Monday 2 July 2018

PETER & PAUL and the Third Party

For some quite incomprehensible reason, words attributed to St. Paul became religious dogma. They have been raised to invulnerability reserved to the “Words of God”.
A small group of people usurped the wisdom of the Few, and the Many, led by Paul himself, made a religion out of it. A church. The “Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church”, to the exclusion of all others.
Paul had a vision on the way to Damascus, but, regrettably, it wasn’t enough. It sufficed to stop him in his tracks but didn’t point to the new direction with sufficient precision. Peter knew that Yeshûa’s Kingdom was NOT of this world. Paul didn’t. He tried to build it on Earth.

If we assume that all words originate in our unconscious, then, surely that is where the energy we recognize as spirit resides. Hence, whenever anyone speaks of what has not been spoken before, it is the “word of God.”
And this brings me to today’s subject matter. The Bible (original words, hence by the definition: “Words of God”), states that:
“Many are called, yet few are chosen.”
While God seems to have been explicit in this pronouncement, the expression is lacking when applied to the human race. While indeed Many may have heard the truth referred to above, some 90-95% of people, have not.

They are the
The vast majority.

It is not that they have not heard of the truth, it is just that they ignore it. A “Few” have chosen to listen and practice. Many more are tottering on the seesaw of understanding. And then there is the overwhelming majority of people have not been made privy to the essence of Universal Laws.
To what Einstein called, “The thoughts of God”.
Long before our illustrious physicists concluded that “all is energy”, Peter knew it and tried to apply it. Paul also heard, though second hand. He may have tried hard to fathom the mysteries, yet remained firmly grounded in the phenomenal universe. And the remaining 90-95% of people assume and act as if the phenomenal universe represented the permanent reality.

So we can assume that the Third Party members are still dead, or as Buddha would say, still asleep. They are neither good nor evil. They are like a very promising seed that has not yet sprouted.
Strangely enough, their potential is as incredible as that of all people who began to realize theirs. The great composers, artists, writers, inventors… they all begin in this fashion. And, trust me, it has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with religion. Philosophy yes. Philosophy is the love of wisdom. This trait is inherent in every one of us. Even if in some not yet fully awakened.
In politics, if you appeal to the Third Party, you win. Unfortunately, Paul did that. His church has gained tremendous worldly power. 

An Intuitive Sequel to Yeshûa
Personal Memoir of the Missing Years of Jesus.


  1. To experience the rate of vibrations at the awareness of first heaven, read "AWAKENING—Event Horizon".

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Peter, a fisherman, leads Christians persecuted by Romans and Sanhedrin. Paul is on Roman Legions’ pay. Following a traumatic vision, he awakens.
    Then the miracle of the 50th day!
    Three journeys, famine, prison, escapes, murder, bane, follow. Finally, Peter and Paul unite in Rome, at the Gates of Heaven.
