Thursday 22 July 2021


One would have thought, that since the celebrated cosmologist, Stephen Hawking, decided to agree with Aristotle of 384-322 B.C., that the Phenomenal Universe is eternal, by now, our world would be crawling with gods, or at least with people advanced by billions of years ahead of us.
    There is a slight problem, though. 
    While evolution might advance some intelligent species well beyond our present abilities let alone our perceptions, it is more than likely that such entities would consist of and perceive much higher rates of vibrations. Hence, if there are such illustrious beings among us, they would remain invisible and imperceptible to our senses. 
    Also, they would be able to manipulate rates of vibrations of energies as only Yeshûa, a handful of saints, yogis and a handful of very advanced beings could do in our reality. Yet, according to those very same individuals, the seemingly absurd allegation is that, the ability to metamorphose the rates of energies into different phenomenal manifestations is latent, yet very much present, within every single one of us. Hence, while we are most assuredly not gods, we appear to have latent divine powers, which we refuse to recognize, let alone use.  

If there are gods among us, they seem to occasionally make their presence known as, e.g.: in the Miracle of Fatima that occurred on 13th October 1917, attended by a large crowd. Otherwise it would have been an induced coordinated hallucination of a large crowd, which is equally as hard to explain by our scientific knowledge. 
    Thus, the advanced beings are either enjoying their continuous becoming in progressive Devachans, or, as mentioned, are invisible. Take your pick. But if they are merely invisible, than they would never fit on our Earth. After all, over infinity of time, their numbers must exceed anything we can possibly imagine. 


I took another flight of fancy, to take care of our hidden talents. I showed that while the powers within are are rarely evident, they can be awakened under special circumstances. I am implying that such circumstances are now. If you read OLYMPUS—Of Gods and Men, you might agree. And if you read the whole Aquarius Trilogy you might learn how to get there yourself.
Your choice.  
Having written the above, I might try to blow my own trumpet, but it is more gratifying to have it blown by others.

Below, just a few excerpts from reviews:

This novel plays in the future, but is it science fiction? Yes and No. ...If there were a genre called philosophical science fiction, that's where it probably would fit in nicely....a book that deserves to be read by millions of people.” From a review by Fred Schäfer, Author.

“I couldn't put this book down and was engrossed until the last page. This book is a masterpiece. From the review of WALL by Brian.

“This is definitely a coming of age story and the method in which it is told by Stan I.S. Law is pure genius.” From the review by TFLReader on Amazon.

“...this book is descriptive to the point where you, as the reader, are fully engulfed in an amazing fantasy world that will have you walking on his journey. Truly the work of a master!” From the review by Lazaro on Amazon.

I am astounded beyond words by the scope and breadth of this author’s ability to create and sculpt books which so perfectly challenge and intrigue the mind as he has done in every single volume I’ve read of his masterpieces. He is truly a genius of our time.“...I cannot resist a jam-packed, intellectual masterpiece from Stan I.S. Law.” From the review by Monica LaSarre, Author.

“This is a wondrous work:— wise, witty, enthralling. With the progression of the trilogy, we better understand Stan’s worldview—which is another way of saying that he has successfully beckoned us into his mysterious, mesmerizing world. That is a sign of a brilliant author, and Stan I.S. Law stands tall in that position. From the review by Grady Harp, HALL OF FAME TOP 100 REVIEWER.

Who am I to argue?  We can all uncover powers dormant within us. My books may help.
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