Wednesday, 29 May 2013

The Eternal Question Unravelled

Recently a new Psychiatric Manual came out, called DSM, which stands for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. No wonder they abbreviated it. Yet, even so, the manual misses the point. It fails to tackle the eternal question of the chicken and the egg.
Who cares?
Perhaps we can ask the chicken when it gets to the other side of the street.
The question remains, however, which came first: the mind or the brain. Is the mind a byproduct of the brain, or the other way around? Unless we can answer this question we ought to be very careful in our attempts to alter the chemical balance of the brain, which it took nature a few million years to develop. Unless we’re sure that nature has no idea what she’s doing, that we can do better, then the old adage should hold: “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, or… we might make it a lot worse.
Yes, there are exceptions when psychiatry can help. There are always exceptions. But in Canada, during the last 5 years, the use of psychotherapeutic drugs has increased by 27.7%. Have 27.7% of Canadians gone crazy in the last five years? Or, perhaps, the psychiatrists suffer from normal brains. Normal means average, middling, ordinary…
We are all different.
Flooding the human brain with psychotherapeutic drugs is like trying to repair a car when the driver makes mistakes. If we diagnose mechanical malfunctions in the car, shouldn’t we repair it before drugging the driver…
Hence the Eternal Question, which came first, the mind or the brain.
Neuroscience assures us that, for the most part, ‘normal’ brains do not vary that much. If so, then why can’t I compose as Mozart did? Or write like Shakespeare? Or come up with the Quantum Theory?
Because their cars, I mean brains, had a different driver. The driver is the mind, the brain is the means through which it manifests itself.
It is the old story. The vast majority of medical profession, and that includes psychiatry, treats the symptoms, not the causes of malfunctions. Until that changes, we shall continue to tread the wheel of Awagawan, to walk in circles, without advancing on the evolutionary scale. The only benefit will continue to be derived by psychochemical concerns that will continue to make billions out of our ignorance.

Ancient religions made a feeble attempt to point us in the right directions. The Torah states that god created men and then… only later, gave us skins. It doesn’t take much intelligence to figure out that we existed before we entered physical constructs, our physical bodies, to continue on our evolutionary trek. My Dictionary of Biblical Symbolism attempts to unveil at least some of the truth lost in antiquity. Until we rediscover it most of us will not evolve, but continue to devolve until we revert to a primitive state. Then, perhaps, we shall start again. Perhaps we shall understand better the next time.
Good luck. 

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Sunday, 26 May 2013

How to add to the Matrix of the Universe

Some years ago, I’d written some of essays on creativity. If interested, you’ll find them in Beyond Religion I and my other BR collections. And in the same way that Einstein had advanced geometry beyond Euclid without denying the veracity of his predecessor’s conclusions, I hope that I, in my minuscule way, have advanced beyond my early assertions not by denying them, but by building on them.
You be the judge.
There is one fundamental difference. My new a priori is that everything already exists in its potential form. As such, our participation in the creative process has been drastically revised. We do not make up new ideas. They already exist within our unconscious, within the unconscious of the universe, if you prefer.
The two are one.
What we do is to bring them out from the unconscious into the conscious reality. From the invisible, intangible, to the palpable, physical reality.
The question is how!
We are given a hint from Johan Sebastian Bach. The great composer had many children. Being a nice guy, he wanted to feed them and this entailed giving an inordinate number of concerts. On one occasion, an admirer had asked how he managed to put so much emotion into his music.
“Easy,” the master replied. “You need only three things: technique, technique and technique…”
“But, Sir,” interrupted the admirer. “Your music so filled with emotion…”
“…and then you forget the technique and just play from your heart.”

The point Bach made is quite elementary. If we want to partake in the creative process of the universe, we must work, work and then work some more. Only then we might be among the chosen few… because, unbeknownst to many, it is we who do the choosing. We become worthy of becoming co-creators of the universe.
And when we realize that, when we fully realize that we are an integral part of the universal creative process, we are given a chance to bask in the glory of the process itself. Because it is never the things that ‘we’ create that matter. It is always the process itself. Sometimes the process is also called life. Or becoming. Or full awareness that the universe and the process and we are all one.
We must never forget that whatever we create it transient. When we identify with the eternal process itself, we become immortal.
Good luck!

