Thursday, 27 June 2013

You alone can make your World Richer

In my previous blog I stressed the importance of freedom. We need certain rules and regulations but only such as are necessary to assure that our freedom is not at the expense of our neighbour.
The protection of our physical lives is also important. After all, our bodies serve as evidence of how well we conduct our affairs at mental and emotional level in this and our previous lives. The physicians call this genetic predisposition—I call it Karma, as Karma also affects our mental and emotional wellbeing.
This said, let us never forget that the magnificent biological robots we inhabit are still and ONLY our means to an end. We can break Olympic records, develop magnificent physiques, and none of this will help us if our mindset is not right.
What we must never forget is that it is here, on Earth, we are building our heaven. Here we spend say… a 100 years. On the other side of the great divide we often remain for more than, what we’d call on Earth, a 1000 years. Here we are constrained by rules and regulations, there our freedom is absolute—to enjoy or suffer fully the reality we continuously create on Earth. There, in ‘heaven’, we enjoy the results of our thoughts and emotions we indulged in here. Hence, we are gods, the creators of our heaven and earth. Whether it’s heaven or hell on the other side is up to us. We are the sole creators of our states of consciousness—our only reality.

For those who wish to play safe, I offer a suggestion made by Phil Libin, cofounder or Evernote, on Charlie Rose Show. “Make the whole world smarter—one person at a time,” he’d said.
One person at a time.
Few of us are intended to become saviours of the world. Few to become world leaders. Most of us are lucky. All we need do is try to make the world smarter “one person at a time”.
We can offer only that which is unique within us. We can share it with the world in the hope that our unique gift will fall on fertile ground. We don’t even have to stay behind and check if it bore fruit. If we offer to the world that which only we can share, we make the world a richer place. And surely, no more is expected of anyone.
When we accomplish our purpose, we shall enjoy the fruit of our labour for a thousand years or more.  And then we shall come back to enrich the world by our presence once more. And again… and again…

Things happen in our lives that lead us towards the fulfillment of our purpose. One such story is the story of Anne, in the Avatar Syndrome. It wasn’t easy for Anne, but she overcame. So can you. 

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Monday, 24 June 2013

You and the Big Brother

We are lucky. It took longer that George Orwell imagined. Almost 30 years longer! Orwell was the original squealer. Or betrayer? Traitor? Blabbermouth? Double-crosser? Pigeon? Stoolie? Tattler? Tattletale?
If Orwell were to have written the book today, in the UK or the USA, he would have been arrested as traitor. Since Orwell, people in the USA have decided to terrorize themselves. I’m told that in America more than a hundred people die in car crashes every day. That’s more than all road-deaths in the whole of Europe in 24 hours. 
In Boston marathon… 3 died. Once. Three too many.

As for the Big Brother, this is the story of Peter and Paul all over again. The Governments look after the physical welfare of their citizen, leaving Peter to look out for himself. They look for evil coming from outside, ignoring the evil within. Obviously, they hope to protect the physical lives of many. Peter can fend for himself. What they don’t know is that Peter would rather be crucified upside down than give up the freedoms upon which the greatest country on Earth had been built.
Today, the government’s concern is the illusory reality wherein everybody spies on everybody else. They have no idea that we are immortal and don’t need their protection. They look after the many, who, like themselves are ignorant of Truth.

Just to bring us up to date, Big Brother is the enigmatic dictator of Oceania, an imaginary totalitarian State wherein the ruling Party wields absolute power over its inhabitants.
Guess which State, today, has more people in jail than any other on Earth? Which State spies on its own citizen more than any other? Which State manufactures more arms than the next dozen States put together? Would that be what George Orwell meant by totalitarian?
A great American, William James Duran, said: “It may be true that you can’t fool all the people all the time, but you can fool enough of them to rule a large country.”

