Monday, 30 July 2018


Surely, there is no pride greater than to create a god, never mind The God, in one’s own image and likeness. Or the reverse, for that matter. The energy of the Omnipresent Consciousness, which is the only reality that is permanent in the Universe, cannot be limited, shrunk, diminished or otherwise ridiculed by trying to limit it to any living creature. Let alone the feeble, murderous, incipit, short-lived creature such as a human being.
And yet, we have the potential.
Divine Potential!
No, God could never be human, nor could a human be God. But tiny, incipient gods, gods with a very small ‘g’, proliferate the Universe for countless millennia.
When the ancient prophets called us gods, they were only speaking of the ultimate potential dwelling within us. They never intended to limit “God” to a human being.
People confuse gods, entities who had been created millions if not billions of years ago, with the omnipresent Consciousness which individualizes Itself in all life-forms.
There is only one way in which we can unite with the Omnipresent Consciousness, and that is to give up our own. To give up our Ego, the means of Becoming in the Phenomenal Universe. Only then we can become one with God. God with the capital ‘G’. We would no longer belong to the Phenomenal Reality, to the reality we call the Universe. We would forego our individuality to become pure energy. Yet the contribution we have made to the phenomenal Universe would, hopefully, enhance the creation of other, more advanced entities, which could draw on the collective experience of Becoming.
And so on forever.

While the Key of Immortality had been defied by Thomas in his Gospel, each one of us must find our own way. The process of individualization demands it of us. Diversity is the name of the game. And this leads us to the argument for Reincarnation

Think of your physical body as we do of the leaves which the deciduous trees lose every autumn. Thus we lose our bodies. Yet the trees regain the leaves, fresh and beautiful each spring, to produce wondrous oxygen to support life of countless billions of other living creatures. Likewise we are given fresh bodies, fresh phenomenal enclosures for our immortal Being, in expectation of feeding the Universe with our contribution.
Yes, this includes the whole of the human species. Did you ever say thank you to a tree? Other members of the animal kingdom cannot avoid their destiny. They, too, reincarnate, and gather experience to, one day, do the jobs which at the moment remain in our domain. They are still in Paradise, in the Garden of Eden from which we emerged to do our duty. Our first step must be to find out what it is. Then, once we set out on fulfilling our destiny, the Universe will conspire to help us.
We shall find happiness.
We shall find peace beyond human understanding.
We shall be as god, yet ever with a very small ‘g’.
We shall become aware of the divinity within us.

(32 reviews on Amazon)

(14 reviews)

Monday, 23 July 2018


Many Internet sources confirm that 70% of Earth surface, is water. Of that, 98% is salt water, and 2% sweet, hence drinkable water. And of that 2 % about 90%, is frozen in the polar regions and glaciers on the tops of mountains.
Now, with global warming, the frozen drinkable water will mix with salt water. And, with glaciers and polar regions melting, the sea level will continue to rise. 
Remember the biblical story of Noah? In the Bible, water symbolizes an abundance and the nature of thoughts. E.g.: the Red Sea stood for an emotional barrier. History tends to repeat itself. Like seasons, like Ages of the Zodiac.
Today, human creativity is becoming limited to producing overpopulation. Also, in literature, and entertainment industry, sex, murder, and mayhem is becoming predominant. We’re forgetting that thoughts (the biblical water) are energies that influence our phenomenal reality. Gradually the symbols are becoming… ‘real’. 
While shortages of drinking water will become imminent, the shrinking land will be at a premium. And while this happens, people are bent on producing more and more children.
As Albert Einstein aptly observed, humanity has a problem with a certain infinity. In addition, we appear to be blind to the wisdom of our predecessors. To the wisdom of the past. We have become too physical to recognize anything that is not. The rate of vibration of which our phenomenal reality is constructed is slowing down.

My AQUARIUS TRILOGY, (WALL—Love, Sex, and Immortality, PLUTO EFFECT, and OLYMPUS—Of God and Men), tackles the problems which the Few, the Many, and the Third Party (the last being the vast majority who have never heard of any Universal Laws) will have to face. All of them, of us, will face the same problems, yet, evidently, in very different ways.
You’ll have to read my novels to find out to which group you belong. It has nothing to do with what you do, but very much with how you do it. Your thoughts and emotions define who you are.