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Thursday, 23 May 2013

Spirit and Matter

We tend to regard spirit as something ethereal, leaning on the religious, to be revered, worshiped on bended knee. It is all of these, but it is also synonymous with breath, ergo with life, and thus with that which precedes all physical manifestations. But most of all, it is an intangible, perfect idea which can only be experienced in a manifested form.
Hence, “the word (logos, idea) was made man”.
Physically spirit, by its very definition, does not exist any more than an idea that has not been translated into ‘something’. That has not been ‘manifested’. Until spirit, the intangible perfect idea, is translated into a physical, or at least mental (as in philosophy) or emotional (as in music) form it remains static. It is not part of the ever-changing reality of becoming. It is not alive.
No two people regard our reality in an identical way. No two people hear Mozart’s Requiem in an identical way. Only the idea behind both remains perfect. We… dilute it with our limitations.
Idea is the potential waiting to be discovered and manifested. And that is why I am so interested in Human Potential. When an ancient Psalmist averred that “We are gods”, he meant that our potential is infinite; endless, immortal, not limited by time of space, but capable of manifesting the infinite in a finite form.
Hence, whatever is physical, being finite remains ever imperfect. Only the original idea was and remains perfect. If we could conceive of the human body as an idea, no sickness would invade us. This is of what the so-called faith healing idea is based on. Assuming it could exist, this is how it would manifest itself. And if it doesn’t exist as yet in our reality, than it is still within our potential to manifest it.
We are gods, remember?
And scriptures cannot be broken… assuming we understand them, of course.
That is why fundamentalists, or even brilliant biologists/ethologists such as R. Dawkings, who remain painfully unaware of symbolism, do so much more harm than good. No scriptures I ever read had anything to do with any religion. They all deal with accumulated knowledge of the ancients attempting to understand the reality in which we have our becoming.
Unfortunately members of sacerdotal societies twisted this knowledge and used it to control people’s minds and emotions. As do all ignorant people on both sides of the religious or scientific equation.

I tried to expose some of the misinterpretations in my book DELUSIONS—Pragmatic Realism. I am hardly qualified to give you infallible answers, but the idea that lives within me demands that, at the very least, I share with you the truths that I became aware of. Let me know what you think. 

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Monday, 20 May 2013


One can but wonder why people are surprised. What we see happening in the world has been foreseen, one might say foretold—though this word has religious overtones and what I am about to share with you has nothing to do with any religion.
It’s back to the old story of Zodiac. Each Zodiacal Age of about 2160 years is intended to serve as an opportunity for us to learn a new lesson. This has nothing to do with astrology either. It is a protracted study of patterns, which people had observed over many thousands of years. It is neither religious nor mumbo-jumbo of gazing into the stars, but simply powers of observation of things that we do not dismiss just because we don’t like them, or we find them difficult to accept.
Yet, as Dr. Phil has so often affirmed, “past behaviour is the best indication of future behaviour”.
It’s a simple as that.
The ancient prophets reached back into their subconscious memories, and observing events contemporary to their times projected past experiences into the future. We all can do it, if we put enough effort into it. In fact we all are doing it, only on a much smaller scale.
During the Age of Ram (Aries), we were supposed to have taken charge of our thoughts. We now know that “thoughts are things” which formulate our future. Thus by controlling our thoughts, we control our futures.
During the Age of Fish (Pisces), which will technically end ca. 150 years from now, (although I tend to place its waning around the beginning of the industrial revolution), we have been intended to learn the interrelationship of all life, sometimes interpreted to mean as “loving one another”.
Had we paid heed to the past lessons, today would have turned out quite differently.
Because the Age of Aquarius deals with the empowerment of the individual. People who in the past had been subjected to enforced obedience and servility will no longer tolerate such conditions. They will now be empowered “to do unto others as has been done unto them” for many, many years. Karmic debt? Furthermore, at the onset of each new Age there is a cleansing process, a cleaning up of our mindset, our consciousness, which often results in quite drastic consequences. Yet we all know, by now, that one cannot “pour new wine into old skins”, or to put it in modern language, we cannot absorb new ideas, new states of consciousness, without making room for them in our minds. We cannot serve two divergent ideologies. The cleansing process can be quite painful.
Hence… terrorism.

My novel WALL—Love, Sex, and Immortality takes place during the final years of the Age of Pisces. My next novel, about to be published, the Pluto Effect, will attempt to define the implications of the transient period leading to the Age of Aquarius. Book Three of the Aquarius Trilogy is yet to come. Enjoy!

