Monday 9 July 2018

AQUARIUS TRILOGY—Cycles of Devolution

 Jains had it right. Jainism, one of the three (in the West forgotten) religions of early India, has been continuously practiced since around the middle of the first millennium BC.
Jains”, a word derived from the Sanskrit word jina (victor) refers to those who won the battle of Armageddon. Evolution is for the very Few. The majority get recycled.

Even for the Few, evolution does not progress along a straight, upward slope. It does advance, but it follows the cycles of nature. We begin each cycle at a very high rate of vibration, then, gradually we slow down, in every way imaginable, to the reality of the phenomenal Universe. Gradually we begin to see things as permanent, as solids, as three-dimensional objects, limited by its apparent characteristics.
It is all reminiscent of the seasons, of the physical advance and decline of a human body. And not just our physical body. We do not just depreciate physically but, at least most of us, also lose our mental and emotional aptitudes.
And, since we all participate in the evolution of the Universe, it is only fit that we should follow its Laws. Even stars have their cycles, as do galaxies. In a way, we all progress in Vicious Circles, yet, due to our Divine (indestructible) origin, we survive the damage which we create.
Hence, some of us, continue on a rising curve, while others to whom I refer as the Third Party, get recycled. My Aquarius Trilogy serves to illustrate this premise.
After all, our physical bodies are made up of elements originating in the stars and, sooner or later, we must pay our dues. The energy which created all of us remains invulnerable.
Welcome to immortality.
It all depends, however, with which energies you associate yourself. The highest rate of vibrations is infinite, hence omnipresent.
We know it as Consciousness.

There are many traits we lose in the course of endless cycles. We are born (countless billions of years ago?) as individualizations of the Omnipresent Consciousness endowed with limitless abilities. Gradually, as our creative urge drives us to convert our potential ideas into a phenomenal reality, we tend to sacrifice many of them.
There are many examples:
For instance, we tend to assign the ability to communicate with speech as a sign of evolutionary progress. What nonsense! We fail to realize that telepathy is infinitely more advanced than speech. Before we were “given skins”, in Eden, we had been incorporeal beings (made up of energies at a much higher rate of vibration) communicating without speech, even without thoughts. We simply shared ideas even before they were organized into thought.
Strangely… most animals still do it!

No, my friends. There is no evolution. At least not the kind our scientists or even religions talk about. There is only an eternal creative process.
Hopefully, however, we evolve our ability to consciously convert infinite storehouse of ideas into countless phenomenal realities. Into the mirrors of who and what we really are.
And that is a very rare ability indeed. This is why the ancients called us gods.

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