George Orwell wrote his SF book, “Nineteen Eighty-Four”, in 1949 in the hope that such a dystopian State could never happen on the face of our planet. He was anti extremes of either left or right. He didn’t like the direction in which we were going.
Did we listen?
It seems that even now there are those amongst us who don’t understand that some of us would rather die free, than live, safely, under the protection of a multibillion-dollar spying umbrella. That it is our spirit that must remain free, not our body.
The meaning of freedom is elusive.

The struggle of what is good for some and good for many is as old as the story of Peter and Paul. You can see for yourself, and let me know what you think. 


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Friday, 21 June 2013

Hawking, the Universe, and YOU

The actual question posed by Stephen Hawking was, “Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing.” Certainly it is not a question to which a scientist could possibly have a response. Ergo, if we want to know the answer, we must resort to metaphysics. After all, metaphysics are head and shoulders above physics? In Greek “meta” means “after” or “beyond”. (Like my “Beyond Religion” Series).  Hence the answer is simple.
The universe exists because you are in it.
You and I. All of us.

The universe is the means, not the end in itself. It only serves to illustrate the development of individualized thought processes, or better still, the evolution of consciousness, the only ‘thing’ that is both, the observer and the observed. You, the unit of discernment observes that which you’ve created, including your individualized self.
Since scientists continue to repeat themselves in all matters of science, proclaiming that the “near void” of the physical universe is the only reality, they leave me no choice but to counter them with repeating what is true reality. The answer is:


Your consciousness is the ONLY reality. Everything you see, hear, perceive, imagine, think, create or feel is an expression of your consciousness. Your and my consciousness persists after we vacate our physical bodies. While you and I are here, the Universe is little more than a figment of your and my imagination. As stated so many times before, scientists have proven without a shadow of doubt that whatever we see, touch, taste and experience with any of our physical senses is subjective. It has no objective existence. That physical universe is overwhelmingly empty space. Void. Unless we choose to agree, of course; then, for an instant of eternity, for you and me, it becomes objective. Hence, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 
Life is not a biological infestation. Life is the presence within you, and me, that which is indestructible. It is an expression of that which is inseparable; of that that cannot be torn apart.

Perhaps a little poem I once wrote expresses it better.

When I shall go away, surely––I will remain.
Moving, yet keeping still, on my eternal way.
I shall traverse, lonesome, eons of space and time,
Though they don’t really exist, in the heavenly clime.

When I shall go away, I’ll keep you by my side,
Watching over your own, foolish illusion of life.
Imprisoned in a folly, a sheath of flesh and blood.
Searching for me, within you––my love at a divine flood.

When you grow old and wise you’ll learn that you and I,
Though divided by strange, absurd perception of time,
we were never apart. That since the world began,
Your and my divine essence were always, truly One. 

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Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Science, Religion, Hawkins and I

In a descending order. Yes, I dare to question all three. In fact I question myself more often than the first three—and as often with unsatisfying results.
Stephen Hawking and science are almost synonymous. I stand apart from both science and religion. The problem is that all of us perceive reality in a completely different way. Yet there are also narrow bridges where, sometimes, we can meet. For instant, Hawking states that:
 “We are so insignificant that I can’t believe the whole universe exists for our benefit.”
Of course. What Hawking fails to note is that we, you and I, and all intelligent beings, exist for the benefit of the universe. A subtle yet extremely important difference. Ultimately, if it weren’t for us, the universe wouldn’t exist.
Next is the problem of religion. Again, Hawking says:
“I’m not religious in the normal sense. I believe the universe is governed by the laws of science. The laws may have been decreed by God, but God does not intervene to break the laws.”
Of course not. He/She/It would deny Him/Her/Itself, hence He/etc, would not exist. On the other hand, if we change the word ‘science’ for ‘god’, we immediately have a fully-fledged religion. Ergo, science and god are synonymous in Hawking’s mind.
And yet Hawking’s god, I mean science, is not reliable, or perhaps it is the religion that fails him. He states: “Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis: you an never prove it…” I suppose one cannot really prove the existence of god either. We observe and admire what already happened… a while back. And this is precisely what science does. It observes what happened a while back. A billion years ago? Or at least a few milliseconds.
Back to god, er… to science.
Hawking: “The boundary condition of the universe is that it has no boundary.” Isn’t this how some of us think of god—as having no boundary? Of being infinite? Surely, even Spinoza would accept such a concept. In fact he did, I believe. That’s why the religious kicked him out. Hawking goes on: “The universe would be completely self-contained and not affected by anything outside itself. I would neither be created nor destroyed. I would just BE.”
Sound pretty divine to me.