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Friday, 17 May 2013

Things, People and Ideas

People fall into three basic categories: those who like things, those who like people, and those who like ideas. You decide in which group you belong.

We start by liking things.
Trinkets, jewelry, hats, wigs, dresses, etc., for women—automobiles, speedboats, motorcycles, guns or bits and pieces of machinery to produce more things etc., for men. Both like stately, impressive, homes, and martinis served at six. All who are motivated by accumulating money are in this group. At the highest level of this group would be the collectors of works of art of living artists—they would be the enablers of the third group. Alas usually, they only buy names, not works of art. They have no discernment. Their interest lies in keeping up with the Joneses, or, preferably, in showing them who is richer. They aspire to impress their neighbours with things.

 The second group manifests their liking for people.
This group might include doctors, teachers, perhaps priests, even politicians and policemen (before power corrupts them), and anyone who is motivated by the desire to improve the lot of people they rub shoulders with. They don’t produce anything new but apply and help others to apply that which is already known to improve peoples’ lives. Needless to say not all people in mentioned professions are in this group. Many doctors/politicians and others do their jobs (badly) just for the money, for the forthcoming pensions, or other selfish reasons (they are still in the “love of things” group. In the USA alone there are said to be 150,000 medical misdiagnoses each year leading to death or debilitating conditions. Nevertheless, people who love people stand much higher on the evolutionary scale than those who merely love things.

Finally we come to those who are motivated by ideas. The byproduct of their efforts benefits not just a few, but, hopefully, it enriches humanity as a whole. They bring out ideas from the unconscious to the conscious. This group includes all creative people: artists, scientists, writers, poets, musicians, often inventors, and people in any other fields whose efforts might benefit great many, and not just a few. They are the people who convert the wheel of life into an ever-rising spiral. Once again, there are ‘artists’ who desire just money. They are also the ‘things’ people.

There is another consequence characterizing these groups. Things have the shortest shelf-life. People, and the emotions we bestow upon them last longer. Yet only ideas are virtually immortal. They become the property of all humanity, they enhance our present by giving it the foretaste of immortality.
We all advance through all three groups. We cannot appreciate one without having experienced the other. As for immortality, Thomas of the Nag Hammadi Library offered us a hint. I translated its symbolic form into plain English. I called it Key to Immortality. It might surprise you.

PS. While I’d never say no to a good vodka-martini around six, lately I gravitate towards Scotch. I think it is a great idea!

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Tuesday, 14 May 2013

The Age of Aquarius

Once I publish the Pluto Effect, I shall have to get down to Book Three of my Aquarius Trilogy. And Book Three is entitled Of Gods and Men.
For the last few months I have been writing a blog that seemed centered on the same subject. Now, finally, I know why my subconscious has pushed me in that direction. Obviously my inner self wants me to write that novel. The subject is already well researched—it began with my historical novel Peter and Paul. Now I am getting down to the nitty-gritty.
Zodiac is credited with illustrating diametric changes in human history. Such happen every 2150 years or so. At present, we are just beginning to feel the consequences of the Pluto Effect (book two of my Aquarius Trilogy), which describes the cleansing process that precedes every New Age. Book One, Wall—Love, Sex, and Immortality you must have read already.

Various religions, which claim to follow the Judeo/Christian tradition, confess to believe in one god. Yet Lao Tzu tells us in Tao Te Ching that:

The Tao is… older than God.

Of course, Lao was too old to be a Christian. On the other hand, the Palmist’s also assures us that: Ye are gods… (82:6), ye, meaning you and me, or at least, “…unto whom the word of god came.” Had King David also been wrong? I am sure that there are very few gods amongst us. On the other hand, we seem to succumb to our need of affirming our masculinity by procreating regardless how overpopulated the world already is. Perhaps we just don’t care, or, more likely—just don’t think? We all have a magnificent brain. It’s just that the vast majority of us refuse to use it. Some do, most don’t. Not because they can’t, only because they don’t want to. Freewill, remember? After all, many are called but only few, very few, are chosen.
My future novel Of Gods and Men will set the record straight. And King David inspired me to use the word gods, plural, as in more than one. You’ll see. You might not agree with the premise, but at least, I will not claim that my novel is  “the word of god.” Just my own view of the immediate future of mankind.

