Saturday, 31 August 2019


People tend to measure happiness in terms of material possessions. Happiness and wealth often appear to be synonymous. And, in a way, they are, but only if we substitute inner wealth for material possessions. After all, anything made of matter is illusory; at least according to Einstein, Feynman and a number of leading scientists. Others, grasping at what is tangible and known, are left behind. A Danish physicist Niels Bohr once said: “if quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.”
And that appears to include some 7.5 billion people.
Remember, “you can’t take it with you?”

On the other hand, there are intangibles that remain with you even after you leave your physical, hence illusory, phenomenal body. Only elements with higher rates of vibration can we transported across the Great Divide. From the realm of tangible matter to the realm of intangible energy.
And what are those energies?
All those which our scientists hate to include in their Periodic Table of Elements. Energies like emotions, love, thoughts, creative impulse, and any elemental energy whose rate of vibrations is faster than that of light.
After all, E=MC2  which means that matter and phenomenal energies are interchangeable. In fact, one can be converted into another. But only ‘gods’ can metamorphose intangible energies into slower vibrations. Others call such actions miracles.

And this brings us to my novel

 Most people appreciate that it deals with fiction, but some seem to suspect that there may be a prophetic aspect to it.
You decide.
My inspirations invariably come from within, hence from the realm where time and space have a very different meaning. Remember your dreams?
That’s the realm.
As a novel is by definition in the realm of fiction, I allowed myself to exaggerate both the material and the non-phenomenal aspect of reality.
The novel starts in a very down-to-earth manner. People are people,  profoundly limited by their physical makeup. But some of them begin to reach beyond their intrinsic nature. They reach within not for material wealth, but to where their mind can take them beyond material limitations.
Anne Howell was one such person.
She refused to conform to the safe, the established, the known and tried. She reached within and brought it out for others to benefit from her talents.
Perhaps the book is prophetic. After all, her talents and my inspiration come from the same source. Of late, some scientists began to call it the Quantum Field. I call it the Field of my Happiness. Or, just... Heaven.

Book Two

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Friday, 30 August 2019

THE QUANTUM FIELD: Awakening your Potential

The Universe stretches in two directions. Outwards, an ongoing process, and inwards, to its timeless origins. The first is limited by time and space, the second is beyond any limitations, although it is subject to constant metamorphosis.
To put it in modern language, or as Albert Einstein insisted, ALL IS ENERGY. It differs only in the rate at which it vibrates. Starting with the infinite rate, to which the ancient (and some modern) scientists refer to as spirit, to solids which manifest density wherein their:
 “...density is the mass of a substance per unit of volume.”

We, however, are concerned with the rates of vibrations. As the rates slow down, they become detectable to our senses. Hence, we feel the heat, hear the noise, sense smells, and see liquids and solids. Nevertheless, as Einstein has said, they are all energy.
We should note that only the presence of the energy of consciousness enables us to perceive the phenomenal reality. Once consciousness leaves us, we revert to slower vibrations.

There is another causative aspect of metamorphosis. If we combine various rates of vibrations of specific energies, we achieve complexity, a trait on which evolution is based. Over time, the complexities are such as to produce self-awareness. This is not limited to humans but is abundant in all individualizations displaying or manifesting life in any form. In other words, all fauna and flora manifest the energy of consciousness.
Hence, we define life as continuous change through metamorphosis.

The next evolutionary step is to learn to manipulate various energies, and ultimately to reach out to the Quantum Field where they all already exist in their potential form. Quantum Field is the first manifestation of energy in the phenomenal reality. All that does, can, or ever could exist is already extant, ready to be brought into slower rates of vibration, and be manifest in our, human, reality. Consciousness is the causative energy of this process.
When we become aware of the process of metamorphosis, we take our first steps to conscious “divinity”.
At this stage, we become apprentice gods.
We can create any reality we choose.

In time, we learn to manipulate our individualizations using different rates of vibration. Our physical bodies consist of atoms and countless subatomic particles. When we gain awareness of the energies swirling within us, we can transfer our consciousness into elements of much higher rates of vibrations. We might use photons, or, as in our dreams, units of thought. You can call them phonemes (units of sound), but at quantum filed they all exist as building blocks of reality.

