Saturday 9 April 2022


It is a long, long journey... In fact, hard though it is to visualize or even imagine, the journey is eternal. Yes. It takes place in the eternal Present. It is a journey towards perfection. Yet, what is even harder to imagine, or even realize, is that perfection already exists within every imaginary entity, being, plant, or animal. That perfection is the potential inherent in the individualization of the Energy of Creative Consciousness.
    Perfection is dormant within you and me.
    It is what we could be, if only it were possible... Or, as Einstein might say, if we could create an illusion of perfect reality.
    The fact remains that the Creative Potential is already perfect. Yet, It's translation into a phenomenal form,  even for a short period of time, is nearly impossible. Hence the Few, the  Many, and the Third Party (not mentioned in the Bible). Perhaps it is the time to mention, again, indeed to stress, that the Bible has absolutely nothing to do with religion. Any religion. Nor have any other scriptures. They are invaluable compendia of experience acquired over timeless spans of evolution. Compendia of knowledge of how to enhance and diversify the experiences of our illusory lives.
    Life is the only expression of the Infinite Potential. All else are only the means, the tiny steps towards that which is omnipresent in Its Potential Form. Some call is spirit, some God, or even just Nature.
    However, Einsteins and other scientists assure us that ALL IS ENERGY, hence I choose to call It the:
Omnipresent Indestructible Energy of the 
Omniscient Creative Consciousness.
It alone is perfect. All else are no more than feeble attempts to demonstrate Its Perfection. Attempts to demonstrate various aspects of Its Potential. Essentially, such demonstrations manifest in the conscious metamorphosis of the original or the diverse energies by manipulating the frequency of their vibrations. Such manipulation we know as miracles. Of course, they are miracles only to those who cannot, as yet, do them. Once learned, once accepted that the indescribable power of metamorphosis can be done by the creative mind within us, they become perfectly natural occurrences in the reality of our Phenomenal Universe. Not the mind emanating from the the activities of our brain, but the energy of the omnipresent Mind that our higher-self, (the individualization of the Omnipresent Consciousness) used to offer us the miracle of becoming. 

We, humans, are just entering the Age of Aquarius, which is predicted to increase our awareness of the potential within us. For most of us, as mentioned, it will have been a long journey which we started at the oceanic hot vents. Yet before we let our awareness go to our heads, let us remember that the potential of perfection is extant in every tree, every plant or animal, which have not reach the stage of artificial intelligence granting them awareness of separateness. The separateness is manifested in our egos. All other life forms continue to be created and maintained by the Original Energy of Consciousness. As, unbeknownst to us, our bodies still are. Our countless cells, let alone octillions of atoms appear to know their modus operandi, without our interference.
The Phenomenal Universe strives on diversity. Every journey enhances our reality in a different way. Winston Smith, in the trilogy offered below, has taken the first steps towards the awareness of his Potential. Perhaps we can learn from him.
Get the whole trilogy (966 pages)
and enjoy staying at home!
(3 complete novels for $7.77)

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