And if you want to check the facts, you might get my Dictionary of Biblical Symbolism. It will set the record straight on many, many, other ‘unintentional’ errors. Perhaps the ‘errors’ make it easier to scare and to control the masses. The many that were called. 

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Saturday, 11 May 2013

Are we smarter than Nature?

I am still to meet a scientist who could create, make, or construct a human being. If fact, I would be in awe of a man or woman who could create/make/construct a lowly bug, an insect equipped with the same versatility which nature offers its creations. To move around, often to fly, to procure its food, to procreate, often to be very beautiful. That last is the fringe benefit with which nature with her abundant benevolence treats us.
And how do we treat nature?
We, with our inexplicable pride, or perhaps dismal stupidity, or just impudence that can only be human, we try to change nature’s rules. To correct them. We think we know better.

Pain tells us that something is wrong. Are we grateful for the hint? Do we eliminate the cause? No, we take a pill to eliminate the pain.
Overeating causes dozens of diseases. Do we stop stuffing ourselves? No, here, in the West, we are more obese than in any other part of the world. Why? Because we can, that’s our only reason. Yet nature’s rule is simple: if you can catch it, you can eat it. I don’t care if it’s a tomato, a head of cabbage or a wild animal. Catch it—eat it. Can’t catch it—leave it alone. Follow nature’s rule and live a long and healthy life.
We don’t.
Animals are born, they live, often procreate, and then die. Humans are given to reach to higher aspirations. Yet most of us just procreate, and when the time comes to die, we fight death with drugs and rules and regulations, which do not allow us to die in peace. We still die, but the last years we often spend in a vegetative state; often, at least part of the time, lying in our own excrement. It’s called dying with dignity! We think that we know better than nature when we should go.
We don’t.
Fever is nature’s way of fighting off a disease, to kill the viruses or bacteria that threaten our wellbeing. This is our immune system’s response with which nature has equipped us. We take pills to reduce the body temperature. Then we take so many antibiotics that bugs become immune to them.
We don’t become immune to bugs.
Nature has equipped 14 year-old girls to get pregnant. Nature also equipped them with a brain. Do we allow them to use their brains to buy contraceptive pills? No. Don’t get pregnant and don’t listen to nature. We alone know better.
Sounds pretty stupid to me.

Nature has her own way to have it her own way. One example is illustrated in my novel, The Avatar Syndrome. You may not agree with everything in it, but at least, if you like music, you’ll enjoy the story. 

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Wednesday, 8 May 2013

No Offense Intended

Since I retired, I’d published more than 30 books. I’m working on two more. Of course that doesn’t mean much unless the books have some quality. Some literary value. Only you can decide on that.
I write on Human Potential. I know that the market is already saturated with erotic romance, murder, suspense, UFOs, sex, vampires, werewolves, and other human foibles. It seems that most of us find only such subjects entertaining.
To each his and/or her own.
After all, many are called and only a few, very few are chosen. Only a few are interested in our ultimate potential. If they are, this fact alone doesn’t make them better or worse; it just makes them very different from the vast majority of people. It only means that their interests lie in other spheres of the human endeavour. Perhaps in arts, or philosophy, or even poetry… in aspects belonging to the realm of the mind rather than the body. 

And then there are those who are completely devoid of any human traits. They spend their time changing their FB profile pictures. They seem quite oblivious how ugly they might be. Physically, I mean. I know nothing of their souls. They change their images weekly, some daily… not that I checked. It seems to be their only intellectual challenge. It seems that they have nothing else to offer to humanity, indeed, to his or her own soul or psyche.
It has been said that to him that has—more shall be given; and for him that has not—even that shall be taken away. Or from her, I presume. Words to that effect. I’m fairly sure that the evangelist wasn’t talking about people’s bank accounts, sexual prowess, or even the frequency of displaying photos of themselves. Rather, I suspect, about what they’ve accomplished with what has been given to them. With their hidden talents that might, in some cases, remain hidden forever. Or until they atrophy.
Until… they are taken away?
And the frightening thing is that every single man and woman on Earth has a unique gift to offer to the rest of humanity. A gift so unique that they had to be born just for one purpose—to share it. Is there really anyone amongst us who thinks that the sole purpose of a male or female of the human species is to change, often, their FB profile photos?
Alas, many, very many, appear to think so.

And then we might wonder how others might look at us. Not other people, we already know that. Other species. Like cat and dogs. You can get a pretty good idea in Cats and Dogs. Let me know what you think. If you want to write a review, ask for a free copy. 