At the fundamental level, the creative potential within us already contains all elements which we, as individualized consciousness, ever were, are, or ever will be.
Consciousness, in its purest form, is omnipresent in all realities. It only manifests, transitionally, in different forms. It is, nevertheless, present in every element in the phenomenal universe.

Life is the process of becoming. Since the energy of consciousness is infinite, unrestricted by either time or space, so, ultimately must we be. World without end.

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Tuesday, 27 August 2019

YESHÛA: an Extraordinary Mystery — THE ATHEIST?

Yeshûa wasn’t born to create a religion, but to save us from being exploited and misled by the Pharisees and Sadducees. By the priesthood of yesteryear. Or today. From anyone wanting to control our minds. Our FREE spirit. Our free Consciousness.
All he wanted was to get rid of our anxiety. To make us happy.
“These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.”(John 15:11)

Yeshûa, better known by his Greek name Jesus, made it quite clear that “Kingdom of heaven is within you.” Waiting to die in order to get there is utterly absurd.
And how Heaven would make us happy?
Creative Energy.
Creative Power.
Power over others corrupts. Power to control one’s own reality gives us happiness.
So where do we find this Power?
Again, Yeshûa provides the answer. As it is creative power, he referred to it as Father and claimed that it abided in heaven. So... where is this Heaven?
And here is the clenching punch-line:


How is that possible? Because Heaven is a state of consciousness. It is the eternal state of Being. Not Becoming only Being. An inexhaustible source of Create Energy.
And how did Yeshûa know that?
Such knowledge rests within every one of us, only one must accept the responsibilities it carries. To do so, we must forsake our Egos.
We must accept that we are all ONE.
That, whether we are aware of it or not, the Consciousness that dwells within us also dwells within everyone else. In fact, this Energy is OMNIPRESENT. Here and now. And always. Only here it manifests in a transient, ephemeral, illusory form. The rate of vibrations of this Energy is infinite, indestructible, and eternal.
It is the only true reality.
All else is an illusion.
If you don’t believe me, ask Einstein. He said that energy and mass are different forms of the same thing.

As for our ability to manipulate this energy, we had been given hints in the past. “Ye are gods,” said a prophet. Not you will be, or might become, but ARE.
Again, here and now.
Hence the power needed to create heaven on Earth, here and now, rest within us. Within you and me.
Yeshûa recognized only the power within him, and within you, and every one of us. But wouldn’t that make him an ATHEIST?
Remember: “Ye are gods.” Plural. In Hebrew, the word is Elohim which means Gods. Many gods. As many gods as there are people aware of the fact. Of their heritage.
To make it quite clear, to be a true atheist you must regard yourself as the vessel of the divinity within you. NOT without you.

Imagine. You and I can create any reality we choose. But... only if we believe that we can. Only if we forsake the limitations of our Ego. Within, we are Gods.
Welcome to Heaven!
Here and now. And always.
Thank you, Yeshûa.

Personal Memoir of the

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Sunday, 25 August 2019


Fiction or non-fiction, you decide!
Actually, this is a question I had been asked by a number of people. They read the book and weren’t sure. The answer is still — you decide. Isn’t life a glorious admix of both? Isn’t some reality constricted to our imagination, and some excluded to protect yourself from the vicissitudes of everyday trials and tribulations?
Perhaps it is just objective and subjective. Like the duality of Being and Becoming?
Just as my life, the book is both. It certainly is based on truth, or at least the truth as I saw it. Truth is a subjective affair, just as beauty, it is in the eyes of the beholder. You are the truth, as am I, as is everyone within the realm of their private Universes. After all, we are gods and the realities we create are real to us, whatever others may think.

And this brings us to The GATE.
The world my mother created was so powerful, so contagious, that it seemed to infect, or perhaps to enchant, most people who met her. Although her experiences during the WW2 were more than most of us would endure in an entire lifetime, and other trials and tribulations honed her will to the resilience of invincible steel, the face she presented to the world was always full of inner bliss, seldom seen in mere mortals.
The book will explain.
Perhaps, like the biblical Job, she insisted that no matter what life threw at you, your duty was to maintain equilibrium and acceptance. She’d smile at anyone for as long as it took to see its reflection in the other person’s eyes. That, in the Institute where she’d spent the last years of her life, it seemed was her job. Her duty? She insisted that we were brought to this world to have fun, to be filled with joy, to experience at least the foretaste of Heaven.
This was evident till her very last breath.
She’d done her job. She enhanced the Universe by her very presence. By her disposition. By her indestructible faith.
That is how she lived.
That is how she left her body.
Still smiling.

