Friday 15 April 2022


 Be a Creator of energies of thoughts. All thoughts are creative. Mind creates them, brain converts them into energies of creative phenomenal reality. They are the building blocks of our realities. All of them. The good ones and the bad ones. The original material is the Omnipresent Energy of Consciousness which we choose to use or abuse. In this sense we are masters of our domains.
    Enter the law of cycles. 
   Evolution does not proceed  on a steady incline. Just the opposite. It advances in endless cycles which enables different phenomenal manifestations of consciousness to find its own environment to advance. After all, time, like all dimensions, is related to specific phenomenal reality, manifesting specific frequencies of vibration of its energies. 
    Ultimately we reach Omnipresence in the Eternal Now. or
    Some people might call it Heaven, forgetting that at that frequency of vibration we lose our personalities. Our egos are created by the energies generated by our brains, which are part and parcel of an illusory reality. Its purpose is to contribute to diversity, not to achieve immortality. Our true selves are already immortal. Our true selves are individualizations of the Omnipresent, Omniscient, Indestructible, Creative Energy of Consciousness. You can call it God, or Allah, or Dio or any name under any of the suns of the ever-expanding Phenomenal Universe. 
    Why ever-expanding?
   Because our egos continue to manipulate and metamorphose the combinations of various frequencies of energies into new amalgamates. In this sense we, contribute to Its diversity.  In this sense, we are phenomenal gods, although the true creative energy remains the attribute of our higher-self, the Individualization of the Omnipresent Creative Consciousness.
Each time we advance into the realms of higher frequencies of vibration of energies, we also advance in our awareness of the Omnipresent Consciousness. We also become more aware of the Omnipresent Oneness. Our phenomenal consciousness expands towards infinity.
    Our journey is eternal.


Hence, when you read my book, remember that the world you are creating is yours and yours alone. You are the sole creator of your Universe. Whatsoever you visualize becomes your reality. Others might choose to share some aspects of it, but that's their business. Whereas you, even as the ancient prophets proclaimed, are god the creator. 
And if you don't, it doesn't matter. Your reality is the reality you believe in. Whatever it is, or might be. The book will help you either way. As for any negative thoughts your brain might generate, well, ultimately, they will be recycled. That's what the Black Holes are for. Never forget that all is ENERGY.
    We are apprentice gods. Keep trying. It worked for others...
   But whatever you do, don't give up. Those who didn't have been rewarded beyond their wildest expectations. Yet, as Yeshûa had said:

“The one who seeks should not cease seeking until he finds. 
And when he finds, he will be dismayed. 
And when he is dismayed, he will be astonished.  
And he will be king over the All.”
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And please, don't forget your review.


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