And finally, at long last, Dr. Stephen and little moi come to total, unreserved agreement. When asked what does he (Hawking) think about most during the day, he replied, “Women. They are a complete mystery.”
Aren’t we, men, lucky? We can never get bored!

You’ll find another way of looking at almost anything in my novel, NOW—Being and Becoming. It denies neither Hawking nor religion, yet it offers something completely different. Just for you. 

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Saturday, 15 June 2013

Fragility of Life

You are the sole creator of your heaven. You do so in your life here, on earth. Without life there is only stasis. Life means constant, unrelenting change. Life in a dualistic reality is the ongoing workshop in which we build our permanent abode. In which we build what the religions refer to as heaven
We must accept, once and for all, that this life is short, illusory, fragile but also necessary, valuable, and indispensible to enhance our true reality. Without it we would tread water.
The moment we fail to advance the purpose of our physical life—we are terminated. Each time we vacate our physical body we erase memories of the mistakes we made in our immediate past, which enables us to start again with a clean slate. Hence, ‘death’ is equally important as life.
However, the errors we’d made in the physical reality remain in our subconscious.

Contrary to religious teaching, we are never punished by anyone for our mistakes. On the other hand, our actions carry consequences. This is the whole purpose of physical existence—to learn what are the consequences. We are the masters of our destiny. We just have to live with the choices we’ve made in the reality we’ve created. Without physical life we would forever remain in a kindergarten, and never receive even a slightest slap on the wrist.
Thus in heaven, in other words in the reality we’ve created on Earth, we abide in the consequences of our behaviour. There, nothing new ever happens. While all of our past experiences are at our disposal, we cannot add to them. Quite simply, in heaven, we are immortal, that means there is neither beginning nor end. There are just... ‘are’. To help you imagine this, think of being shot dead by a bullet in your dream. It just doesn’t happen, does it? Nor can it happen.
Dreams are our foretaste of heaven. And, as you very well know, some dreams are nicer than others. Some are… nightmares—of our creation.
Here, on the other hand, we suffer from the fragility of life. If we don’t obey the rules, we die. We die in this reality, and return to our permanent home. If our life has been wasted, we return to the stasis with empty hands. If it was positive, if it contributed to the storehouse of our memories, then we’ve enhanced our heaven. Perhaps, in the fullness of time, we’ll decide that we no longer have to go out to enrich our consciousness still more. If so, we shall dissolve our riches and spread them within the infinity of the Single Consciousness, from which we have once emerged to make our contribution. We don't have to do that, of course. We can continue learning. There is no end to the ideas stored in the Unconscious, where everything already exists in its potential form.
You and I can make it real. 

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Wednesday, 12 June 2013

How YOU can End Starvation

It might take a little while, but starting today we can cut the global starvation figures in half, and it would not cost anyone a single penny. We can accomplish this by watching TV. Or by going for a walk. Or reading a book. Or by having a chat with our friends. Or by doing anything at all other than having sex. Sex alone is the culprit—sex, and the total inability of the vast majority of the human kind to use their brains.
Imagine—such magnificent evolutionary achievement as brain, yet hardly used. Perhaps most of us save it for a better day, in case we might ever need it. Except for you and me, of course. I assume that in a world, which is running out of potable water, you have not spawned any children. If you have, then you’re just as guilty. Just as guilty as my parents were. Behold my gratitude.
Yes. The world is running out of water we can drink. And without water we shall all die. We shall not need any wars, or plagues, or other viral infestations. We’ll just dry up. Wither. Like a plant in the desert. A brainless plant.
We have brains.
Actually, if people restrained themselves from having more than two children, then by natural attrition we’d gradually return to a balanced population. We wouldn’t have to kill each other for the want of a drink of water. If we don’t soon, we’ll have to.