A fictionalized biography

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Friday, 23 August 2019


Something cannot come out of nothing. So how come the Big Bang? It’s quite simple, really, only scientists (with the exception of a few) are so obsessed with studying what was, or is, that they have little time to study was might be.
Most scientists still regard reality in terms of things they can measure with their primitive instruments/technology. They are constantly forgetting that, even by their inept calculations, the Universe is some 13.8 billion years old, while modern science dates back only to 16th -18th century. At best, we might reach back to Hippocrates (c.460-375 BC) or Aristotle (384-322 BC). This still leaves us more than 13 billion years behind schedule.
But the real problem is not science (which really refers to the method, not to facts) only with the scientists. Most of them still think of reality mostly in terms of matter. Atoms, subatomic particles, some poorly understood ideas on Quantum Field, all held together by some incomprehensible fields of energy are their bread and butter.
They are all wrong.
Reality consists of energy, and only of energy at different rates of vibration. A few scientists accept this premise, most act as though they did not.
If it quacks like a duck... you know the rest...

Most still cannot reconcile that Big Bang, reputedly, came out of nothing. Well, let’s face it, there is no such thing as nothing. At present we recognize a few energies as ‘real’, others as possible, most as ‘non-scientific’, hence non-existent. And yet energies are, all around us, permanently. There is an easy way out of this dilemma.
You and I, the visible reality, the non-visible reality are all energy at different rates of vibration. Things we see, we feel, even things we suspect or sense, they are all energies. Energy is whatever has an effect on anything, yes, including on other energies.
And thus it must include thought, love, different emotions, and most of all, consciousness. This last energy is the only one that is omnipresent, all-powerful, and it can metamorphose into anything in the phenomenal universe by changing its rate of vibration.
Before the Big Bang, Consciousness already existed everywhere.

The phenomenal Universe, like all its components, is in a dual state. It is in a permanent state of Being and the state of Becoming that is transient, ephemeral, and illusory. The only energy that is permanent is Consciousness, characterized by a condition of the infinite rate of vibrations, hence it is beyond limitations of time or space.
It IS.
It manifests the ability to metamorphose into endless rates of vibrations, including those which we manifest here, on Earth.
While alive, our job is to increase the diversity of the phenomenal universe, while maintaining the equilibrium of all energies on which we have any influence. This and this alone is our task. There is no absolute good or evil. These are human traits. There is only balance and diversity.
Everything else is delusion. And there are many.

Coming back to Big Bangs...
Black Holes serve a single purpose, and that is to recycle the spent energies into their primary quality. When enough of the rates are increased to the original condition, a Big Bang occurs. Time and time again. In the whole Multiverse.
And... here we are again.

