Wednesday 6 April 2022


According to Oxford Reference, a miracle is: "a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency". The problem is that today we are still in an evolutionary kindergarten and our reality cannot be defined by our primitive science. Frankly, contrary to the opinion of our scientists, we still know little of what are the natural or "scientific" laws, (whatever they might be).
    Taking this analogy a step further, Richard Feynman, one of the few scientists I admire, states, quite categorically, that "there is no such thing as miracle". He is right by defining our potential, wrong in pragmatic application. (Here I go criticizing a Nobel Prize winner. Impudence?) Unfortunately the only way we can accept Feynman's statement is by admitting that we are gods. The ancient prophets knew that, of course, but we, preoccupied with materialistic pursuits, lost all knowledge of our potential. Furthermore, unfortunately, from his early youth, Feynman described himself as an "avowed atheist".
    His older colleague, Albert Einstein, showed greater humility. He once said, There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
    The consequences of this approach are, frankly, flabbergasting. 
    The few who ascribe to the first option accept that our higher-self is not only a source of ALL knowledge but is capable of using It's higher-mind to metamorphose the frequency of vibrations of all energies. That would be equivalent to the religious concept of divine powers, though they are (vaguely) perceptible to the consciousness generated by our brains. In order for such powers to become manifest through us, we have to sublimate our egos and very few people are willing to do that. The vast majority of us are motivated solely by our egos,  hence "miracles" are beyond our reach. We seem unaware (as yet) that we are created and maintained by our higher-selves, which are no less than Individualizations of the Omnipresent Creative Energy of Consciousness. Such Individualizations are manifest not only in our, i.e.: human lives, but the whole gamut of flora and fauna. The latest assumptions of the Quantum Field Theory are the first step toward the "scientific" confirmation of this reality. 
Finally, I must admit that Richard Feynman was right. There is no such thing as a miracle, although, only very advanced people are capable of metamorphosing the frequencies of vibrations of various energies. When we perform what others call miracles, we only change the illusion of objects they consider as real. After all, our Phenomenal Reality is an illusion. A wonderful dream, which, as we advance on the endless steps of evolution, becomes more wondrous than we can possibly imagine.
    Already in 1927 biologist J. B. S. Haldane, soon followed by the astrophysicist Arthur Eddington, and the theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg affirmed that "The universe is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine." 
    There is a simple reason for that. 
    The Phenomenal Universe is an illusion. It is an ever-changing process of converting Infinite Potential into a transient yet magnificent illusion of reality. 
    A reality which our predecessor called Paradise. 
To lessen your philosophical burden, I offer you a lighthearted version of our reality, which suggests the diversity of miracles which surrounds us on all sides. 
    The stories—be they strange, visionary, comforting or enigmatic—are about love. Love of our home, our friends, the Universe, or even of a tropical plant; love of your daughter, or just each other… Of love before we were born, and lonesome love of that which is gone forever. Love of an idea. Or even just love of writing.
   Science tells us that all is energy, and love is the most powerful energy in the Phenomenal Universe. It makes us all ONE.   
Paperback or eBook      
And, please, don't forget your review.

"Law doesn't need a lot of words or an entire novel to cast a spell upon us, 
and deliver very powerful and complicated messages. 
These short stories are fantastic. 
Stan Law is a truly gifted writer, 
and these short stories provide us 
with short views into his writing excellence." 

(D. Piecuch, Amazon)



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