Monday 26 July 2021


All sources of authority which, for whatever reason, continue to control peoples' minds, behaviour patterns, or any aspect of their lives will fall. The purpose of the Age of Aquarius is to create conditions in which all people are forced to think for themselves. The termination of those who impose their will on others applies not only to politics, religions, those controlling economies, news media and suchlike, but to all professionals who deem themselves experts in any and all disciplines.
    This is the price the human species must pay for mental and emotional liberation. Until, like most other species, we learn to cope on our own, the world will go through a period of an unholy mess.
    Under the circumstances, the professional organizations which enjoy almost complete control over the majority of peoples' lives, will fall. Whereas heretofore of the "Many that were called only a Few learned to wield authority", which had been necessary to sustain humanity which, as yet, remained at lower stages of mental development, their leadership will be terminated. While their stewardship assured our survival and unprecedented supremacy over other life forms, it also was responsible for our gross overpopulation the world over, at the expense of the rest of flora and fauna.
     It is apparent that such conditions are against Universal Laws. 
    Also, let us not forget, that a single virus can still have a deadly effect on our bodies. There ways of overcoming such effects, mostly by mental efforts. The power is within us. 
What we do not appear to realize is that the Ages of the Zodiac have little to do with individual units of any species, but rather with the balancing of all life on our planet. 
    The imbalance is byproduct of  the profession of medicine. We have learned to rely on the medical expertise to save our lives to such a degree that we forgot the universal laws, which govern all nature. Over millennia, these laws have evolved to sustain our health, indeed, our lives. We ignored them for  the last few generations.
    Lack of hygiene, sedentary lives, and generally misguided diet lead to ominously prevalent obesity. Without the medical profession, thousands if not millions of us would die prematurely. Yet, with the physicians' ability to remove painful symptoms, the abusers of natural laws survived and "multiplied". This applies to a number of diseases.
    In addition, our gradual descent into abject materialism created a civilization that admires quantity over quality. We are supposed to evolve. Not evolve things and gadgets that make us lazy, but towards our own  infinite potential.

    And now "nature," or the Omnipresent Energy of Creative Consciousness wagged Its illusory finger. First, the self-perpetuating viruses, then the torrential rains causing horrendous mud slides, flash floods, followed by unheard of droughts and the resultant fires, increased volcanic activity, inundations, and many other cataclysmic events will, in time, restore the balance.
    We must never forget that the two fundamental Universal Laws are Diversity and Balance. We, our species, have upset both. Those who know, will take steps to escape with their lives. The energies generated by others will be recycled. That's what the Black Holes are for.

There are many other secrets that shape our reality. 
You'll find some in my other books.
Both fiction and non-fiction.

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