Monday 17 August 2015

Imponderable Gifts

We often dream of becoming famous—seldom if ever analyzing what fame entails. In fact, until we awaken to the true reality, our dreams and aspirations are dictated by our egos.
A fatal predisposition.
But things can get even worse. There are occasions when we do not ask for anything. When we are quite content with our own achievements, the results of our own efforts, and then, unexpectedly things happen, which upset the applecart we have so carefully loaded with the fruit of our labours.
We call is fate; or bad luck; or, if we’re religious, the will (or wrath) of Gods. I doubt if anyone of us would ever call such circumstances a “blessing”.
And yet… things happen.
Our carefully prepared plans are laid waste for no reason that we can understand. In times of war, God forbid a “World War”, such as I’d experienced in my youth, we are more likely to accept it. It is much easier to suffer together than individually. When we are “all in this together” we shrug our shoulders and do the best we can.

But this in not how the world works.
The reality of our world is built on individuals. Every single one of us has a specific function to perform, to develop his or her unique talent to enhance the order and harmony of the Universe. As often mentioned in my blogs, Many are called, but only Few are chosen. Luckily only the Chosen ones are subjected to special tasks, often ordeals, which the Many could never cope with. Such ‘gifts’ are arduous enough even for the chosen Few.
The moral of the story is, “be careful what you ask for”. The Universal Laws take you as fast along the eternal road of evolution as you are capable of going. We all travel at our own pace. We must be glad that we are not rushed along the steep climb to the realm where only gods dare walk. Some tried too early and had their wings burned. Ask Icarus. Your time will come as soon as you are ready.

The paradoxes inherent in unwanted gifts are illustrated in the story of Dr. Peter Thornton. He was more than happy minding his own business, doing “his thing” with the nurses in linen closets. He was a brilliant yet also a very ordinary man. Perhaps that is why he’d been chosen.
Dr. Thornton had been granted gifts he’d never asked for, although he did yearn professional success. His wishes had been granted in a very different way than he’d expected. Universal Laws operate on very unexpected premises. By human standards, some gifts can be deadly. Thus again, be very careful what you ask for. You, too, might be given more than you can stew.

Read the book and let me know. And if you promise to write me a review on Amazon, you’ll get a free copy. Your thoughts are important to me. That’s how I learn. 

Book One of the Winston Trilogy
Also available at Smashwords and other outlets.

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