Thursday 14 October 2021


Baruch Spinoza made it quite clear. "To define God means to deny God." And, apparently, that's all there is to it. But he also said that God is: “the sum of the natural and physical laws of the universe and certainly not an individual entity or creator”.
     So we can't define God but we can describe It.  (Note, It not Him).
    In part, I happen to agree with Baruch. Even Einstein agreed with him. Or, at least, with Spinoza's concept of God.
    Well, not altogether. The Laws are evolving by the eternal process of trial and error.  I believe that that which Spinoza described as God is the consequence, not the Source. The Source cannot be described in terms of human concepts. God, or whatever we mean by this term, is Everything. Or as the Catholics put it Visibilium omnium et invisibilium.
     Since God is ALL IN ALL, it cannot be defined. I'd suggest that we are not capable of defining what is good or bad for the Whole Universe. We tend to stipulate only what is good for us.
    And, at any rate, how would you define ALL? It is beyond time, beyond space, beyond any measurement, nor anything that any way might impinge on Its Totality. IT IS. And it is very difficult to write about that which Baruch Spinoza claimed is undefinable. The best we can do it attempt to describe SOME of ITS qualities.
We can only suspect that IT IS the Cause and Effect of that which manifests in the Phenomenal Universe as the: 
Energy of the Omnipresent, Omniscient Creative Consciousness. 
There is one problem, however. To be Omnipresent such energy would have to vibrate at an infinite frequency. As such it would be beyond the restrictions of either time or space. And this is where the problems start. 
  All these qualities or characteristics would have to coexist, simultaneously, in a single energy.  This must be why the ancient Greeks referred to the Universe as Chaos.

Cosmos comes from the Greek Kosmos (from the OED: κόσµος - order, ornament, world or universe (so called by Pythagoras or his disciples 'from its perfect order and arrangement'). Cosmos is the opposite of Chaos, which was the first state of the "Universe" before it became, in part, phenomenal. A Perfect Potential manifesting in an imperfect transient, illusory, reality. Yet a reality which is in an eternal process of converting the incipient Chaos, into an "orderly ornament of perfect arrangement."
    And that's our job. 
    Ours, and all creature which evolved self-awareness.
   I prefer to think of this Phenomenal Reality as a dream. A transient, illusory, often wonderful, as most dreams are. Yet a dream ever-evolving towards perfection. 
    What matters is not what is, but the journey towards what could be.
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