There is another alternative.
If we’d rather act like animals, we can merely react to our hormonal drives to restore the balance. When there are too many of us around, we can just eat each other. Young and old alike. The younger are tastier, of course. Alas, it is illegal to eat children—as is murder, rape, stealing, gluttony, sloth and a dozen other peccadilloes, which we ignore with equal perspicacity.
On the other hand we could eat our old. I believe I am old enough, and if you marinate me long enough I might be palatable. If not, you could try your own family. I’d suggest you do it before we run out of water on a global scale. If we wait too long, our bodies will dry up and not be tasty at all. On the other hand, what do I know? I’ve never tried human flesh. In fact the very idea repels me. Speaking for myself, I’d rather starve. This might be your option, too.
Or we could stop having children, just for a generation or two—to restore balance. It would be a decent thing to do. And we wouldn’t have to eat people, although there was a time when cannibalism was in vogue.
Anyway, in no time at all, there would be enough water for everybody.
 PS. I’m a vegetarian.

Sacha didn’t have any children. You can find out why in my novel, Part There of the Alexander Trilogy. Don’t worry, he didn’t eat people, either. 

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Sunday, 9 June 2013

The Real Purpose

Ultimately, we are here but for one purpose. We must learn to make this reality as malleable as the reality of our dreams. If physical realization can only take place through the intercession of a conscious mind, then we hadn’t created the world (reality) we live in. According so some, it had been imagined by Elohim, better known as gods, or intelligent entities who are perhaps millions, possibly billions of years ahead of us in the evolution of their consciousness.
At our present stage of evolution we are still in a destructive mode of existence. We don’t create our world, it’s mostly already there, or here, but we tend to destroy it. If enough people put their minds to it, we can kill 60 million in a single war. We’ve done it in WWII. We blame Hitler for it, but without participations of many he couldn’t have done it. We have the power to do so again. And with the nukes we are hiding from public opinion, we can put an end to the human kind at a press of a button.
Until recently, science of astrophysics claimed that we live in an expanding universe resulting from a “big bang”. Everything, they said, must have its beginning and its end. Only they’ve run out of matter to give the universe sufficient gravitational pull to, ultimately, cause a “big crunch”. Did they give up? No! They began making up black matter, then black energy, all invisible and very much like the stuff we hear from any pulpit in any church, equally as lost in search of reality we live in. Did they find it?
The concept of beginning and end holds true as regards the illusory universe we make up with our imagination. In other words, it is true only of the material, or physical reality. It is not true of our true selves, of our consciousness, indeed of any consciousness that precedes ours. In a way, there is only One Consciousness, and we, past and present, are merely individualizations of it. All great masters and mystics knew that.
Regardless of any of the above, even more recently, our illustrious scientists decided that there are more dimensions than the original three + time (quantum mechanics lately talk of eleven) and, lo and behold, there are many universes. In fact, possibly they say, an infinite number of them. They now call it the Multiverse.
Boys will be boys.

If you really want to know how universes are created read my Elohim—Masters & Minions, Book Two of the Winston Trilogy. There may be other ways, but, well, to each his own. You might think of a better way of course. If you do, let me know. So when your time comes, you’ll be ready to create your universe. That alone is your purpose—it is the only universe you’ll ever live in. In fact, it already is, only few of us seem aware of it.

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Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Are You in the Likeness of God?

