Monday 19 July 2021


Contrary to my assertion in my Sci-Fi 2 blog, not all science-fiction needs to be prophetic. There is a great difference between "will" and "could". Yet, even with this assertion there is a problem. The Universe is infinite in time and space. Hence, pretending that something, in fact anything is impossible, is as absurd as insisting that it must happen within a particular space or time. Thus, in addition, we must, or at least should, accept that the Universe is stranger than we can imagine. 
    Hence, my five stories.
    It is almost impossible to imagine something, some action or story,  that couldn't happen. Of course, some might be against the Universal Laws, and such, I suspect, would only cause them to disappear from our reality in double quick time. Energies that attempt to sustain nonsense are recycled in the Black Holes rather quickly. That is why, even as the Universe expands at an ever-increasing rate, the number of Black Holes will increase correspondingly. 
    That's only logical, or, as Albert Einstein assured us, "God doesn't play dice with the Universe".

    I'd hasten to add, that the Universe, both the Potential and the Phenomenal, are two expression of the same Infinite Omnipresent Indestructible Creative Energy of Consciousness, which some people call God. Although Baruch Spinoza refuses to allow us to define God, as such a definition would "deny God", as it might impede on some qualities of His/Her/Its infinity, I'd suggest that my offerings are NOT a definition but a partial descriptions of Creator's qualities. 


I'm offering my suggestions to inspire people to stop creating a "god" in their own image and likeness. The nearest we can get to resembling a god would be to unify our Ego with our Self, yet even then it would resemble a union of a drop of water withing the infinite ocean of the Universe. What we can achieve, however, is the ability to manipulate or metamorphose the rate of vibrations of energy. This is truly a divine trait.

Some readers had this to say...

“Absolutely brilliant! .…a real classic, which leaves the reader wondering if we do really live on Planet Earth!” 

(Louisa Middleton-Blake, author, Wales, UK)

"Thirsty Work is absolutely hilarious! A weird and twisty tale the likes I have not seen in many a year. Reminds me of Ray Bradbury's early work before he got all dark and serious... I will be looking at more of your writing, sir!"  

(Thaddesus Howze, Author's Den)

And then there are others. Science fiction is not what happened but what could happen. And, if you're not careful, it might. Or... will? Remember, the creative diversity of the Phenomenal Universe is as infinite as the Universe itself. And that goes for your imagination, too...


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