Sunday 5 September 2021


 While the Key to Immortality, might help us to assure our length of stay in Devachan  ("Dwelling of the gods" equivalent to the religiously inspired heaven), my book VISUALIZATION might go a long way to improve our life while still embodied in the illusory body here, on Earth. I use the term illusory as science assures us that all is energy. All means ALL, namely our thoughts, emotions, acts and anything else that constitutes our reality. What enables us to distinguish one object, thought, or emotion from another is only the frequency of vibrations of which it consists. 
    So says Albert Einstein, and...  that's all there is to it.

"Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. 
Match the frequency of the reality you want 
and you cannot help but get that reality. 
It can be no other way. 
This is not philosophy. 
This is physics." 
If our faith is stronger than "a grain of mustard seed" (Matthew 17:20), it helps. It helps a lot. In fact if we can visualize the dream as already realized, we are as likely to see it manifested before our eyes. The belief in the power of our visualization being capable of metamorphosing the frequencies of vibrations of various energies is the act that creates our reality.
    That's what gods do in Devachan. They create their own realities. But most of all, they rejoice in enhancing their reality by adding to its diversity.
    You can too. Right here and now.
To repeat my previous blog: if you are still sitting on the fence, straddling between metaphysical, spiritual or scientific approach, try my book. Others have and, apparently, they met with success. 
      You will too. 
    Visualization creates the reality which you desire. There are no limits to it, as long as you don't break Universal Laws. The rest, as the books illustrates, is history. You can make it yours. 
    And to quote my Publisher,  "This book will help you stand on your own feet with such confidence that nothing will ever upset your balance." Just read what others had to say...
  "Author Stanislaw Kapuscinski .....generously provides a wealth of insights while leaving you to draw your own conclusions. .....In the end you know you have been exposed to a life changing body of work that leaves you with the tools to exact that change in your own life."
Excerpts from 5-star review by Amy Taylor, (Amazon USA)
Must read. This should be common knowledge...  
In a world filled with so many choices and so many pitfalls truth is your lifeline."
Excerpts from 5-star review by Alyson Caballero, (Amazon USA)
"What a brilliant book! …I very much enjoyed the way this major work expanded on and complemented the author's three volumes of essays: Beyond Religion I, II, and III. .....Fantastic read."
Excerpts from 5-star review by Brian, (Amazon USA)
"I have read many of Stan I.S. Law's books (all amazing), but this one has been the most useful in a practical sense because it is the most in-depth study of visualization that I have seen. 
.....Some fantastic insights here...."
Excerpts from 5-star review by 
Messages for the Soul, (Amazon USA)
...and many more...
Paperback or eBook
and please, don't forget your review.

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