Sunday 1 November 2015

The Mystery of Atheism

In the hoary past, priesthood had been the only keepers of scientific knowledge. Then religions changed all that. Today an increasing number of very vocal atheists is growing throughout the Western world. Judging by their modus vivendi, our politicians and other autocratic oligarchs also stock the fires of atheism. Lastly, the new breed of TV hosts are blowing their atheistic trumpets louder than those of Jericho, befalling the traditional walls of the religious dogma.
Not entirely.
Once, pretending to follow in the footsteps of Yeshûa would temper, even alleviate, the human psychopathic, let alone homicidal, nature. No more. A President of the most powerful country of the present era, forgot to love his enemies.
Browsing the Internet, I found this:

A new analysis of the total fatalities in the Iraq war during the presidency of George W. Bush demonstrates that the likely number is between 800,000 and 1.3 million. The analysis appears in The Nation (Feb. 16, 2009) and can also be read here.

This, as such, isn’t an exceptional achievement. Genghis Khan and Hitler were responsible for much greater numbers of deaths. But to my knowledge neither of those gentlemen called themselves “born-again Christians.” Also the ex-president is the only one still alive. So much for loving one’s enemies…

Most of the 2.6 billion Christians in the world today do not seem to realize that Jesus, the man they consider God, was in fact a Supreme Atheist. He even denied being good, let alone god. But most of all, he placed heaven, the only heaven he recognized, within himself and… everyone else.
Within every single one of us.
Also, to make sure there was no misunderstanding, he never referred to any God, or the Hebrew YHVH, YHWH, Jehovah, or Adonai, as the source of all power. When he finally added that his ”Father in heaven”, was the only source of all power, all goodness, all creativity, it became evident that to him, heaven is a state of consciousness.
Great mystics had always known this, but it took Yeshûa eighteen years of study and research to reach this momentous realization. He wasn’t born with this knowledge. According to Luke, the evangelist, (2:52)  “Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favour with God and man.” (Please note: for ‘God’ Luke used the Greek word “theos”, i.e.: “object of worship”. Also please note that plural of  theos” can refer to false gods). Hence, presumably, Yeshûa’s preference for “father”.
Having been trained by the Essenes, esoteric though they were, Yeshûa was forced to clear his mind of all the Hebrew traditions in order to arrive at the ancient Truth.
At long last he realized that the ancient knowledge of “I AM”, of the mystery of the prophets, had been lost by people who turned science into religion.

Alas, no man is a prophet in his own village, nor, apparently, in his own country. His people were not ready for Yeshûa’s revelation.
Sadly, nor are we.

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