Monday 25 March 2019


This year, I missed St. Valentine’s by a few weeks. No regrets. For us, every day is Saint Valentine’s, regardless of history.
There were a few Valentines.
One was a priest in Rome, the second a bishop of Interamna (now Terni in Italy), and the third, presumably the Saint, was martyred in Africa in 496 AD.. Pope Gelasius substituted St Valentines Day for Feast of Lupercalia, which, heretofore, served to avert evil spirits, purify the city, and release health and fertility. To my knowledge Romans remained healthy and fertile.
None of the three Valentines had anything, absolutely nothing whatsoever, to do with lovers giving each other flowers, chocolates, or ornamental cards.
Does this bother you?
(Me neither)

For me, or us, loving a person is a means of discovering freedom. Most of us are held in the iron shackles of our ego, spending most of our time and effort trying to sate our personal tastes, pleasures, and weaknesses.
Only the magic of love, real love (not sexual hunger), can free us from those fetters which hold us in the iron grip of egoism.
Love releases us from the exigencies of one’s own weaknesses when the other person becomes more important to you than your own life, your own comfort, your own pleasure. Hence, the search for love is:

And such was Marvin Clark. At the outset, he had no idea what release true love can offer. And then, gradually, the elixir of love began to take hold of him.
Marvin Clark, the invisible man, a man as shy as he was retiring, assumed a cloak of invisibility. The only escapes he enjoyed were into the inner worlds of his own making. Then, a beautiful woman entered his drab reality. Suddenly, the protective ramparts Marvin erected so carefully began to crumble. Would she set him free?

A few blurbs from some 5-STAR reviews on Amazon.

I loved it!
Heart Warming!
Profoundly Moving
Beautiful Love Story!
Romance and Self Discovery!
Fantastic characters and story!
A classy read, fresh as they get!
Unlike any love story I've read before!
A Classy and Wonderfully Written Love Story!

And many more…

Let me know if you liked it or, better still, say so on Amazon or wherever you go it.
 Reviews are gratefully appreciated.
Also available on Smashwords



  1. “Law’s ability to create a story that transcends the typical boundaries never ceases to amaze me. …Everything comes to life - For an unparalleled experience, I highly recommend it!”
    From a 5-STAR review by Ally McMahon on Amazon.

  2. “…Author Stan I. S. Law has brilliantly conveyed a timeless love affair with such precision and delicacy that you can’t help but feel part of it.”
    From a 5-STAR review by Amy Taylor on Amazon.

  3. “Marvin Clark is a wondrous story of love… Romance slowly coming to the boil, intellectual delight and there is mystery about a piece of music! I read it in one sitting!”
    From 5-STAR review by Dana FitzSimons, Author, on Amazon.

  4. “Marvin and Jocelyn are so well written, they climb off the page into life and won’t soon be forgotten. This book is brilliant. Very well done, Mr. Law. I’ll be checking out your other books very soon.”
    From 5-STAR review by Monica LaSarre, Author, on Amazon.
    (Thank you, Monica).

  5. “The author, Stan I.S. Law is truly one-of-a-kind, intelligent, and a master of literature. He has set the bar for what a romance novel has the potential to be.”
    From 5-STAR review by Chameleon on Amazon.
    (Thank you, kind Sir).

  6. “This is easily one of Law's best books. …The author never ceases to amaze me with his imagination, wit, and seemingly endless talent. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a great love story.”
    From 5-STAR review by Kevin Lintner on Amazon.
    (Thanks, Kevin)
