Thursday 2 December 2021


Quite a few prophets, an equal number of saints, gurus, and a few very wise men whose names we shall never know, stated, quite categorically, that the power to create reality is within us. Within you, and me, within an expert with a string of Ph.D's behind his or her name, and the tattered man sweeping the leaves on the street every autumn. It is not a question of what you do, what people think you are. 
    Not even what you, yourself, imagine that you are. 
    But what you  really are. 
   And you are an Individualization of the Omnipresent Eternal Energy of Creative Consciousness, that has not lost any of the attributes of the Source from which It emerged. You retained the attributes of omniscience, of omnipresence, of creative power, of indestructibility, which, of course, is a trait inherent in all energies. If you don't believe ask Einstein, or any of the great scientific minds. 
    I say great scientific minds, because there are but few of them, even as there are but few great minds in any profession, any group of the so called experts, who admit that they know as much as Socrates.
    That does not make them ignorant.
   It simply means that being immortal (indestructible) there is an infinity of phenomenal time ahead of them, as well as behind them, all contained in the Eternal Present. They know that ALL knowledge is already within them, yet that the phenomenal form they occupy temporarily is not yet aware of this knowledge. Hence the knowledge remains theoretical until accepted by the entity they created and developed to manifest this knowledge in the Phenomenal Universe.  
And now we come to the second aspect of what we are. Being an inseparable fragment of the Omnipresent Creative Consciousness, (which is the epitome of theoretical perfection) we are incapable of manifesting anything in the Phenomenal Universe that is not already perfect. Since, however, the creative process is infinite, time has been created to experiment with the totality of the theoretical potential to see if there is room within the phenomenal Universe, for an equivalent practical application. 
    An example:
    There is an infinite number of potential sounds,  yet there are only a few great composers that can elaborate them to produce magnificent symphonies. Only a few succeed, while many are trying, and while the vast majority are not even aware of the potential sound available to them. 
    The same is true of all other disciplines of which we, humans, are aware, and an infinite number of which none of us as thought of as yet. Hence the potential within us remains infinite.
The secret of reality is that the potential within us and the means of its manifestation, are two sides of the same element. In other words, the Ego evolved over millions of years and the Higher Self that evolved It, are inseparable aspects of a Single Entity, which in turn is inseparable from that Omnipresent Source. 
    This means that, as the prophets said, we are gods.  
It is a long journey. Yet, only when we become aware of our true nature we begin to partake in the creative process in full consciousness. This is what Adam did in Eden, before his Ego took off on its own journey. This is what Yeshûa achieved, when He said "I and my Father are ONE".
    This is what we shall be given a chance to discover during the Age of Aquarius. And, lo and behold, this Age is already with us.
     Good luck. 
A few words of encouragement in a few verses I share with you below.
They have been inspired by Apocryphal Acts of John: “A lamp am I to you that perceive me. A mirror am I to you that know me.”


I walked a distant shore 
Looking left, right, behind me.
I climbed the highest mountain,
I crossed the widest sea.
I looked in every place,
as far as eye could see…
Yet ’til my heart gives out
I’ll keep looking for Thee.

I don’t know who you are,
I’ve never seen your face.
I’d only seen your shadow
though it was filled with light—
and I was blinded by you
whoever you might be.
And then I saw a mirror
and realized: You are me.

I hope your journey will give you equal satisfaction as it did other seekers who met their own mirrors. I can but thank John for opening my eyes. Or was it my heart? Thoughts of God appears to be the road that Albert Einstein had traveled. I hope he reached his destination.
    You decide.
    Have a nice trip...

In Paperback of eBook
and, please, don't forget a review
If you enjoyed my interpretation of "Thoughts of God"
there are 5 more short exegeses you might find interesting.
You'll find them on my webpage



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