
Perhaps this is the place to mention what I mean by the ‘real’ we. From the Mosaic ancient history, real “I am” was, and remains to be referred to as our “Higher Self”.
“The one who is called I AM has sent me to you.” This phrase illustrates that this knowledge has been known in ancient times. It illustrates the transfer of knowledge from the Higher Self to the Ego.
Since that time, however, it is evident that the human Ego grew at the expense of ancient wisdom. Furthermore, it should be noted that while our Ego is subject to virtually constant metamorphosis, our Higher Self is, and has been immortal from the instant of Its individualization.
There are consequences.
While the majority of us rely on technology to eliminate the need for creative thinking from our biological lives, a few, the Chosen Few, continue to enhance and improve the vehicle which enables us to enhance and improve the Universe. In fact, that’s our job.
To enhance and improve the Universe.
By adding beauty and diversification. 

 (To be continued in a few days. In the meantime, enjoy DELUSIONS.)

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