Thursday 10 June 2021


In my previous blog we discussed different futures that we can expect after we vacate the illusion of our present embodiments. We concluded that Devachan offers the greatest promise. As all is energy, we know that what continues on our immortal venture, is a complex aggregate of energies. Every living creature represents a unique entity. The higher the rate of vibrations of the energy of our consciousness, the closer we get to immortality. Ultimately only the different rates of the

can continue unimpeded to higher realms. To realms of higher rates of vibration. All else is an illusion. A product of our imagination.
Of course, there are degrees of Consciousness, although the original rate of vibration is infinite. A human body also generates energy of consciousness through the efficacy of our brain. This "human" consciousness, however, does not compare with the Individualized Consciousness that oversees our birth and lives. Someone or something controls the trillions of cells (1), let alone their functions, longevity, repairs and replacement; also, around 100 trillion microorganisms residing on us and within us (2). And finally someone or something stops the 7 octillion atoms, together with their subatomic components, from exploding in a local Big Bang (3). Each and every one of these constituents necessary for our survival are controlled by an intelligence inherent in the Individualized Consciousness referred to as our Higher Self
    To repeat, every living creature represent absolute uniqueness. This staggering number of continually growing unique beings contribute to the diversity that is solely responsible for the ever-increasing velocity of the expansion of the Phenomenal Reality. 
    Of our Phenomenal Universe.
   It is vital to become aware of the Energy of Creative Consciousness within us. It not only supervised the creation of the biological potential of human egg and sperm at the onset of our phenomenal life, but also of their later development with little if any contribution from us. We eat and drink, and leave the conversion of these energies to the Energy of Life, to our Higher Self.

Surely, inspired by all of the above, we ought assist our Higher Self in enhancing our reality with added diversity. The diversity encompasses all positive deeds, works (of art, music, sculpture and any creative endeavor), extant in the Consciousness residing in our unconscious, which stimulates the human consciousness and emotions generated by our brain and neurological systems. In some of us it  matures to become integral to the Consciousness of our Higher Self.  Hence, our immortality.
    Consciously or not, we are the executors of such inspirations that can lead to the liberation of limitations imposed by our illusory bodies. Such liberation has been referred to as "going to heaven", whereas in fact it occurs while we are still here, in the Phenomenal reality of Earth. Heaven, also, is a state of consciousness.


The diversity of our contribution is well illustrated by Peter & Paul. They are good examples of the diversity of character that High Self uses. The completely different personalities of the two men served to achieve very comparative results. There cannot be two more different routes that the two men took to liberate their Consciousness from the confines of their bodies. They not only began their journeys in diametrically opposing environs, but their whole lives placed completely different demands on the choices they made. Yet, in both cases their Consciousness found a way to explore  the diversity of their personalities to enhance the reality of their, and indirectly our becoming. 
    Hence, we now know, that diversity is not a hindrance but an imperative concomitant to our creativity. What matters is our ability to listen to the silent voice ever vigilant within us. 
    The rest are details. 
(1) Lately estimated at around 37.2 trillion, plus or minus around 0.81 trillion)
(2) that is 100,000,000,000,000 bacteria, viruses and other members of human microbiota.
(3) That's around 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms.


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