Wednesday 22 September 2021

ONE JUST MAN (Winston Trilogy)

Witchcraft? Magic? Or a gift of God?
There are as many ways to reach enlightenment as there are people in the world. The Omnipresent Energy of Creative Consciousness individualizes Itself not only in human beings, but in every aspect of Phenomenal reality. Nevertheless, as far as we know, only humans can achieve conscious awareness of this individualization. We refer to It as Higher Self, as against the artificial intelligence generated by our brain which produces our Ego. 
    When, for whatever reason, we perceive the presence of the Higher Consciousness within us, it produces a dichotomy which is often hard to accept. We tend to abide in the Phenomenal reality, regarding it as real.
And this was the problem which our hero, Dr. Peter Thornton, MD, had to face when healing powers began to manifest themselves through his unwilling hands. Why unwilling? Because the new ability denied the totality of knowledge he acquired over long years of study of medicine. 
    When traveling, we often feel lost, a little bewildered, when we wake up in a strange hotel, in unfamiliar surroundings. We feel the same sense of unfamiliarity when we awaken from the dream we regard as life, to a higher level of frequency of vibrations.
    We suddenly become aware that there is more to life than what we perceived from childhood. In fact, in a way, we feel as children again, facing a reality that is strange to us, yet amazingly convincing in the consequences of our acceptance.
    We begin to realize that there is more to the reality of bricks and mortar, and that the truth has liberty and power never before witnessed by our limited, physical senses.
    This is what Dr. Thornton had to face. And, in time, it took him to the gates of immortality. If it weren't for Winston, he might not have made it. The strange, enigmatic Winston. Read on.

...from a Kindle review:
"…an enthralling page-turner…" "a superb read" and "a philosophical gem."
And then they added a few blurbs
 from some 5 STAR reviews:

Great Book! - A must read! - A superb read! - Unforgettable! - 
Awesome Book! - Elevated fiction! - Simply Brilliant! - Fascinating Book! - 
Fascinating Journey! - One Awesome Book! - 
Sizzling philosophical fiction!
You can read the synopses on my webpage or on Amazon. Each book is an independent novel. You can enjoy each on its own. If, however, you want to dive into the mysteries of growth and depth of human potential, start with book one, and continue until the end of the Trilogy.

And then, please, add your blurb. One can't have too many...


 Read for FREE on Kindle. 
Or get the whole trilogy (966 pages)
(3 complete novels for $7.77)

as individual novels in Paperbacks or eBooks


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