Friday 28 May 2021


 For some reason, people prefer to suffer, to blame others, fate, government or even God, than to create their own reality. And this in spite of the statement of wise men of thousands of years ago, that we are gods, hence we can create such realities as we want.
    Some years ago I decided to change my reality to such as would please me. It worked. Rather than wait to die to go to heaven (not that I could be sure of avoiding the other less pleasant alternative), I decided to play safe and go to heaven immediately. 
    You may laugh, but it wasn't really my idea.
    A man whom many recognize as God, or at the very least as the Son of God, made a statement that got me going. He said, that "Kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:21) That sounded to me very much like heaven. This mysterious saying set me on a prolonged search. By that I mean not just reading, but I began a daily contemplation in an effort to find the answer.
    Also, quite a few of my books attest to my search.
And then I had it. I concluded that reality is a state of consciousness. Furthermore, that consciousness, like everything else (at least according to Einstein) is an energy. After all, "ALL is energy", he'd said. And if all is all, then heaven must also be a state of consciousness. 
     My search began from scratch.
    And then, quite unexpectedly, it bore fruit. As I mentioned above, I decided to create my own heaven. Right here and now. Perhaps not exactly a "Catholic" heaven of resting forever in a state of dolce far niente, yet, since St.Paul attested to at least three heavens, I decided to make mine based on the concept of Devachan. The theosophical heaven. 
    And you know something, it worked! 
    Worked for me, but what about the rest of you guys and galls? You, from what I'd seen, to approach the taste of heaven, you await a win on a lottery, or some other unexplainable event to take place, while you wait to drop dead and be lifted by angels to heaven. Lifted, as all my friends expect heaven to be up. Up above the clouds?

The other way is outlined in my book below. It not only shares with you how to Create Your Own Reality, but how to make such reality as so far you could only dream of. And dreaming was very much part of it. You had to imagine what you want before you could get it. In other words, you had to visualize it. And to quote Einstein again:

"Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. 
Match the frequency of the reality you want 
and you cannot help but get that reality. 
It can be no other way. 
This is not philosophy. 
This is physics."
    I didn't know this when I wrote the book but I shall forever be grateful to Einstein for having confirmed my suspicions, and also, for confirming the countless examples of the giants of the past, of people who have done that. They visualized what they wanted, or at the very least hoped for, and, lo and behold, it happened. 
    You, too, can do it.
    Trust me.
    I've been in heaven for quite a while now. 
   There is room here for everyone. Won't you join me?

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