Monday 25 October 2021


Believe it or not, we are all already in Heaven. There is nothing that Heaven can offer that we cannot have here and now. It is all up to us. All we need do is to atune our Consciousness to recognize it. The countless billions of miracles all around us attest to my statement.
    Just close your eyes, keep very still and you'll see it. Or perhaps feel it. It really is there, all around you. And if all else fails, you can dream that you're in Devachan. 
    That's as good as it gets.
    Some people achieve this experience only in deep meditation. I have another suggestion to you. Each morning, when you wake up, spend the first 5 or 10 minutes expressing gratitude for all those miracles that we experience. Gratitude for life, for such health that we have (that still allows us to think of the wonders around us), for the wealth (that keeps us still alive), for the people in our lives (forget the others). And even if we need help to change our reality Evelyn Monahan shows us how to do so.(1) 
     This has nothing to do with any religion.
   This has nothing to do with any prayer. This is a down-to-earth realization that life in a magnificent experience that most people do not realize how magnificent it is. 
   Because most people do not seem aware that they don't "go" to heaven when they die (let alone that other place), but that wherever we are, we experience such reality as we, and we alone, either create or become aware of. And unless we have already reach the evolutionary stage of being "divine", then there are ample reason for gratitude for the wonders that surround us. 
     What wonders?
    The plethora of diversity of the Creative Energy is amazing. 
    Yet, every single creature that walks this Earth, or flies in the air, or swims in our waters is far, far, far beyond anything that we could create ourselves. And the same goes for every blade of grass, every flower or any tree that enhances our reality year, after year, after year.
It seems to me that any person, regardless of their financial status has equal access to those miracles. And when we become fully aware of them we realize that we already are in Heaven. The Heaven was always here, waiting for us to discover it. 
    We then realize that Heaven is neither more nor less than a State of Consciousness. And the books below, the Aquarius Trilogy, give you just one example of how some people have reached their realization. There are as many roads to Heaven as there are people on Earth. I hope you, who reads this, is already enjoying one of them. If not yet, then soon. Perhaps even next morning, when you wake up?
(1) Her book "The Miracle of Metaphysical Healing" will show you how to take care of your financial and/or physical shortcomings. The book is a forerunner of the Age of Aquarius

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"Only the best from Author Stan I.S. Law!"  
"Get ready to think and then be blown away!

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before it’s too late. 

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