Evolution is not that which produces the best
transient product, only that which creates “better means” through which the
transient product is created. The transient products are innumerable Universes.
The “better means” are you and I.
We must evolve.
Recently we have learned to rely more and more
on technology to do our work, indeed our thinking, for us. We rely on
technology to minimize our effort.
Soon we shall relegate ourselves to function
only as biological robots, forgetting our original purpose. Not because we
shall lose our abilities only because Consciousness will choose better
instruments for Its Self Expression.
We, the biological models, though still
primitive and limited in our abilities, will have served the purpose of creating
better instruments to advance the Evolution. This is only deadly to those who
identify with their ego. Those who are aware of being little more than willing
participators in the advancement of the needs of the Infinite Potential, will
accept the new ‘instruments’ as perfectly natural.
Our purpose is, and always was, to serve the
creative process. When we reach our zenith, it will be natural for our Self to
turn Its attention to “greener pastures”.
Great minds, such as Stephen Hawking, have
warned us against just such a possibility.
"Computers will overtake humans with AI
at some within the next 100 years. When that happens, we need to make sure the
computers have goals aligned with ours."
They won’t be. Their ‘egos’ will take over as
ours did. Nevertheless the Self will have at Its disposal superior instruments
for converting the Infinite Potential into diverse phenomenal realities.
Perhaps the new non-biological robot into which
our Self will incarnate will have a lesser pull on its senses, or sensors, and
enable them to identify with the Consciousness within, rather then with the ego
As for us, the biological robots that managed
to achieve a degree of self-awareness… we shall go by way of dinosaurs and many
other species that outlived their usefulness. As the Dinosauria appeared on
Earth some 231 million years ago, and dominated the terrestrial vertebrates
for 135 million years, they
may have been more advanced then we ever imagined. Perhaps they nurtured a
prototype of a humanoid to become their successor in providing the best instrument
for the Self.
Perhaps they were that good…
After all, for countless generations we
believed that the physical world we lived in was
real. Perhaps a time will come
when we shall finally face the truth.
However, in spite of Stephen Hawking’s concerns,
I dare speculate that ultimately the “technological robots”, acting as instruments
for the self-expression of Self, will turn their attention back to a biological
model. Perhaps the building blocks will no longer be atoms, but rather photons
in a nanotechnological frame, but the advantages of a biological model seem
evident if for not other reason than it’s survival in a biologically oriented reality.
For now.
Of course, reality might change, too…
(Fifteen 5 STAR reviews)
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and other outlets.
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