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Thursday, 22 August 2019


Our scientists assure us that the Universe is not only continually expanding, but it is doing so at an ever-accelerating rate. Shouldn’t the rate of expansion slow down as we leave the Big Bang so many billions of years behind, they ask? This baffles them.
It doesn’t have to.
All they need do is to forget the slowest vibrations manifesting as matter, and reach deeper into the profusion of other energies vibrating at a much much higher rate.
I’ve written some books in which my protagonists had been forced to forsake his or her profession, his or her area of expertise, and direct their steps into a completely new direction. Inter alia, this happened to Anne Howell in Avatar Syndrome, and even more so to Dr. Peter Thornton in One Just Man, Book One of the Winston Trilogy. Such changes force our protagonists to create diversity in their lives, and even more so, in the phenomenal Universe in which they experience their becoming.
Dr. Thornton was a very accomplished physician, yet the Universe demanded of him to step outside his comfort zone and venture into the completely unknown. Anne met and conquered even greater challenges to add her contribution to the World.
They both contributed to the expansion of the phenomenal Universe, added to its diversity, and enhanced its quality.
Make no mistake.
The Universe is continuously expanding only thanks to people such as Dr. Thornton and Anne Howell. Most people merely reshuffle what is already there; they keep the Earth spinning... but they do not contribute new diversity to the status quo. They are also useful, they maintain the illusion of reality, they keep it going.
They are among the Many.
Remember the Many being called, and Few being chosen? Well, they are the Many.
And then, there are the vast, overwhelming numbers who not only don’t contribute, nor even maintain the status quo, but like sponges, they suck the juices generated by others. They are the ‘Third Party’; the vast majority responsible for the devolution. After all, we were all near perfect in Eden. Then we multiplied and diluted the creative energies among too many.
The 'Few' will evolve.
The 'Many' will be given another chance. Their energies will be reincarnated and stimulated to become the Few. The rest, the 'Third Party', will be recycled and their slow rates of energies will be purified in the Black Holes. But not wasted. Nothing is ever wasted in the Universe. Nothing ever ceases to exist. All is merely metamorphosed.
So, as you see, there is neither Heaven nor Hell. These are states of consciousness. Heaven — an energy so pure that that one feels an omnipresent Oneness with both, time and space. And Hell, when one loses one’s identity in the materiality of the phenomenal Universe.
Yet we are all born with the divine potential fulminating just below the level of our conscious mind, ready and willing to give us a push towards the unknown. To expand the Universe. And to keep doing so. Forever.


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Tuesday, 20 August 2019


They, or actually WE, knew it before ‘time’ began. The prophets (Psalm 82:6, repeated in John 10:34) claimed not that we might one day become gods, but that we ARE gods. That the divine power rests (evidently dormant) within our unconscious. Yet, they assured us, we are already all we shall ever be, or might become.
For some of us, this may be hard to accept, but our scientists have decided that in quantum mechanics the flow of time is universal and absolute, while in general relativity it is malleable and relative.
Who is right?
On the other hand, as Stephen Hawkins said: “...when one combines general relativity with the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics, it is possible for both space and time to be finite without any edges or boundaries.”
Got it?
I didn’t. Not yet.

This is the advantage of metaphysics.
In the concept Being, there is no time, whereas, in the condition of Becoming, time is indeed malleable and relative.
This is not so hard to accept.
A baby is human, though its abilities to use human capabilities are not yet apparent. Likewise, we, adults, although in terms of Becoming we are babes in arms yet in the potential of Being we are gods.
Invincible, all-powerful, immortal gods.
Now and then, a man or a woman appears amongst us and proves that both hypotheses are right. They deny the theories of the scientists, or the superstitions of the sacerdotal communities, and demonstrate the divine power welling within them. The rest of us call their achievements ‘miracles’.
Yet, they are simply gods in whom inherent potential has become manifest. At least, to a degree. And then there are the mystics, extraordinary artists, and other geniuses.
Some, just a few, are living today. Mostly incognito.

Although there is a tremendous advantage in the metaphysical approach, things get even worse.
In the absence of time, or if we accept that time is only a dimension inherent to the phenomenal, hence illusory, reality, our potential energy rests, immovable, within our consciousness. In fact, it is our...


Hence, all stages of our evolutionary possibilities already exist beyond our ability (as yet) to comprehend. All stages of our evolutionary becoming already exist in their potential form in the Quantum Field. When we wish to change elements in the phenomenal reality, e.g. if we feel sick, we do not ‘heal’ our bodies, but invoke the healthy versions of ourselves from the Quantum Field.
We visualize our ‘new’ reality.
To make things still more intangible, at the ultimate stage of comprehension we are all One. You might accept that we are all cells in the ever-growing, ever-expanding body of the Universe. The phenomenal, transient, illusory Universe, of course.
Our physical bodies cannot survive without trillions of microorganisms within us, nor can the Universe exist without us.
If the phenomenal World is a persistent, enchanting, and irresistibly glorious Universe, imagine what the ‘real’ reality might be like. Some call it Heaven, which, as Yeshûa assures us, is but a state of consciousness.
For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you,” Jesus had said. (Luke 17:21) 
Do you trust him?


(My books are discussed in them)

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