Friday 6 September 2019


Would you like to be immortal? Well, I’ve got news for you. You are. But what we must first establish is who or what you think you are. Your physical body? Your character? Your personality?
I have news for you.
Thomas wrote a gospel about it. He quotes staggering words ascribed to Yeshûa, later known as Jesus. Later, much later, an international group of scholars provided a translation of the Coptic text discovered in Nag Hammadi. There is one particular statement which prompted me to write this book:

“Whosoever finds the explanation of these words shall not taste death.”

Staggering? The Human race is endowed with the gene of immortality. Our genome can endure thousands, perhaps millions of years.
But... is our consciousness immortal?
It took me 8 months of very long days at the Library of Religious Studies at the University of McGill, in Montreal, to put together a book that opened new horizons in my understanding of various scriptures. I’m referring to my:

Eight long months, but it was worth it. It opened for me new horizons, explained the heretofore unexplainable, turned other peoples’ knowledge on its head. The bibliography provided at the end of the Dictionary will attest to my efforts. It remains up to you to find the understanding. I just provide you only with the means. After all, in most Bibles, some 3200 words have never been translated from ancient Hebrew and/or ancient Greek. Now they are. At long last, they are all translated in my Dictionary.
Good luck.

For my part, the Dictionary enabled me to offer you the Key to Immortality. Below a few 5-star blurbs on Amazon about this work. Perhaps you’ll agree?

Blew My Mind!
Fantastic Book!
Quality Analysis
A Real Eye Opener
Incredibly fascinating
Discover the untold story
A very unique perspective!
Provoking and Transforming!
An Incredible Gospel Finding!

I assure you, you’ll gain awareness of your immortality. It is a wonderful awareness. A wonderful moment when you accept with perfect confidence that you, and you alone, create the reality in which you continue in your Becoming. In which you live, and grow, and multiply your abilities.

BTW. I do not claim any theological qualifications, nor philosophical doctorates. All those are already at your disposal. You can be a sheep or you can walk your own path. It’s a long journey. Eternal. I offer you a chance to find your own understanding.
Good luck.

The Gospel of Thomas

ask for

1 comment:

  1. “This deserves wide recognition not only among the followers of religion but also anyone seeking inspiration and understanding. Excellent.
    From 5-STAR review by Alistair Forrest, Author, on Amazon.