The Potential in each one of us is equal.
Sadly,  most of us do not seem to realize it.

Einstein had chosen to refer to the Universal Laws as the “thoughts of God”. Throughout the ages, various mystics tried to acquaint us with some of them. Regrettably, most, if not all of them, have been usurped by various religions and turned into a means of controlling our minds.
Hence, inspired by the Dalai Lama, my search for Secular Ethics.
The Laws have evolved over countless billions of years not to control us but to enhance our lives, our joy, our appreciation of beauty, order, and the delicate balance between all energies generated by the eternal process of Becoming.
When we grow aware of our potential, we shall also realize that we, and we alone, are the creators of the Phenomenal Universe. We, and we alone must and will, take all the credit.
And… blame.

Monday, 16 July 2018

NOW—Being and Becoming

The higher the rate of vibration, the more similar are the characteristics of our perceptions. The single amorphous omnipresent eternal energy vibrating at an infinite rate is the Source of all other rates of vibrations of the omnipresent Energy of Consciousness.
This Energy is beyond the limitations of time of space. Hence, It abides in the eternal state of Being. The slowing down of the rate of vibrations initiates differentiation, bringing about the condition of Becoming.
Briefly, the process converts the potential into manifestation.

Since continuity (immortality) leans heavily on the maintenance of the state of equilibrium, (the only state that assures and sustains continuity), the benefits of those who uphold this Universal Law are immeasurable.
The concept of the Chosen Few applies not to the religious, mental, or financial conditions, but to all, and everything, and everybody who restores and/or maintains balance. Anyone who upholds this immutable Universal Law survives to continue in next reincarnation at whatever plane (rate of vibration) they achieved. The energies that produced other transient forms of expression get recycled, by reintroducing them into new phenomenal entities to repair the damage created in their previous embodiments.
Being is the only permanent energy in nature. All else is transient, and serves only to increase diversity in with Being can express itself. The Universal Laws impose a condition of equilibrium which assures continuity of expansion. This applies to all aspects of the phenomenal Universe.

And this brings me to my novel: NOW—Being and Becoming.
We must always be aware that the Being within us, or the Energy vibrating at an infinite rate is indestructible. Hence, even when the rate of vibration slows down to create the phenomenal Universe, it likewise cannot be destroyed, though by altering its rate of vibration it can metamorphose into endless phenomenal forms.
The condition of coma is not a punitive condition.
 It is a remedial state which enables the recipient of such a ‘blessing’ to reexamine the past in order to restore the memories (Soul) of the incarnate entity (Individualization of Being), to make the right decisions on reentering a conscious state of the phenomenal body.
While this may sound complex, we must remember that the initial incarnations of the energy of Being, did not benefit from stored up memories. The subconscious was ‘empty’. It wasn’t formed yet; it had no memories as yet. Only through repetitive reincarnations entities which reached our evolutionary level can gain access to the experiences accumulated over millions or billions of years.
It might be reasonable to speculate that the myths of the Egyptians, Hindus, Greeks or the Bible, where Elohim, which in Hebrew means gods, not a single God. Those Elohim are credited with the creation on Earth, as well as life on Earth. Perhaps in the fullness of time we, too, will evolve to do likewise.
After all, the energies within us are indestructible. Hence, we are immortal.

These concepts are further developed in my Trilogies now available in e-Box Sets. You might enjoy WINSTON and AQUARIUS TRILOGIES with tackle such dilemmas at length. 

(on sale during July)

Monday, 9 July 2018

AQUARIUS TRILOGY—Cycles of Devolution

 Jains had it right. Jainism, one of the three (in the West forgotten) religions of early India, has been continuously practiced since around the middle of the first millennium BC.
Jains”, a word derived from the Sanskrit word jina (victor) refers to those who won the battle of Armageddon. Evolution is for the very Few. The majority get recycled.

