Friday 1 April 2022


"In theoretical physics, quantum field theory is a theoretical framework that combines classical field theory, special relativity and quantum mechanics..." (Wikipedia)
    Unfortunately, the mechanics of the Quantum Field Theory are complicated. So much so, that the Richard Feynman who (together with  Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, Julian Schwinger) had been awarded the Nobel Prize "for their fundamental work in quantum electrodynamics, with deep-ploughing consequences for the physics of elementary particles," made a little statement that put a spanner in the works of the scientists. His perplexing statement was:

I think I can safely say that 
nobody understands quantum mechanics.”  

    No wonder. Feynman, and virtually all other scientists, continue to attempt to explain how an illusion works. That, my friends, is virtually impossible for one reason only. 
    Because it cannot be done.
    Enter Albert Einstein. 
   After all, an illusion is an illusion, and to a considerable extend every illusion, of every person, cannot be identical. If it were, it would no longer be an illusion. It would be fact. Einstein assured us that:

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
 Luckily, there is a way out of this quandary. In addition to physics we discovered the science we know as metaphysics. While originally science explained the relatively simply things in life, religion reached out into the  unknown. Then, as some of us advanced in our mental evolution, the two merged into a single search for the meaning of reality. Metaphysics fitted the bill. Meta is Greek for beyond or transcending. Once again, Einstein came to our rescue.  

"Science without religion is lame, 
religion without science is blind."
These words were probably one of his most misunderstood statements. He did not advocate religion to compete with science. He merely opened the gates of knowledge to allow scientists to reach beyond the  phenomenal reality. Phenomenal Universe is a result. Einstein reached out for the Cause. After all, he was the first scientist who admitted that science was the study of an illusion.

And now I shall allow myself to reach beyond the illusion. Quantum Field is, in my view, everything. It combines that which was, which is, and which could be. In other words it combines the Infinite Potential with what already is, even if in transient form. By that I mean that there is only a singularity of existence, though in an ever-growing number of manifestations. Hence, the continuous expansion of the Phenomenal Universe. As all is energy, a maxim for which also Einstein is responsible, the only difference between physics and metaphysics is the frequency of vibration. The first is real, though intangible. I call it the:
Omnipresent Indestructible Creative Energy of Consciousness.
The second is an illusion in which we enjoy our becoming, our journey back whence we came. This transient, ever changing, reality is the: 
Phenomenal Universe.
What joins the two into a singularity is the process of life, of evolution, which consists of reducing the infinite frequency of vibration of the Omnipresent Energy of Consciousness into an ever growing number of diverse frequencies. This is accomplished through the attribute of Omnipresent Consciousness known as Mind. We are all individualizations of the Omnipresent Consciousness, normally referred to as our Higher Selves. It also manifests, though to a much lesser degree, through the artificial intelligence (consciousness) generated by our brains.
    Hence, the two are inseparable, single, wondrous Reality which we, the primitive members of the evolutionary process, are privileged to witness.
    When you awaken, you'll find that you are still in Paradise.

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