Tuesday 16 April 2013


Pretty much everything happens as it should. We, endowed with a marginal freewill, stray from the straight and narrow, and the Universal Laws stubbornly bring us back on course. For some of us, it might take a few billion years or so yet, ultimately, we shall all meet our destiny. Whether we like it or not, and no matter how atheistic our convictions, we are all destined to become aware of, and then to learn the skills that define gods.
Strange though it might be, at present, we are no longer evolving spiritually, i.e. we are not developing the capacity of our consciousness, opting for strictly physical evolution with marginal mental and emotional appurtenances. All our efforts are directed at making our physical stay on Earth easier, more apathetic. Most people, should they win a million or two on a lottery, would stop working and become fulltime lay-abouts—that’s like gadabouts only without making the effort. We would pretend to be busy by being slightly generous towards those waiting to win or inherit the means for us doing nothing, and extending our lackadaisical largess to others. After we die, there would be no detectible sign that we ever lived. No lasting sign. No evidence that, having lived, the world, but for our presence, has become a better place.
And yet we are endowed with freewill. Or, perhaps, because of it? Perhaps gods in waiting are lazy.
There is but one saving grace. We are immortal. No matter how many lives we wasted, and continue to waste, there was a time, described by some as the Golden Age, the Satia Yuga, our stint in Eden, where we have anchored our individuality in deeds out of which the present reality came into being. Whether we like it or not, we are insipient gods, even if, at present, taking a protracted nap.

A mere 2000 years ago, one man thought otherwise. His name was Yeshûa. He may have shown us the way. See for yourself. 

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