Even for the Few, evolution does not progress along a straight, upward slope. It does advance, but it follows the cycles of nature. We begin each cycle at a very high rate of vibration, then, gradually we slow down, in every way imaginable, to the reality of the phenomenal Universe. Gradually we begin to see things as permanent, as solids, as three-dimensional objects, limited by its apparent characteristics.
It is all reminiscent of the seasons, of the physical advance and decline of a human body. And not just our physical body. We do not just depreciate physically but, at least most of us, also lose our mental and emotional aptitudes.
And, since we all participate in the evolution of the Universe, it is only fit that we should follow its Laws. Even stars have their cycles, as do galaxies. In a way, we all progress in Vicious Circles, yet, due to our Divine (indestructible) origin, we survive the damage which we create.
Hence, some of us, continue on a rising curve, while others to whom I refer as the Third Party, get recycled. My Aquarius Trilogy serves to illustrate this premise.
After all, our physical bodies are made up of elements originating in the stars and, sooner or later, we must pay our dues. The energy which created all of us remains invulnerable.
Welcome to immortality.
It all depends, however, with which energies you associate yourself. The highest rate of vibrations is infinite, hence omnipresent.
We know it as Consciousness.

There are many traits we lose in the course of endless cycles. We are born (countless billions of years ago?) as individualizations of the Omnipresent Consciousness endowed with limitless abilities. Gradually, as our creative urge drives us to convert our potential ideas into a phenomenal reality, we tend to sacrifice many of them.
There are many examples:
For instance, we tend to assign the ability to communicate with speech as a sign of evolutionary progress. What nonsense! We fail to realize that telepathy is infinitely more advanced than speech. Before we were “given skins”, in Eden, we had been incorporeal beings (made up of energies at a much higher rate of vibration) communicating without speech, even without thoughts. We simply shared ideas even before they were organized into thought.
Strangely… most animals still do it!

No, my friends. There is no evolution. At least not the kind our scientists or even religions talk about. There is only an eternal creative process.
Hopefully, however, we evolve our ability to consciously convert infinite storehouse of ideas into countless phenomenal realities. Into the mirrors of who and what we really are.
And that is a very rare ability indeed. This is why the ancients called us gods.

Monday, 2 July 2018

PETER & PAUL and the Third Party

For some quite incomprehensible reason, words attributed to St. Paul became religious dogma. They have been raised to invulnerability reserved to the “Words of God”.
A small group of people usurped the wisdom of the Few, and the Many, led by Paul himself, made a religion out of it. A church. The “Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church”, to the exclusion of all others.
Paul had a vision on the way to Damascus, but, regrettably, it wasn’t enough. It sufficed to stop him in his tracks but didn’t point to the new direction with sufficient precision. Peter knew that Yeshûa’s Kingdom was NOT of this world. Paul didn’t. He tried to build it on Earth.

If we assume that all words originate in our unconscious, then, surely that is where the energy we recognize as spirit resides. Hence, whenever anyone speaks of what has not been spoken before, it is the “word of God.”
And this brings me to today’s subject matter. The Bible (original words, hence by the definition: “Words of God”), states that:
“Many are called, yet few are chosen.”
While God seems to have been explicit in this pronouncement, the expression is lacking when applied to the human race. While indeed Many may have heard the truth referred to above, some 90-95% of people, have not.

They are the
The vast majority.

It is not that they have not heard of the truth, it is just that they ignore it. A “Few” have chosen to listen and practice. Many more are tottering on the seesaw of understanding. And then there is the overwhelming majority of people have not been made privy to the essence of Universal Laws.
To what Einstein called, “The thoughts of God”.
Long before our illustrious physicists concluded that “all is energy”, Peter knew it and tried to apply it. Paul also heard, though second hand. He may have tried hard to fathom the mysteries, yet remained firmly grounded in the phenomenal universe. And the remaining 90-95% of people assume and act as if the phenomenal universe represented the permanent reality.

So we can assume that the Third Party members are still dead, or as Buddha would say, still asleep. They are neither good nor evil. They are like a very promising seed that has not yet sprouted.
Strangely enough, their potential is as incredible as that of all people who began to realize theirs. The great composers, artists, writers, inventors… they all begin in this fashion. And, trust me, it has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with religion. Philosophy yes. Philosophy is the love of wisdom. This trait is inherent in every one of us. Even if in some not yet fully awakened.
In politics, if you appeal to the Third Party, you win. Unfortunately, Paul did that. His church has gained tremendous worldly power. 

An Intuitive Sequel to Yeshûa
Personal Memoir of the Missing Years of Jesus.