Thursday 22 August 2019


Our scientists assure us that the Universe is not only continually expanding, but it is doing so at an ever-accelerating rate. Shouldn’t the rate of expansion slow down as we leave the Big Bang so many billions of years behind, they ask? This baffles them.
It doesn’t have to.
All they need do is to forget the slowest vibrations manifesting as matter, and reach deeper into the profusion of other energies vibrating at a much much higher rate.
I’ve written some books in which my protagonists had been forced to forsake his or her profession, his or her area of expertise, and direct their steps into a completely new direction. Inter alia, this happened to Anne Howell in Avatar Syndrome, and even more so to Dr. Peter Thornton in One Just Man, Book One of the Winston Trilogy. Such changes force our protagonists to create diversity in their lives, and even more so, in the phenomenal Universe in which they experience their becoming.
Dr. Thornton was a very accomplished physician, yet the Universe demanded of him to step outside his comfort zone and venture into the completely unknown. Anne met and conquered even greater challenges to add her contribution to the World.
They both contributed to the expansion of the phenomenal Universe, added to its diversity, and enhanced its quality.
Make no mistake.
The Universe is continuously expanding only thanks to people such as Dr. Thornton and Anne Howell. Most people merely reshuffle what is already there; they keep the Earth spinning... but they do not contribute new diversity to the status quo. They are also useful, they maintain the illusion of reality, they keep it going.
They are among the Many.
Remember the Many being called, and Few being chosen? Well, they are the Many.
And then, there are the vast, overwhelming numbers who not only don’t contribute, nor even maintain the status quo, but like sponges, they suck the juices generated by others. They are the ‘Third Party’; the vast majority responsible for the devolution. After all, we were all near perfect in Eden. Then we multiplied and diluted the creative energies among too many.
The 'Few' will evolve.
The 'Many' will be given another chance. Their energies will be reincarnated and stimulated to become the Few. The rest, the 'Third Party', will be recycled and their slow rates of energies will be purified in the Black Holes. But not wasted. Nothing is ever wasted in the Universe. Nothing ever ceases to exist. All is merely metamorphosed.
So, as you see, there is neither Heaven nor Hell. These are states of consciousness. Heaven — an energy so pure that that one feels an omnipresent Oneness with both, time and space. And Hell, when one loses one’s identity in the materiality of the phenomenal Universe.
Yet we are all born with the divine potential fulminating just below the level of our conscious mind, ready and willing to give us a push towards the unknown. To expand the Universe. And to keep doing so. Forever.


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