Albert Einstein once said that Imagination
is everything. That thinking gets you from A to B, but imaginations takes you
far beyond. And this, surely, is true of Alec.
Alec, the future Alexander Baldwin Ph.D., was only thirteen
when his story began. Not different from other boys except, perhaps, for his
excessive shyness. That must have been why he escaped into a world of his
dreams, conscious, inspiring dreams, where his aspirations could be fulfilled.
We all have access to Alec’s realm, yet few of us take
advantage of it. In our dreams we can be anything we want to be. Unbeknownst to
must of us, the feats we accomplish in the realm of our imagination are just as
real, in that realm, as anything we could possibly accomplish here, in this
illusory reality of the phenomenal Universe. Whatever we do is stored for
future reference, for future use, in the indestructible memory storage of our
Subconscious. The whole Universe benefits from the memories stored in each and
everyone of us. We are all indispensible components of the phenomenal Universe.
While it is transient, that which brought it into being remains forever.
Perhaps one of the must surprising aspects of memory is
that, while in phenomenal reality (that’s here and now) we tend to take life
fairly if not very seriously, in upper realms, and there’s an infinite number
of them, we are indestructible. There is a most amazing consequence of this
fact. Our indestructibility is directly responsible for the development of our
sense of humour. People who know that they are immortal, cannot possibly not
enjoy it. We can conduct our becoming in ‘normal’, everyday, illusory reality.
Alternatively we can reach out to the paranormal, where TV ghosts, vampires,
ghouls and disembodies entities hold sway. Finally we can reach higher up, or
frankly deeper in, to reach the realm of the supernormal, where we actually
become disembodied entities and nothing is impossible for us.
Alec did all three. While doing his best in the earthy
reality he’d step out into transient, yet to him very real, dreams, wherein he
matched conquests of Sir Galahad. And then, almost by accident, he reached out
into the realm of the Supernormal. There, and only there, he found real
If you suspend your doubts and accept Einstein’s assurances
of the importance of imagination, and also pay heed to his postulates
that—although we call it ‘normal’—our earthly existence is NOT real; that
matter does not exist, that all is energy; that NOTHING in this or any other
world or realty can be destroyed, your life will change. It will change
You’ll develop a divine sense of humour.
You’ll develop a sense of humour that is born from knowledge
that you are omnipotent, invincible, and immortal. You’ll finally understand
the ancient adage offered us thousands of years ago by King David who assures
us that we are gods.
You’ll become a master of your Universe.
Welcome to Alec’s world.
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Alexander Trilogy Book I
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