Friday 10 December 2021


It has been said, time and time again, that the Middle Path, the Straight and Narrow, even the Event Horizon, are the right path to travel. And yet those in charge, the rulers of our society, invariably sink to the dismal pathologically unworkable systems of extremes. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels tried one extreme, Adolph Hitler, Francisco Franco, and Benito Mussolini are but three examples of the other. 
      Both systems, being extremes, failed.    
    Now, under the guise of democracy, our governments are driving full speed towards subjecting their citizen towards absolute obedience to their dictatorial commands. Yet, surely, a smidgen of intelligence would show them that the dictatorial system is bound to fail. Imposing one's will over many is bound to fail.  It always did.
    The conflict is, of course, between enlarged Egos, and the suppressed Higher Self of the masses. Or, to put it more philosophically, it is a battle between idealism and realism.
Strangely enough this battle began more than 2,000 years ago. Yeshûa, (better known by his Greek name Jesus), invariably left the process of decisions to the individual. He never imposed his own views on others, without being asked. He left decisions to "his father in heaven", which, he insisted was (and is) within us.
    Saul, later known as Paul the Apostle, though born to a devout Jewish family, was heavily influenced by the regimentation of a Roman soldiers, hence imposing his will on others came to him naturally. 
    It is truly regrettable that the Roman, later known as Catholic Church, followed in Paul's and not in Yeshûa's footsteps. The Roman Catholic Church has never recovered from this seeming dichotomy. A few commanded the masses, under the threat of excommunication. The few abused their power, but only the masses paid. The masses were told not to think but to obey.
     It is much easier to control those who remain ignorant.
   Since the days of Hammurabi, (early 1800 BC) civil governance always practiced imposing obedience. Paradoxically, we now call it democracy. Conscience no longer matters.
And now, we have finally entered the Age of Aquarius, wherein or when-in, the next 2,000 years will be dedicated to repairing the damage created by the corruption resultant from the abuse of power wielded by the few. 
    The leadership proposed by Yeshûa has been intended to be assigned to the Higher Self. Today, this authority has been externalized, leaving the common man to cope with his incipient ego. The mess, both religious and economic, to which the last few hundred years attest, was a direct result of the absence of balance between the external and the internal influences on our behavior. 
    Soon, after a most unpleasant period of transition, things will change. Karma, the Law of Cause and Effect, will restore balance. Man will discover powers that will assure his freedom. He and she will learn to convert their thoughts into phenomenal reality. Today they call such actions... miracles.
Paperback and eBooks 
(under different covers) 



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