Ignorance is no longer bliss. When others had been paid to think for us, paid handsomely, we obeyed. Alas, all good things come to an end. Nothing lasts forever. No organization has been created unto the likeness of god, hence be immortal. We have. You and I. And sooner of later we must begin to act like gods. Independent. Thinking for ourselves. Accept responsibility for our actions. Blame no one for our misfortunes.
It won’t be easy.
Yet, all power always comes to an end. Political, economical, military, hereditary, and yes, even religious powerhouses—will fall. Every single one of them. They ALWAYS do. Nothing, nothing at all, in this reality is permanent. Nothing endures forever except for that which is within us. The intangible. The seemingly ethereal. Yet, the only reality that sustains us—a reality which many of us don’t even accept that it exists.
And so, all giants will fall—individual and corporate. For quite a while there will be chaos. Anarchy. This too will pass.
Many will find this truth inconvenient. Yet it is quite unavoidable. And the change, no matter how painful, is implicit in our reality. Rather like a toothache that results from a rotten root. It must be pulled out. Our only anesthetic is knowledge. Only the truth will set us free. We can avoid the pain by being prepared.

We shall witness the destruction of the old to make room for the new. This is called the Pluto Effect. It makes room for a better world, as different from the world today as ours is from the world of 2000 years ago.
Most think that we have evolved. I’m not so sure. Our technology enables us to stop thinking; to stop working. Soon robots will do the work for us, many already do.  Imagine, the previous pope said that work is our punishment for the original sin. For me work is the most ennobling activity I can think of. It is the reward for biting into Eve’s apple.
Yet, our world is crumbling.
All who have eyes and the courage to face the truth can see that. Every spring, Arab or otherwise, will be followed by the doldrums of summer, and go on to wither and die, eventually, under a blanket of snow.
Only then we shall rise again. We shall rise to a new and glorious world in which we shall begin to act like adults. So you see, we have nothing to worry about. Our future is a bright as the spring, the real spring, which will sprout new consciousness throughout the whole world. And gradually we shall all contribute to a new Earth, and new Heaven. Soon you’ll be able to read about it in Pluto Effect. But until it’s published try the Headless World. It’s yet another way that the world can change for the better.
Or… we shall screw things up. Again.
But, as always, it will be up to us. 

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Saturday, 1 June 2013

The Self and the Ego

If you think you’re immortal, think again. Before we can make that claim, we must define very, very clearly, what we mean by who or what we are. We must define how we identify ourselves.
We must differentiate between Self and Ego.
From the day we are born we begin to accumulate little quirks of character, which make us different from all other people we meet. Good or bad, no matter, but different. The more we drift away from the essence of our being, the stronger our ego becomes. Yet, we need ego for our survival in the physical reality. We must retain, indeed develop, sufficient egotism to maintain our transient, and to a great extend illusory body, while our consciousness spends an equally illusory time here, on Earth. Or in any material environment.
But we must never confuse our ego with our self.
Ego, like religions, is what sets us apart. Self, like faith, brings us together. Within the entity of self we accumulate and store forever the traits of character, which by definition are immortal. The components of our ego, which also by definition, we need for our survival in material reality, we discard together with our physical bodies when we vacate them. They are unnecessary or superfluous in the ‘real’ world; in the world in which we spend most of our existence. Just in case anyone is sorry to leave them behind, be assured that they consist of atoms which are 99.9999999999999% empty space.

Imagine running out of money in one of your dreams. There is no ‘my’ or ‘yours’ in the true reality. The higher we rise on the evolutionary scale the harder it is for us to differentiate between ‘you’ and ‘me’. Between “us and them”.
Hence, faith and religion.
We all believe in something. We all claim to have some sort of ethics and, until distorted by our egos, those ethics are very similar to each other.
When religions step in, people who can benefit materially from exacerbating differences between us, build up mountains of rules and regulations that serve to set us apart.
“If you prick us, do we not bleed?” asks Shylock, in the Merchant of Venice.
The same question can be asked of any member of any religion on earth and expect the same answer. Yet… religions continue to set us apart. Perhaps in this oncoming Age of Aquarius we shall derive knowledge from all great men of the past. And we shall concentrate on what joins us together. After all, once we get rid of our egos, we become essentially one, even if we regard this oneness from diverse points of view.

In my novel WALL—Love, Sex, and Immortality, I suggest that even in the process of quantum tunneling, our ego stays behind. Perhaps, one day, we shall learn to cleanse our consciousness in such a fashion. What do you think? 

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