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Sunday, 5 May 2013

The Pluto Effect

It took me a while, but encouraged by my many friends, I finally finished the sequel to my WALL—Love, Sex, and Immortality. The sequel, which is book two of the Aquarius Trilogy, is inspired essentially by Greek mythology. I once wrote an essay, Myth and Reality, which you can find in Beyond Religion I collection, in which I’d pointed out that in the Apostles’ Creed, the statement of faith adopted by most Christian denominations, of 108 words, 15 words have historical basis and the remaining 93 are pure myth.

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in JESUS Christ His only Son, our Lord, WHO WAS conceived by the Holy Ghost, BORN of the Virgin MARY, SUFFERED UNDER PONTIUS PILATE, WAS CRUCIFIED, DIED, AND BURIED; He descended into hell; the third day He rose from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy Catholic Church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting.

The facts are shown in capital letters.
It seemed to me that if some 1 billion believers can accept such a ratio, then surely, they must suspect that in other myths, such as Greek, the ratio might well be comparative.
Thus inspired, I set out to find the truth, or at least Simon Jackson, my protagonist from Book One of the Trilogy, did. The contention was that within the glorious myths of Greece, somewhere behind the wondrous stories and fables the truth must be hidden. If you follow my reasoning, you’ll be surprised beyond compare. Even as I have been.
Soon the book Pluto Effect will be published, and then you’ll have to wait for part three to find out what are the consequences of this supposition, which will affect the next 2000 years or so of the Age of Aquarius.
The Age we are in right now.
Believe me, I’m as curious as you are, but I am absolutely confident that my subconscious which, I am discovering is rich beyond measure, will reveal it to me. And my unconscious will show me the means of sharing it with you. For now, enjoy Book One, the WALL. And be ready for what’s to follow.

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Thursday, 2 May 2013

The Vatican

Recently we witnessed the election of a new pope. Since his election, I was surprised that, contrary to many of his predecessors, he rejected the opulence of his office, and tried to inspire by example. In the Vatican dripping with gold and priceless works of art, that is a rare trait indeed.
I want my readers to know that my comments about the Church are limited only to the Church’s claim to expertise in matters pertaining to the teaching of Christ.
The last 2000 years made it abundantly clear that the Church has absolutely no interest in any treasures stored in heaven. On the other hand, the brazen agglomeration of priceless wealth which I suspect exceeds even that of the British Empire which R. Buckminster Fuller once called: “...history’s most successful world-outlaw organization...” is obvious.
On the other hand, I have nothing but admiration and undying gratitude to the Church, present and past, in many other areas that are also dear to me. The Church is responsible for my countless moments of joy, of visual, aural and tactile pleasure that contribute greatly to the fabric of my daily life.
I held my breath as I entered the Basilica of Saint Peter. What magnificent space, what resplendent vistas! I dare anyone, of any faith or religion, not to derive pleasure, not to admire the euphoric splendor (spiritual decadence only if you are a spoilsport) of the central building of the Church. The sensuously polished marbles, the forests of columns—forthright and upright, soaring towards heavenly domes. Or from the armies of sculptured saints, the galleries of paintings of more saintly figures, all immortalized right here, on earth, for posterity. The greatest names of the 16th century, Bramante, Michelangelo and Raphael have been mustered to contribute their genius to this monument of human endeavor. And all this thanks to but one man, Pope Julius II. Admittedly there are those who call his reign “the decadence of papacy,” but there is another way of looking at this period. Without Julius, St. Peter’s would never have happened.
And then there is the Sistine Chapel ceiling, the papal apartments, the papal portrait galleries, the inexhaustible works of art in the Vatican Museum, the consummate splendor of other Vatican buildings, the gardens... and, last but not least, the superb archives of the Vatican library...
Who else could provide us with such unprecedented riches?
And this is just the headquarters.
And then there is music.
I defy anyone to point to any other source as abundant as the Church in commanding composers to produce their best for the good of all. From the aria antiqua, through the doleful canticles to the Ambrosian and Gregorian chants echoing among the stone walls of ancient monasteries, to Handel’s Messiah and other Oratorios. And who could claim that Bach wasn’t first and foremost a church’s composer?
And there is more—much more...

Is there another way? Perhaps. Read my Headless World—The Vatican Incident and tell me what you think. 

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