Wednesday 13 October 2021


Why would anyone claim that Heaven is within us? As Yeshûa hadn't specified any particular organ, kidney, liver, brain, or even our heart, I strongly suspect that He was not referring to our phenomenal body but to that which uses our body for self-expression. 
    That something is presumably our ego, the personality which we have developed through the energies generated by our brain. After all, "all is energy" and thus so must be our ego i.e. our individuality that probably took a few million years to evolve. 
    Is it possible that Yeshûa had been referring to our dreams? To our ability to generate different realities only when we forsake our waken state? Could Heaven be a reality resembling a lucid dream in which we enjoy powers to metamorphose the energies of any reality into any other by a simple act of our will? 
     Surely, we've all done that, at one time or another...
    After all, this is exactly what we do in lucid dreams. And, what is even more important, we can (with practice) experience the consequences of our dreams in our waken state. Even Olympians, the Olympic athletes, are said to practice their skills in a dream state. Doesn't this  apply to all of us though, possibly, without our conscious awareness?
     Could this have been to what Yeshûa referred when He made the statement: "Kingdom of God is within you"? (Luke 17:21 KJV).  Surely God abides in Heaven?  And don't forget the prophet's assurance that "Ye are gods"! (1)
   On the other hand, He hadn't mentioned that the power of subliminal imagination works both ways. Miserable egos can create miserable conditions in daily life. Happy people, regardless of their economical or even physical condition, remain happy. In other words, they manifest the condition which produces happy dreams, and... vice versa. He must have been concerned with enhancing our lives.
     And, after all, somebody once said that not only Heaven but the whole universe is within us. They are both states of mind. States of Consciousness. They are realities created by the Individualization of the Omnipresent Creative Energy of Consciousness that manifest within us as the Higher Self. The glorious, omniscient, indestructible energy that assures our immortality?
     Let me know what you think. Please?
(1) Psalm 82:6 and John 10:34

I offer a novel which substitutes a state of coma for a dream. The conditions are similar wherein the subconscious, if not the Higher Self, take over, at least in part, our awareness. In my novel, a man wraps his car around a lamppost. The next instant he's looking down on his body lying in a ditch. He wonders why he doesn't feel any pain. What follows are 300 pages of stunning exploration of the worlds within us.

Kate Jones, writer, editor, of Pasadena, USA had this to say about it:

"Once again, Stan I.S. Law, 
the acclaimed writer of visionary fiction, 
takes us into the realm of the subconscious mind. 
He draws us into the hero’s experiences from the beginning of time
As usual, this reader was awed by the author's cosmic range of thought, 
global vocabulary, the boldness of his ideas, 
the potpourri of philosophical sources, 
and his charming self-revelatory candor.”

So... join John Clarkson on his astounding trip. He’s a character you’ll not quickly forget. If ever. After all, he certainly seems immortal. It also seems that time is only a figment of our imagination. Perhaps, so are you. And I? Products of our dreams? Read, and find out for yourself.


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and please, don't forget your review

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