Monday 11 March 2019

VISUALIZATION—Creating Your Own Universe.

I mentioned a number of times, that the infinite potential of everything that ever was, is, or ever could be, hovers below our awareness within our Unconscious. There it awaits for us to convert the possibility into reality. No matter how ephemeral, how transient, yet, at least for a while, into phenomenal reality. Later it will live on, eternally, in our memories

If we reach deep enough we shall find treasures beyond our wildest imagination waiting for our attention. All we need do is to Visualize them. Or to Visualize what if…
But mostly, to succeed, we must have unshakable faith that the power dwells within us. You can call it the “Willpower” or use any religious term for it.
No matter.
The Power dwells within us, waiting to be awakened.

The Power waiting for us to
Create Our Own Universe.

History is peppered with individuals who did just that. They were not all saints, let alone Saviours. Some enhanced our Universe with immortal works of art. Others were great  composers, poets, engineers. Some performed miracles on the world stages by converting little black dots of other peoples’ talents on sheet music into heavenly symphonies. Others still became great leaders, advancing us, people only vaguely awake to our potential, to ever higher understanding of what we truly are. Yet all of them reached within to draw from the eternal,  inexhaustible well of creative energy, converting it into the dream they Visualized.

My book, VISUALIZATION will show you what was, what is, but most of all, what could be. If you give it as much attention as I tried writing it, we shall all share a new reality of such beauty as has never been seen by human eyes.
Please, join me.

Some 5-STAR blurbs about

Must read.
Profound reading
A wonderful Read
Masterfully written!
Inspired and inspiring!
Become a Master of Your Domain
A great book on reinventing your life
Provides You With a Powerful Foundation
Fantastic insight on thought control and

We have been given the means, the ability, to strive for perfection. The fastest method lies in our dreams. Our lucid dreams.
If you liked what you read above, get the book. It will help you discover yourself. 
And, please, I need your reviews. Ask for a free copy at



  1. “What a brilliant book!
    The author challenges you to leave behind preconceived notions and allow the book to be your gentle guide to a new understanding of the world…
    Fantastic read.”
    From 5-STAR review by Brian on Amazon.

  2. “My favorite lines…: "Whatever we may believe regarding particular characteristic of the universe, we must accept that it is subject to indomitable laws. If we do not learn them, we shall not advance very far in our evolution."
    From 5-STAR review by Beth on Amazon.

  3. “It was almost as if I was sitting next to one of my favorite college professors, going over different ideals, from some of the greatest minds in history…”
    From 5-STAR review by Lazaro on Amazon.
